[上海君永] 现货供应台湾宣荣CAHO温度控制器,CAHO宣荣感温棒,CAHO宣荣固态继电器,台湾宣荣CAHO(LAHO)是从温度控制器、感温棒、固态继电器到相位电力控制器一贯生产之专业制造商,提供各种工业生产机械设备如食品机械、塑胶押出、射出机、压铸机、包装机械、干燥机、恒温机、冷水机等广泛应用。
相位电力控制器(可控硅) :用于食品机械、烘干机械、塑胶押出机械、电线电缆机械、粉末冶金、高温陶瓷、UV、IR干燥机、金属热处理、塑胶皮革贴合、织维染色加温设备、物理化学仪器、电力型电压输出调整设备及工业加热设备等等。
固态继电器SR-D2525 SR-D2540 SR-D4825 SR-D4840 SR-A2510 SR-A4825 SR-R2510 SR-A3825 SR-R2540 SR-R3840 SR-D2510 SR-D4810 SR-A4810 SR-A2540;
(3相)固态继电器3D4820 3D4830 3D4840 3D4860
(3相2模组)固态继电器2HD4840 2HD4860 2HD4880 2HD48100 2HD48120 2HD48160
(3相3模组)固态继电器3HD4840 3HD4860 3HD4880 3HD48100 3HD48120 3HD48160
大安培固态继电器(大安培40A-80A)SR-HD2540 SR-HD4840 SR-HA2560 SR-HA3880 SR-HA4840 SR-HR2540 SR-HR2560 SR-HR2580 SR-HD2560 SR-HD2580;
单相(20A-40A)相位电力控制器可控硅1103 /1302/1303/1304/1202/1402/1403/1404/1102
三项(30A-160A )相位电力控制器可控硅3203/3204/3206/3210/3304/3306/3308/3316/3406
供应现货CD系列温控仪,CH系列温控仪RKC温度控制器(CH102/CH402/CD701/CD901)现货供应日本RKC理化温控器RKCCD901CD701CD501CD401CH402CB100REX-C900 REX-C700REX-C410REX-C400REX-C100REX-F900REX-F400以上规格部分现货,可以根据客户要求改成继电器、电压、电流输出、双输出、双报警等现货供应日本RKC理化全系列温控器日本RKC温控器(回路调节器)CD901、CD701、CD501、CD401、CH402、CB100、REX-C900、C700、C410、 C400、C100、F900、F700、F400,备有大量现货。技术力量雄厚,能为客户提供各种不同类型输入、输出、报警、程序等类型的产品。 CD901FK02-M*AN、 CD901FK02-V*AN、 CD901FK02-8*AN、 CD701FK02-M*AN、 CD701FK02-V*AN、 CD701FK02-8*AN、 CD501FK02-M*AN、 CD501FK02-V*AN、 CD501FK02-8*AN、 CD401FK02-M*AN、 CD401FK02-V*AN、 CD401FK02-8*AN、 CH402FK02-M*AN、 CH402FK02-V*AN、 CH402FK02-8*AN、 CB100FK02-M*AN、 CB100FK02-V*AN、 CB100FK02-8*AN、 REX-C900FK02-M*AN、 REX-C900FK02-V*AN、 REX-C900FK02-8*AN、 REX-C700FK02-M*AN、 REX-C700FK02-V*AN、 REX-C700FK02-8*AN、 REX-C410FK02-M*AN、 REX-C410FK02-V*AN、 REX-C410FK02-8*AN、 REX-C400FK02-M*AN、 REX-C400FK02-V*AN、 REX-C400FK02-8*AN、 REX-C100FK02-M*AN、 REX-C100FK02-V*AN、 REX-C100FK02-8*AN、 REX-F900FK02-M*AN、 REX-F900FK02-V*AN、 REX-F900FK02-8*AN、 REX-F400FK02-M*AN、 REX-F900FK02-V*AN、 REX-F900FK02-8*AN、 CD系列温控器(回路调节器): * 自主校正功能 * 大屏LED显示 * 加热/冷却控制 * 数字通讯 * 报警加热器断线报警控制环断线报警输入类型 a) 热电偶(TC):K,J,E,T,R,S,B,U,L,N,PL2,W5Re/w26Re b) 热电阻(RTD):Pt100 JPT100 c) 直流输入:DC0~5V,DC1~5V,DC0~20mA*,DC4~20mA* *需在输入端子间接250W的电阻输入显示精度:(设定值SV的0.3%+1位)输入范围:参照输入范围表采样周期:0.5sec 过程值偏置-1999~9999℃[°F]或-199.9~999.9℃[°F](温度输入) ±全量程(电压/电流输入)全量设定范围 a)设定值(SV):等同温度范围值 b)加热侧比例带(P):1—量程或0.1—量程(温度输入)*1量程的0.1~100.0%(电压输入) c)制冷侧比例带(Pc):加热侧比例的1~1000% d)积分时间(I):1—3600sec*2 e)微分时间(D):1—3600sec*3 f)限制积分动作生效范围(ARW):比例带的1—100%*4 g)加热侧比例周期1—100sec*h)制冷侧比例周期1—100sec*6 2. 日本RKC温控器(回路调节器)CD901、CD701、CD501、CD401、CH402、CB100、REX-C900、C700、C410、C400、C100、F900、F700、F400,备有大量现货。技术力量雄厚,能为客户提供各种不同类型输入、输出、报警、程序等类型的产品。 CH402-FK02-M*GN-NN CD901-WK03-MM*AN CD901WK02-VV*AN CH102-FK02-M*AN CD501-FD10-M*GN-NN REX-D400F-N*TN-NN CD901-FK02-N*AN CD701-FK02-8*GN CH102-FK02-M*AN C900-FK06-M*EN CD701-FK06-M*EN CD701-FK02-M*GN-NN CD901-FK02-M*AN-NN CH402-FK02-VM*AN CD901-FK05-8*AN CB700-FK07-M*NN CD701-FK07-N*AN CD701-FD10-M*NN CH102-FK02-V CD901-FD01-M*AB CH402-D10-V*AN-NN CD901-FK02-R*AN CD701-FK02-V*AN-NN-AY CH102-FK07-V*AN-NN CD901-F401-NN-5N CH102-F103-V*AN-5N CH102-F103-V*AN-5N CD901-FK02-M*AD-NN CH402-FD02-V*AJ-NN REX-F400WK09-VM*DN-NNN-NN CH102WK02-MM*GM5N D400F-N*DN-N-N CH402FK07-V*NN*NN/A/Y CD401FDA8-MMXGG-NN DC24V CD401FDA8-MMXGG-NN AC110-220V CH402FK07-V*NN*NN/A/Y CD901FD10-8*AF C400用CH402替代 CD901FK02-8*AN-5N (带通讯功能) F400WJA5-MM*AB-NNN-NNZ-156B CD701FD09-M*AF-NN/A/Y cd901f801-8*an F900F801-8*AN-N 用FB900替代 CH402FJ03-8*NN REX-D900F-8-DN-N-5 REX-D400F-N*DN-N-5 FB900-8N-4*4NN5/AL-F801 CH102FJ03-8*NN-NN CD701FK02-8*NN-NN/A/Y CH402-FK02-V*AN 480 现货 CH402-FK02-8*AN CD901F801-08*HD-NN CD901FD01-8M*H5N 0-300度 PT100带通讯 CD901FD01-MM*H5N 0-300度 PT100带通讯 FB900-8N-4*4MN D900-F-N*DS-N-N cd901fk02-m*kn CB400FK02-M*GP-NN/A/Y 用CH402FK02替代 FB400WJA5-MM*AB-NNN-NN CD901-FK02-M*GN-5N REX-D400W-N*DS-NN cd901fd10-m*gn-nn CB100-FK03-V*CN-NN/A用CH102替代 F400FK09-M*AN-63N-NN *3用FB400替代 F400WK09-MM*AN-63N-NN *2 用FB400替代 cd901f801-8*gn-nn CD901WD08-VM*AN-5N CD90WD08-VM*AN-NN cd901fk02-8*gn-nn CH102WD08-MM*AN-NN-A-Y CD901FS01-8*AA CD901FK06-8*AB-NN CD901FK06-8*AB-5N D400F-N*DN-N-N CD501-FD10-8*AF-5N CD901-FD10-8*AN-5N FB900-5V-4*4NNNAN-FK04 CH402FK02-VM*AN-NN CH102FD10-M*AF-5N/A/Y CD901F801-8*AN-5N FB900-8N-4*4NN5/A1-F801/Y CD901FD10-8*AN 温度控制器 |
WTZK-51-C船用压力式温度控制器 WTZK-51-C船用压力式温度控制器采用温包型传感器。可用于空气温度的调节系统。控制器的设定值可调,调节范围10-40℃。
effective from: 1st march, 2006price listmitsubishi melsec-fx series programmable controllers[fx3u, fx3uc series](hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[fx3u series base unit]fx3u-128mr-es-a base unit with 64 inputs/64 relay outputs 12,040.00fx3u-80mr-es-a base unit with 40 inputs/40 relay outputs 8,950.00fx3u-64mr-es-a base unit with 32 inputs/32 relay outputs 7,740.00fx3u-48mr-es-a base unit with 24 inputs/24 relay outputs 6,900.00fx3u-32mr-es-a base unit with 16 inputs/16 relay outputs 5,970.00fx3u-16mr-es-a base unit with 8 inputs/8 relay outputs 5,150.00fx3u-80mr-ds base unit with 40 inputs/40 relay outputs (dc) 8,950.00fx3u-64mr-ds base unit with 32 inputs/32 relay outputs (dc) 7,740.00fx3u-48mr-ds base unit with 24 inputs/24 relay outputs (dc) 6,900.00fx3u-32mr-ds base unit with 16 inputs/16 relay outputs (dc) 5,970.00fx3u-16mr-ds base unit with 16 inputs/16 relay outputs (dc) 5,150.00fx3u-128mt-es-a base unit with 64 inputs/64 transistor outputs 12,410.00fx3u-80mt-es-a base unit with 40 inputs/40 transistor outputs 9,230.00fx3u-64mt-es-a base unit with 32 inputs/32 transistor outputs 7,980.00fx3u-48mt-es-a base unit with 24 inputs/24 transistor outputs 7,110.00fx3u-32mt-es-a base unit with 16 inputs/16 transistor outputs 6,160.00fx3u-16mt-es-a base unit with 8 inputs/8 transistor outputs 5,300.00fx3u-80mt-ds base unit with 40 inputs/40 relay outputs (dc) 9,230.00fx3u-64mt-ds base unit with 32 inputs/32 relay outputs (dc) 7,980.00fx3u-48mt-ds base unit with 24 inputs/24 relay outputs (dc) 7,110.00fx3u-32mt-ds base unit with 16 inputs/16 relay outputs (dc) 6,160.00fx3u-16mt-ds base unit with 16 inputs/16 relay outputs (dc) 5,300.00-[fx3uc series base unit]fx3uc-32mt-lt base unit with 16 inputs/16 transistor outputs 9,240.00-[fx3u(c) adapter board]-fx3u-232-bd rs-232c serial port (1 ch) 470.00fx3u-422-bd rs-422 serial port (1 ch) 470.00fx3u-485-bd rs-485 serial port (1 ch) 470.00fx3u-cnv-bd fx3u module transform unit 420.00fx3u-usb-bd usb communication port (for all fx series plc) 850.00-[fx3u(c) special adapter units]fx3u-2hsy-adp 2 channels pulse train output 6,730.00fx3u-4ad-adp 4 channels a/d 2,070.00fx3u-4ad-pt-adp 4 channels temperature inputs, pt type 3,350.00fx3u-4ad-tc-adp 4 channels temperature inputs, thermal couple type 3,350.00fx3u-4da-adp 4 channels d/a 3,350.00fx3u-4hsx-adp 4 channels high speed counter 4,440.00fx3u-232adp rs232 communication module 1,330.00fx3u-485adp rs485 communication module 1,650.00* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice fx3u-plc-(1/2)mitsubishiprogrammable controllereffective from: 1st march, 2006price listmitsubishi melsec-fx series programmable controllers[fx3u, fx3uc series](hk$)model desc-ription unit price- [fx3u(c) special units]fx3u-1psu-5v dc 5v 1a power supply unit for fx3u series 1,800.00fx3u-4ad 4 channels a/d 2,490.00fx3u-4da 4 channels d/a 4,020.00fx3u-7dm display panel 1,470.00fx3u-7dm-hld display panel holder 670.00fx3u-20ssc-h 2 chl ssc-net module 7,210.00fx3u-32bl backup battery for fx3uc cpu 610.00fx3uc-1ps-5v dc 5v 1a power supply unit for fx3uc series 1,800.00fx3uc-4ad 4 channels a/d (16bit) 2,490.00-[memory cassette]fx3u-flrom-16 16k flash rom memory cassette 520.00fx3u-flrom-64 64k flash rom memory cassette 840.00fx3u-flrom-64l 64k plc program transfer unit 1,260.00* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice fx3u-plc-(2/2)mitsubishiprogrammable controllereffective from : 1st march, 2006price listmitsubishi melsec-fx series programmable controllers[fx2n, fx2nc series](hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[fx2n series base unit]fx2n-128mr-001 base unit with 64 inputs/64 relay outputs 10,120.00fx2n-80mr-001 base unit with 40 inputs/40 relay outputs 7,030.00fx2n-64mr-001 base unit with 32 inputs/32 relay outputs 6,280.00fx2n-48mr-001 base unit with 24 inputs/24 relay outputs 5,490.00fx2n-32mr-001 base unit with 16 inputs/16 relay outputs 5,180.00fx2n-16mr-001 base unit with 8 inputs/8 relay outputs 4,150.00fx2n-80mr-d base unit with 40 inputs/40 relay outputs (dc) 7,030.00fx2n-64mr-d base unit with 32 inputs/32 relay outputs (dc) 6,280.00fx2n-48mr-d base unit with 24 inputs/24 relay outputs (dc) 5,490.00fx2n-32mr-d base unit with 16 inputs/16 relay outputs (dc) 5,180.00fx2n-128mt-001 base unit with 64 inputs/64 transistor outputs 10,330.00fx2n-80mt-001 base unit with 40 inputs/40 transistor outputs 7,180.00fx2n-64mt-001 base unit with 32 inputs/32 transistor outputs 6,410.00fx2n-48mt-001 base unit with 24 inputs/24 transistor outputs 5,600.00fx2n-32mt-001 base unit with 16 inputs/16 transistor outputs 5,290.00fx2n-16mt-001 base unit with 8 inputs/8 transistor outputs 4,240.00fx2n-80mt-d base unit with 40 inputs/40 transistor outputs (dc) 7,180.00fx2n-64mt-d base unit with 32 inputs/32 transistor outputs (dc) 6,410.00fx2n-48mt-d base unit with 24 inputs/24 transistor outputs (dc) 5,600.00fx2n-32mt-d base unit with 16 inputs/16 transistor outputs (dc) 5,290.00-[fx2nc series basic unit]fx2nc-96mt base unit with 48 inputs/48 tranisitor outputs 8,760.00fx2nc-64mt base unit with 32 inputs/32 tranisitor outputs 6,610.00fx2nc-32mt base unit with 16 inputs/16 tranisitor outputs 4,230.00fx2nc-16mt base unit with 8 inputs/8 tranisitor outputs 3,220.00-[fx2n series extension unit]fx2n-48er extension unit with 24 inputs/24 relay outputs 4,190.00fx2n-48et extension unit with 24 inputs/24 transistor outputs 4,190.00fx2n-32er extension unit with 16 inputs/16 relay outputs 3,060.00fx2n-32et extension unit with 16 inputs/16 transistor outputs 3,060.00fx2n-16ex extension unit with 16 input 1,120.00fx2n-16eyr extension unit with 16 relay outputs 1,270.00fx2n-16eyt extension unit with 16 transistor outputs 1,270.00fx2n-8er extension unit with 4 inputs/4 relay outputs 900.00fx2n-8ex extension unit with 8 inputs 750.00fx2n-8eyr extension unit with 8 relay outputs 900.00fx2n-8eyt extension unit with 8 transistor outputs 900.00-[fx2nc series extension unit]fx2nc-32ex extension unit with 32 inputs 2,410.00fx2nc-32eyt extension unit with 32 transistor outputs 2,560.00fx2nc-16ex extension unit with 16 inputs 1,360.00fx2nc-16eyt extension unit with 16 transistor outputs 1,660.00fx2nc-16ex-t extension unit with 16 inputs 1,080.00fx2nc-16eyr-t extension unit with 8 relay outputs 1,320.00* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice fx2n-plc-(1/2)mitsubishiprogrammable controllereffective from : 1st march, 2006price listmitsubishi melsec-fx series programmable controllers[fx2n. fx2nc series](hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[fx2n special function unit]fx2n-2ad 2 channels a/d 1,740.00fx2n-2da 2 channels d/a 2,100.00fx2n-2lc 2 channels temperature control block 4,450.00fx2n-4ad 4 channels a/d 2,310.00fx2n-4ad-pt 4 channels temperature inputs, pt type 3,270.00fx2n-4ad-tc 4 channels temperature inputs, thermal couple type 3,270.00fx2n-4da 4 channels d/a 3,270.00fx2n-5a 4 channel a/d, 1 channel d/a 3,400.00fx2n-8ad 8 channels a/d 7,630.00fx2n-1hc high speed counter block (1 ch) 3,170.00fx2n-1pg-e pulse train output block (1 ch-100khz) 4,270.00fx2n-10gm 1 axis position control unit 4,630.00fx2n-10pg pulse train output block (1 ch-1mhz) 5,250.00fx2n-20gm 2 axis position control unit 8,860.00e-20tp-e-set0 programmer for fx2n-10gm and fx2n-20gm 5,260.00e-gm-200cab 2 m cable for servo driver 360.00e-gmj2-200cab1a 2 m cable for mr-j2 servo driver 850.00fx2n-1rm-e-set programmable cam module include resolver 8,770.00f2-720rsv resolver 3,360.00f2-rs-5cab extension cable for fx2n-rs-5cab 710.00fx2n-rs-5cab signal cable between fx2n-1rm and f2-720rsv 620.00fx-pcs-vps/win-e gm graphical programming software 1,070.00fx2n-16ccl-m computer and communication link master block 2,700.00fx2n-16lnk-m remote i/o system master block 2,160.00fx2n-32asi-m as-interface module 4,230.00fx2n-32ccl computer and communication link interface block 2,490.00fx2n-64cl-m cc-link/lt master block 2,560.00fx2n-20psu power supply unit (24dc, 2a) 1,670.00fx2n-232if rs-232 communication block (1 ch) 4,480.00fx2n-cnv-if extension cable convertor (fx2 to fx2n) 400.00-[fx2n adapter board]fx2n-8av-bd manually adjustable potentiometer input boards 400.00fx2n-232-bd rs-232c serial port (1 ch) 400.00fx2n-422-bd rs-422 serial port (1 ch) 400.00fx2n-485-bd rs-485 serial port (1 ch) 400.00fx2n-cnv-bc extension cable convertor 400.00fx2n-cnv-bd fx0n module transform unit 400.00-[fx2n special function unit]fx2nc-232-adp rs232 communication module 1,230.00fx2nc-485-adp rs485 communication module 1,550.00fx2nc-cnv-if interface adapter 400.00fx2n-plc-(2/2)mitsubishiprogrammable controllereffective from: 1st march, 2006price listmitsubishi melsec-fx series programmable controllers[fx1n, fx1s series](hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[fx1n series base unit]fx1n-60mr-001 base unit with 36 inputs/24 relay outputs 4,680.00fx1n-40mr-001 base unit with 24 inputs/16 relay outputs 4,030.00fx1n-24mr-001 base unit with 14 inputs/10 relay outputs 3,330.00fx1n-14mr-001 base unit with 8 inputs/6 relay outputs 2,310.00fx1n-60mr-d base unit with 36 inputs/24 relay outputs (dc) 4,490.00fx1n-40mr-d base unit with 24 inputs/16 relay outputs (dc) 4,010.00fx1n-24mr-d base unit with 14 inputs/10 relay outputs (dc) 2,990.00fx1n-60mt-001 base unit with 36 inputs/24 transistor outputs 4,800.00fx1n-40mt-001 base unit with 24 inputs/16 transistor outputs 4,130.00fx1n-24mt-001 base unit with 14 inputs/10 transistor outputs 3,400.00fx1n-14mt-001 base unit with 8 inputs/6 transistor outputs 2,400.00fx1n-60mt-d base unit with 36 inputs/24 transistor outputs (dc) 4,600.00fx1n-40mt-d base unit with 24 inputs/16 transistor outputs (dc) 4,100.00fx1n-24mt-d base unit with 14 inputs/10 transistor outputs (dc) 3,100.00-[fx1nc series basic unit]fx1nc-16mt base unit with 8 inputs/8 tranisitor outputs 2,550.00fx1nc-32mt base unit with 16 inputs/16 tranisitor outputs 3,550.00-[fx1s series base unit]fx1s-30mr-001 base unit with 16 inputs/14 relay outputs 2,870.00fx1s-20mr-001 base unit with 12 inputs/8 relay outputs 2,350.00fx1s-14mr-001 base unit with 8 inputs/6 relay outputs 1,850.00fx1s-10mr-001 base unit with 6 inputs/4 relay outputs 1,580.00fx1s-30mr-d base unit with 16 inputs/14 relay outputs (dc) 2,720.00fx1s-20mr-d base unit with 12 inputs/8 relay outputs (dc) 2,230.00fx1s-14mr-d base unit with 8 inputs/6 relay outputs (dc) 1,850.00fx1s-10mr-d base unit with 6 inputs/4 relay outputs (dc) 1,530.00fx1s-30mt-001 base unit with 16 inputs/14 transistor outputs 2,940.00fx1s-20mt-001 base unit with 12 inputs/8 transistor outputs 2,410.00fx1s-14mt-001 base unit with 8 inputs/6 transistor outputs 1,900.00fx1s-10mt-001 base unit with 6 inputs/4 transistor outputs 1,620.00fx1s-30mt-d base unit with 16 inputs/14 transistor outputs (dc) 2,800.00fx1s-20mt-d base unit with 12 inputs/8 transistor outputs (dc) 2,300.00fx1s-14mt-d base unit with 8 inputs/6 transistor outputs (dc) 1,900.00fx1s-10mt-d base unit with 6 inputs/4 transistor outputs (dc) 1,570.00-[fx1n adapter board]fx1n-1da-bd 1 channel d/a 1,210.00fx1n-2ad-bd 2 channels a/d 1,210.00fx1n-2eyt-bd ext. board with 2 transistor outputs 500.00fx1n-4ex-bd ext. board with 4 inputs 500.00fx1n-8av-bd manually adjustable potentiometer input boards 400.00fx1n-232-bd rs-232c serial port (1 ch) 400.00fx1n-422-bd rs-422 serial port (1 ch) 400.00fx1n-485-bd rs-485 serial port (1 ch) 400.00fx1n-cnv-bd fx0n module transform unit 400.00-[memory cassette]fx1n-eeprom-8l plc program transfer unit 710.00* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice fx1n/s-plc-(1/1)mitsubishiprogrammable controllereffective from: 1st march, 2006price listmitsubishi melsec-fx series programmable controllers[fx1n, fx1s, fx2n, fx2nc, fx3u, fx3uc series](hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[fx0n series extension units]fx0n-40er extension unit with 24 inputs/16 relay outputs 2,980.00fx0n-40et extension unit with 24 inputs/16 transistor outputs 2,980.00-[fx0n special units]fx0n-3a 2 channel a/d, 1 channel d/a 2,330.00fx0n-30ec extension cable (30cm) 290.00fx0n-65ec extension cable (60cm) 350.00fx0n-32nt-dp profibus-dp interface unit 2,420.00-[programming software, tools & cable]f2-40bl backup battery for fx cpu 530.00fx-2pif 2 to 1 interface for fx-20p-e, data access unit and fx plc 4,490.00fx-20p-adp-kit offline programming adaptor 1,480.00fx-20p-cadp universal adaptor cable 0.3m 250.00fx-20p-e-set0 handy programming panel for fx0s,fx0n,fx2n series cpu 2,740.00fx-20p-rwm rom writer for fx-20p-e 3,380.00fx-485pc-if rs232/rs485 converter 1,360.00fx-usb-aw usb to rs422 converter 2,200.00gx-developer-c program software, window version (gppw/llt) - chin. 6,300.00gx-developer-e program software, window version (gppw/llt) - eng. 6,300.00sc09 rs232/rs422 interface unit 2,000.00- [remote terminal block &cable]fx-16e-tb terminal box for 16 inputs 330.00fx-32e-tb terminal box for 32 inputs 560.00fx-16eyr-tb terminal box for 16 relay outputs 1,450.00fx-16eys-tb terminal box for 16 traic outputs 1,770.00fx-16eyt-tb terminal box for 16 transistor outputs 1,450.00fx-16eyt-h-tb terminal box for 16 transistor outputs, high current 2,010.00fx-16e-150cab 1.5m connection cable 360.00fx-16e-300cab 3 m connection cable 400.00fx-16e-500cab 5 m connection cable 570.00fx-16e-150cab-r 1.5m connection cable 410.00fx-16e-300cab-r 3 m connection cable 450.00fx-16e-500cab-r 5 m connection cable 570.00-[memory cassette]fx-eeprom-4 4k eeprom memory cassette 490.00fx-eeprom-8 8k eeprom memory cassette 620.00fx-eeprom-16 16k eeprom memory cassette 1,020.00fx-eprom-8 8k eprom memory cassette 490.00fx2n-rom-e1 inverter instruction cassette 1,460.00fx2nc-eeprom-16 16k eeprom memory cassette (fx2nc) 1,210.00* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice fx-plc-(1/1)mitsubishiprogrammable controller生效期:2006年3月1日價格表[ a700 系列變頻器]型號sld 過載能力*(kw, 電流)ld 過載能力*(kw, 電流)nd 過載能力*(kw, 電流)hd 過載能力*(kw, 電流) 單價(hk$)-[ fr-a740 系列, 3 相380v 50hz等級, 高功能矢量控制型]fr-a740-0.4k-cht 0.75 2.3a 0.75 2.1a 0.4 1.5a 0.2 0.8a 6,880fr-a740-0.75k-cht 1.5 3.8a 1.5 3.5a 0.75 2.5a 0.4 1.5a 7,040fr-a740-1.5k-cht 2.2 5.2a 2.2 4.8a 1.5 4a 0.75 2.5a 7,530fr-a740-2.2k-cht 3.7 8.3a 3.7 7.6a 2.2 6a 1.5 4a 8,320fr-a740-3.7k-cht 5.5 12.6a 5.5 11.5a 3.7 9a 2.2 6a 8,890fr-a740-5.5k-cht 7.5 17a 7.5 16a 5.5 12a 3.7 9a 11,780fr-a740-7.5k-cht 11 25a 11 23a 7.5 17a 5.5 12a 14,020fr-a740-11k-cht 15 31a 15 29a 11 23a 7.5 17a 19,330fr-a740-15k-cht 18.5 38a 18.5 35a 15 31a 11 23a 23,090fr-a740-18.5k-cht 22 47a 22 43a 18.5 38a 15 31a 27,270fr-a740-22k-cht 30 62a 30 57a 22 44a 18.5 38a 31,990fr-a740-30k-cht 37 77a 37 70a 30 57a 22 44a 37,010fr-a740-37k-cht 45 93a 45 85a 37 71a 30 57a 46,490fr-a740-45k-cht 55 116a 55 106a 45 86a 37 71a 56,880fr-a740-55k-cht 不適用不適用55 110a 45 86a 74,990fr-a740-75k-cht 110 216a 90 180a 75 144a 55 110a 83,010fr-a740-90k-cht 132 260a 110 216a 90 180a 75 144a 98,620fr-a740-110k-cht 160 325a 132 260a 110 216a 90 180a 112,280fr-a740-132k-cht 185 361a 160 325a 132 260a 110 216a 126,650fr-a740-160k-cht 220 432a 185 361a 160 325a 132 260a 163,670fr-a740-185k-cht 250 481a 220 432a 185 361a 160 325a 207,890fr-a740-220k-cht 280 547a 250 481a 220 432a 185 361a 224,910fr-a740-250k-cht 315 610a 280 547a 250 481a 220 432a 254,500fr-a740-280k-cht 355 683a 315 610a 280 547a 250 481a 284,080fr-a740-315k-cht 400 770a 355 683a 315 610a 280 547a 411,860fr-a740-355k-cht 450 866a 400 770a 355 683a 315 610a 539,640fr-a740-400k-cht 500 962a 450 866a 400 770a 355 683a 550,270fr-a740-450k-cht 560 1094a 500 962a 450 866a 400 770a 575,070fr-a740-500k-cht 630 1212a 560 1094a 500 962a 450 866a 621,130備注:sld (super light duty) 過載能力: 110% 60秒, 120% 3秒, 環境溫度攝氏40度ld (light duty) 過載能力: 120% 60秒, 150% 3秒, 環境溫度攝氏50度nd (normal duty) 過載能力: 150% 60秒, 200% 3秒, 環境溫度攝氏50度hd (heavy duty) 過載能力: 200% 60秒, 250% 3秒, 環境溫度攝氏50度"三菱電機自動化(香港) " 有限公司擁有隨時修改本價格表內容之權利inv2006 (1/4)生效期:2006年3月1日價格表[f700 系列變頻器]型號sld 過載能力*(kw, 電流)ld 過載能力*(kw, 電流) 單價(rmb)-[ fr-f740 系列, 3 相380v 50hz 等級, 節能通用型]-fr-f740-0.75k-cht [ ] 0.75 2.3a 0.75 2.1a 5,790fr-f740-1.5k-cht [ ] 1.5 3.8a 1.5 3.5a 6,480fr-f740-2.2k-cht [ ] 2.2 5.2a 2.2 4.8a 7,040fr-f740-3.7k-cht [ ] 3.7 8.3a 3.7 7.6a 7,770fr-f740-5.5k-cht [ ] 5.5 12.6a 5.5 11.5a 8,600fr-f740-7.5k-cht [ ] 7.5 17a 7.5 16a 9,210fr-f740-11k-cht [ ] 11 25a 11 23a 10,580fr-f740-15k-cht [ ] 15 31a 15 29a 15,060fr-f740-18.5k-cht [ ] 18.5 38a 18.5 35a 18,080fr-f740-22k-cht [ ] 22 47a 22 43a 21,490fr-f740-30k-cht [ ] 30 62a 30 57a 25,850fr-f740-37k-cht [ ] 37 77a 37 70a 28,530fr-f740-45k-cht [ ] 45 93a 45 85a 35,350fr-f740-55k-cht [ ] 55 116a 55 106a 39,990fr-f740-s75k-cht [ ] 75 144a 不適用59,790fr-f740-s90k-cht [ ] 90 180a 75 144a 78,140fr-f740-s110k-cht [ ] 110 216a 90 180a 88,300fr-f740-s132k-cht [ ] 132 260a 110 216a 98,800fr-f740-s160k-cht [ ] 160 325a 132 260a 116,790fr-f740-s185k-cht [ ] 185 361a 160 325a 127,120fr-f740-s220k-cht [ ] 220 432a 185 361a 176,550fr-f740-s250k-cht [ ] 250 481a 220 432a 215,810fr-f740-s280k-cht [ ] 280 547a 250 481a 244,690fr-f740-s315k-cht [ ] 315 610a 280 547a 273,570fr-f740-s355k-cht [ ] 355 683a 315 610a 368,980fr-f740-s400k-cht [ ] 400 770a 355 683a 464,390fr-f740-s450k-cht [ ] 450 866a 400 770a 473,040fr-f740-s500k-cht [ ] 500 962a 450 866a 495,400fr-f740-s560k-cht [ ] 560 1094a 500 962a 535,990fr-f740-s630k-cht [ ] 630 1212a 560 1094a 567,460備注:sld (super light duty) 過載能力: 110% 60秒, 120% 3秒, 環境溫度攝氏40度ld (light duty) 過載能力: 120% 60秒, 150% 3秒, 環境溫度攝氏50度"三菱電機自動化(上海)有限公司"擁有隨時修改本價格表內容之權利inv2006 (2/4)生效期:2006年3月1日價格表[e500, s500 系列變頻器主機]型號輸出功率額定電流單價(hk$)-[ fr-e540 系列, 3相380v 50hz 等級, 輕巧通用型(150% 60秒過載能力)] -fr-e540-0.4k-cht 0.4kw 1.6a 3,760fr-e540-0.75k-cht 0.75kw 2.6a 3,920fr-e540-1.5k-cht 1.5kw 4.0a 4,530fr-e540-2.2k-cht 2.2kw 6.0a 5,580fr-e540-3.7k-cht 3.7kw 9.5a 6,540fr-e540-5.5k-cht 5.5kw 12a 9,280fr-e540-7.5k-cht 7.5kw 17a 9,920-[ fr-e520s 系列, 單相220v 50hz 等級, 輕巧通用型(150% 60秒過載能力)] -fr-e520s-0.4k-cht 0.4kw 2.5a 3,660fr-e520s-0.75k-cht 0.75kw 4.0a 3,930fr-e520s-1.5k-cht 1.5kw 7.0a 4,180fr-e520s-2.2k-cht 2.2kw 10a 5,440-[ fr-e520 系列, 3相220v 50hz 等級, 輕巧通用型(150% 60秒過載能力)] -fr-e520-0.4k 0.4kw 3a 4,030fr-e520-0.75k 0.75kw 5a 4,340fr-e520-1.5k 1.5kw 8a 4,610fr-e520-2.2k 2.2kw 11a 6,000fr-e520-3.7k 3.7kw 17.5a 7,240fr-e520-5.5k 5.5kw 24a 11,380fr-e520-7.5k 7.5kw 33a 13,220-[ fr-s540e 系列, 3相380v 50hz 等級, 簡易型(150% 60秒過載能力) ] -fr-s540e-0.4k-cht 0.4kw 1.1a 3,450fr-s540e-0.75k-cht 0.75kw 2.1a 3,700fr-s540e-1.5k-cht 1.5kw 3.5a 4,080fr-s540e-2.2k-cht 2.2kw 4.8a 5,030fr-s540e-3.7k-cht 3.7kw 7.7a 5,850-[ fr-s520se 系列, 單相220v 50hz 等級, 簡易型(150% 60秒過載能力)] -fr-s520se-0.4k-cht 0.4kw 2.5a 2,410fr-s520se-0.75k-cht 0.75kw 4.1a 2,650fr-s520se-1.5k-cht 1.5kw 7.0a 3,290-[ fr-s520e 系列, 3相220v 50hz 等級, 簡易型(150% 60秒過載能力) ] -fr-s520e-0.4k 0.4kw 2.5a 2,680fr-s520e-0.75k 0.75kw 4.1a 3,180fr-s520e-1.5k 1.5kw 7.0a 4,170fr-s520e-2.2k 2.2kw 10a 4,830fr-s520e-3.7k 3.7kw 16.5a 5,850"三菱電機自動化(香港)有限公司"擁有隨時修改本價格表內容之權利inv2006 (3/4)生效期:2006年3月1日價格表[變頻器配件]型號內容單價(rmb) 型號內容單價(hk$)-[配件]- -[共直流母線變流器]-fr-pa02-02 e500 系列操作面板190 fr-cv-h7.5k 7.5kw 或以下15,520fr-e5p fr-pa02-02 連接適配器190 fr-cv-h11k 11kw 16,460fr-pu04-ch 500系列操作面板460 fr-cv-h15k 15kw 18,810fr-pu07 700系列操作面板1,100 fr-cv-h22k 22kw 30,090fr-adp fr-pu07 連接適配器180 fr-cv-h30k 30kw 37,960fr-cb201 1 米操作面板連接電纜230 fr-cv-h37k 37kw 47,020fr-cb203 3米操作面板連接電纜290 fr-cv-h55k 45kw, 55kw 56,420fr-cb205 5 米操作面板連接電纜470 fr-cvl-h7.5k 電抗器(配fr-cv-h7.5k) 1,720fr-cvl-h11k 電抗器(配fr-cv-h11k) 2,230-[700 系列專用內置式選件]- fr-cvl-h15k 電抗器(配fr-cv-h15k) 2,780fr-a7ap 編碼器反饋, 主軸定向, 定位1,110 fr-cvl-h22k 電抗器(配fr-cv-h22k) 3,490fr-a7ar 繼電器輸出930 fr-cvl-h30k 電抗器(配fr-cv-h30k) 5,880fr-a7ax 16位數字輸入930 fr-cvl-h37k 電抗器(配fr-cv-h37k) 7,290fr-a7ay 數字輸出及擴展模擬量輸出930 fr-cvl-h55k 電抗器(配fr-cv-h55k) 10,070fr-a7nc cc-link 通訊1,850fr-a7nd device net 通訊1,850 -[交流電抗器380v 等級]-fr-a7nl lonworks 通訊1,850 fr-hal-h0.4k 0.4kw 1,080fr-a7nm modbus 通訊1,910 fr-hal-h0.75k 0.75kw 1,170fr-a7np profibus-dp 通訊1,850 fr-hal-h1.5k 1.5kw 1,250fr-a7nr rs-485 通訊1,390 fr-hal-h2.2k 2.2kw 1,330fr-hal-h3.7k 3.7kw 1,420-[濾波器]- fr-hal-h5.5k 5.5kw 1,710fr-bif-h 無線電噪聲濾波器1,370 fr-hal-h7.5k 7.5kw 1,830fr-bsf01 3.7kw 及以下線噪聲濾波器470 fr-hal-h11k 11kw 2,340fr-blf 5.5kw 及以上線噪聲濾波器1,550 fr-hal-h15k 15kw 2,970fr-hal-h18.5k 18.5kw 3,340-[380v 等級高頻制動電阻]- fr-hal-h22k 22kw 3,720fr-abr-h0.4k 0.4kw 190 fr-hal-h30k 30kw 6,440fr-abr-h0.75k 0.75kw 230 fr-hal-h37k 37kw 7,750fr-abr-h1.5k 1.5kw 290 fr-hal-h45k 45kw 8,640fr-abr-h2.2k 2.2kw 370 fr-hal-h55k 55kw 10,720fr-abr-h3.7k 3.7kw 470 fr-hal-h75k 75kw 11,170fr-abr-h5.5k 5.5kw 560 fr-hal-h90k 90kw 14,430fr-abr-h7.5k 7.5kw 930 fr-hal-h110k 110kw 14,440fr-abr-h11k 11kw 1,860 fr-hal-h185k 132kw-185kw 19,670fr-abr-h15k 15kw 2,330 fr-hal-h280k 220kw-280kw 27,430fr-abr-h22k 18.5kw-22kw 3,260 fr-hal-h355k 315kw-355kw 44,620fr-hal-h560k 400kw-560kw 69,570-[制動單元(bu) 及制動電阻(br)]-ufb15 bu 11/15kw (簡易型) 2,820 -[直流電抗器380v 等級]-ufs15 bu 11kw/15kw 4,550 fr-hel-h0.4k 0.4kw 850ufs22 bu 18.5kw-30kw 5,250 fr-hel-h0.75k 0.75kw 930ufs40 bu 37kw-55kw 5,680 fr-hel-h1.5k 1.5kw 1,040ufs110 bu >= 75kw 7,690 fr-hel-h2.2k 2.2kw 1,180rufc15 br (配ufb/s15) 1,860 fr-hel-h3.7k 3.7kw 1,260rufc22 br (配ufs22) 2,190 fr-hel-h5.5k 5.5kw 1,520rufc40 br (配ufs40) 4,370 fr-hel-h7.5k 7.5kw 1,850rufc110 br (配ufs110) 8,770 fr-hel-h11k 11kw 1,600fr-hel-h15k 15kw 1,910-[制動單元(bu).制動電阻(br)]- fr-hel-h18.5k 18.5kw 3,150fr-bu-h15k 11kw/15kw 6,010 fr-hel-h22k 22kw 3,480fr-bu-h30k 18.5kw-30kw 8,280 fr-hel-h30k 30kw 4,670fr-bu-h55k 37kw-55kw 18,020 fr-hel-h37k 37kw 4,820fr-br-h15k 配fr-bu-h15k 3,640 fr-hel-h45k 45kw 6,300fr-br-h30k 配fr-bu-h30k 7,380 fr-hel-h55k 55kw 6,670fr-br-h55k 配fr-bu-h55k 11,070"三菱電機自動化(香港)有限公司"擁有隨時修改本價格表內容之權利inv2006 (4/4)mitsubishi effective from : 1st march, 2006graphic operation terminalprice listmitsubishi human machine interface product(hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[gt11(-c) main display units]gt1175-vnba-c 10.4" 256 color tft ac input (rs422/232) + 3mb memory 21,270gt1165-vnba-c 8.4" 256 color tft ac input (rs422/232) + 3mb memory 17,020gt1155-qsbd 5.7" 256 color stn dc input (rs422/232) + 3mb memory + cf card 13,550gt1155-qsbd-c 5.7" 256 color stn dc input (rs422/232) + 3mb memory 8,870gt1150-qlbd 5.7" 16 gray scales dc input (rs422/232) + 3mb memory + cf card 9,420gt1150-qbbd-c 5.7" 16 blue scales dc input (rs422/232) + 3mb memory 6,090- [gt11(-c) cables & options]gt09-c20usb-5p usb data transmission cable 2m 1,060gt01-c30r4-8p fx cpu connection cable (rs422) 3m 1,060gt01-c100r4-8p fx cpu connection cable (rs422) 10m 1,770gt01-c200r4-8p fx cpu connection cable (rs422) 20m 1,950gt01-c300r4-8p fx cpu connection cable (rs422) 30m 2,210gt01-c30r2-9s fx connection cable (rs232c) 1,500gt11-50bat battery for gt11 400gt11-50fnb optional function board 450-[f900got/fx du main display units]f940wgot-twd-c 7" 256 color tft dc input (chinese) 13,540f940got-swd-c 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs422/232c) 8,870f940got-lwd-c 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422/232c) 6,090f940got-bwd-c 5.7" 2 color blue&white stn dc input (rs422/232c) 5,780f930got-bwd-c 4.4" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422/232c) 3,350f930got-bbd-k-c 4.4" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422/232c) with keypads 4,300f920got-bbd5-k-c 2.6" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422/232c) with keypads 1,710fx-10du-e data access unit (lcd 16 characters x 2 lines) 1,880fx-10dm-e display module (lcd 16 characters x 2 lines) 1,550fx1n-5dm display module for fx1s/1n plc 450- [f900got/fx du cables & options]f2-232cab-1 transfer cable between computer and data access unit 1,320fx-232cab-1 data transfer cable between computer and fgot 1,140fx-50du-cab0-10m connection cable between fgot & fx cpu (10m) 1,490fx-50du-cab0 connection cable between fgot & fx cpu/ positioning unit (3m) 1,270fx-50du-cab0-r1 connection cable between f940 & cpu(fx1s/1n/2n) 140f9gt-40psc protection sheets for f940got 250f9gt-30psc protection sheets for f930got 250f9gt-40fmb screen data transfer board for f940wgot/ f940got 1,280f9gt-40umb screen data transfer board for f940got 840pm-20bl battery for f940wgot/ f940got 490fx2nc-32bl battery for f930got(-k)/ handy got 330-[programming software]sw2d5c-gtwk2-cl gt works2 chinese version2 (got1000 & got900) 4,940sw2d5c-gtwk2-e gt works2 english version2 (got1000 & got900) 4,940sw2d5c-gtd2-e got900 programming software 2,960a9gtsoft-lkey-p license key for softgot to personal computer 14,800* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice hmi-(1/5)mitsubishi effective from : 1st march, 2006graphic operation terminalprice listmitsubishi human machine interface product(hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[got1000 main units]gt1595-xtba 15" xga 256 color tft ac input (65,536 color - optional) 57,440gt1585-stba 12.1" svga 256 color tft ac input (65,536 color - optional) 41,040gt1585-stbd 12.1" svga 256 color tft dc input (65,536 color - optional) 42,070gt1575-vnba 10.4" vga 256 color tft ac input 22,540gt1575-vnbd 10.4" vga 256 color tft dc input 23,290gt1562-vnba 8.4" vga 16 color tft ac input 19,440gt1562-vnbd 8.4" vga 16 color tft dc input 20,330-[got1000 communication interface]gt15-75qbusl q-bus (1ch) unit slim model for qcpu (q-mode) 1,770gt15-75qbus2l q-bus (2ch) unit slim model for qcpu (q-mode) 2,650gt15-qbus q-bus (1ch) unit standard model for qcpu (q-mode) 2,210gt15-qbus2 q-bus (2ch) unit standard model for qcpu (q-mode) 3,100gt15-75abusl a-bus (1ch) unit slim model for qna/acpu 1,770gt15-75abus2l a-bus (2ch) unit slim model for qna/acpu 2,650gt15-abus a-bus (1ch) unit standard model for qna/acpu 2,210gt15-abus2 a-bus (2ch) unit standard model for qna/acpu 3,100gt15-j71e71-100 ethernet (100base-tx/10base-t) unit 2,650gt15-75j71lp23-z optical loop unit 10,610gt15-75j71br13-z coaxial bus unit 10,610gt15-75j61bt13-z intelligent device station unit 5,310- [got1000 options]gt15-fnb optional function board (a/fx ladder monitor) 1,770gt15-qfnb optional function board (q/qna/a/fx ladder monitor) 2,650gt15-qfnb16m optional function board (q/qna/a/fx ladder monitor) + 16mb 4,860gt05-mem-adpc cf card -> memory card (type ii) conversion adaptor 890gt15-xhnb multi-color display board for 65,536 color display 3,980gt15-90xltt backlight for 15" type high-brightness tft (xga) 3,100gt15-80sltt backlight for 12.1" type high-brightness tft (svga) 1,590gt15-70vltn backlight for 10.4" type tft (vga) 1,590gt15-60vltn backlight for 8.4" type tft (vga) 1,590gt15-bat battery for gt15 360- [got1000 cables]gt09-c20usb-5p usb data transmission cable 2m 1,060gt01-c30r2-6p q cpu connection cable (rs232c) 3m 1,500gt15-qc12b q bus connection cable 1.2m 790gt15-qc30b q bus connection cable 3m 1,260gt15-qc50b q bus connection cable 5m 1,890gt15-qc100b q bus connection cable 10m 3,140gt15-qc150bs q bus long distance connection cable 15m 3,460gt15-qc200bs q bus long distance connection cable 20m 4,160gt15-qc250bs q bus long distance connection cable 25m 4,950gt15-qc300bs q bus long distance connection cable 30m 5,730gt15-qc350bs q bus long distance connection cable 35m 6,600* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice hmi-(2/5)mitsubishi effective from : 1st march, 2006graphic operation terminalprice listmitsubishi human machine interface product(hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[a900got main display units (8.9" - 12.1")]a985got-tba-v 12.1" 256 color tft ac input (video/rgb input) 43,120a985got-tbd-v 12.1" 256 color tft dc input (video/rgb input) 43,120a985got-tba 12.1" 256 color tft ac input 37,240a985got-tbd 12.1" 256 color tft dc input 37,240a975got-tba-ch 10.4" 256 color tft ac input (support certified chinese font) 26,500a975got-tbd-ch 10.4" 256 color tft dc input (support certified chinese font) 26,500a970got-tba-ch 10.4" 16 color tft ac input (support certified chinese font) 20,000a970got-tbd-ch 10.4" 16 color tft dc input (support certified chinese font) 20,000-[a900got main display units]a950got-tbd 5.7" 256 color tft dc input (rs422) 19,510a950got-sbd-b 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs422) 14,130a950got-lbd 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422) 10,750a950got-tbd-m3 5.7" 256 color tft dc input (rs422) + 3m memory 21,970a950got-sbd-m3-b 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs422) + 3m memory 15,930a950got-lbd-m3 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422) + 3m memory 12,750a951got-qtbd 5.7" 256 color tft dc input (q bus) 19,300a951got-qsbd-b 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (q bus) 13,150a951got-qlbd 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (q bus) 9,860a951got-qtbd-m3 5.7" 256 color tft dc input (q bus) + 3m memory 21,970a951got-qsbd-m3-b 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (q bus) + 3m memory 16,420a951got-qlbd-m3 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (q bus) + 3m memory 13,150a951got-sbd-b 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (bus) 11,500a951got-lbd 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (bus) 9,460a951got-sbd-m3-b 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (bus) + 3m memory 13,080a951got-lbd-m3 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (bus) + 3m memory 11,020a953got-sbd-b 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs232c) 12,750a953got-lbd 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs232c) 9,460a953got-sbd-m3-b 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs232c) + 3m memory 14,130a953got-lbd-m3 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs232c) + 3m memory 10,750a956got-tbd 5.7" 256 color tft dc input 19,300a956got-sbd-b 5.7" 8 color stn dc input 14,130a956got-lbd 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input 10,750a956got-sbd-m3-b 5.7" 8 color stn dc input + 3m memory 15,930a956got-lbd-m3 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input + 3m memory 12,750a956wgot-tbd 7" 256 color tft dc input 17,380* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice hmi-(3/5)mitsubishi effective from : 1st march, 2006graphic operation terminalprice listmitsubishi human machine interface product(hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[a900got communication adapters]a9gt-buss bus connection board ans/a/qna/qnas cpu 1,540a9gt-bussu qna/acpu bus connection module, 1 connector, ce-compliant 1,580a9gt-bus2s bus connection board ans/a/qna/qnas cpu (more than 1 got) 1,990a9gt-bus2su qna/acpu bus connection module, for agot, 2 connectors 2,400a9gt-qbuss qcpu bus connection, for a985/975/970/960got, 1 connector 1,600a9gt-qbus2s qcpu bus connection, for a985/975/970/960got, 2 connectors 2,390a9gt-qbus2su qcpu (q mode) bus connection, for agot, 2 connectors 2,550a9gt-50wqbuss qcpu (q mode) bus connection, for a965wgot, 1 connector 1,800a9gt-rs4 rs-422 connection board 1,270a9gt-rs2 rs-232 connection board 1,270a9gt-rs2t rs-232c connection, with built-in clock function 2,160a9gt-80r1 interface for analog rgb input 4,130a9gt-80v4 interface for ntsc/pal input 4,130a7gt-j71ap23 connection to melsecnet ii fiber optic network 9,550a7gt-j71ar23 connection to melsecnet ii coaxial network 9,550a7gt-j71at23b connection to melsecnet/b twisted pair network 6,370a8gt-j61bt13 connection to cc-link (intelligent device) 4,710a8gt-j61bt15 connection to cc-link (remote device) 1,570a9gt-qj71lp23 connection to melsecnet/10 fiber optic network for qna 9,550a9gt-qj71br13 connection to melsecnet/10 coaxial network for qna 9,550a9gt-j71e71-t ethernet connection (10 base-t) 2,390-[a900got memory cassette]a9gt-fnb option for extended o.s. (a/fx ladder monitor) 1,540a9gt-fnb1m option for extended o.s. + 1m memory (a/fx ladder monitor) 2,320a9gt-fnb2m option for extended o.s. + 2m memory (a/fx ladder monitor) 4,640a9gt-fnb4m option for extended o.s. + 4m memory (a/fx ladder monitor) 6,960a9gt-fnb8m option for extended o.s. + 8m memory (a/fx ladder monitor) 9,570a9gt-qfnb option for extended o.s. (a/fx series plc) 2,390a9gt-qfnb4m option for extended o.s. + 4m memory (qna/a/fx ladder monitor) 7,170a9gt-qfnb8m option for extended o.s. + 8m memory (qna/a/fx ladder monitor) 9,910a9gtmem-20mf memory capacity 32m byte flash pc card 8,700a9gtmem-40mf memory capacity 64m byte flash pc card 14,350-[a900got consumable accessories]a9gt-80psc transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a985got 580a9gt-80pscl transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a985got 580a9gt-70psc transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a97xgot 420a9gt-70pscl transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a97xgot 420a9gt-60psc transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a960got 390a9gt-60pscl transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a960got 390a9gt-50psc transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a95xgot (-m3) 480a9gt-70stand a97xgot, a960got desktop stand 1,930a9gt-70lttch spare back light for a97xgot-ch lcd, tft, 2qty 620a9gt-70lts spare back light for a97xgot lcd, stn, 2qty 620a9gt-70kbf external i/o interface unit for a985/975/970/960got(-b) 2,950a8gt-50kbf external i/o interface unit for a95xgot(-m3)/a956wgot 2,900* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice hmi-(4/5)mitsubishi effective from : 1st march, 2006graphic operation terminalprice listmitsubishi human machine interface product(hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[a900got cables]ac30r4-25p 3m rs422 cable for cpu connection (ans/a/qna/qnas/fx2) 1,860ac100r4-25p 10m rs422 cable for cpu connection (ans/a/qna/qnas/fx2) 2,760ac300r4-25p 30m rs422 cable for cpu connection (ans/a/qna/qnas/fx2) 4,610fx9gt-cab0-150 1.5m connection cable between got and cpu (fx1s/1n/2n) 430fx9gt-cab0 3m connection cable between got and cpu (fx1s/1n/2n) 560fx9gt-cab0-10m 10m connection cable between got and cpu (fx1s/1n/2n) 620a8gt-c12nb 1.2m bus connection (a/q cpu ) 1,200a8gt-c30nb 3m bus connection (a/q cpu ) 1,840a8gt-c50nb 5m bus connection (a/q cpu ) 2,010a8gt-c100exss-1 10m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 3,600a8gt-c200exss-1 20m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 5,210a8gt-c300exss-1 30m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 6,800a8gt-c100bs 10m bus cable for got/got bus connection 2,400a8gt-c200bs 20m bus cable for got/got bus connection 4,010a8gt-c300bs 30m bus cable for got/got bus connection 5,600a9gt-qc150bs 15m connection cable for a9gt-qcnb/got and got 3,530a9gt-qc200bs 20m connection cable for a9gt-qcnb/got and got 4,260a9gt-qc250bs 25m connection cable for a9gt-qcnb/got and got 5,040a9gt-qc300bs 30m connection cable for a9gt-qcnb/got and got 5,850a9gt-qc350bs 35m connection cable for a9gt-qcnb/got and got 6,730a1sc07b 0.7m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 590a1sc12b 1.2m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu ) 850a1sc30b 3m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 1,350a1sc50b 5m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 1,990ac06b 0.6m bus connection (a/qna cpu & a7gt-cnb) 790ac12b 1.2m bus connection (a/qna cpu & a7gt-cnb) 1,200ac30b 3m bus connection (a/qna cpu & a7gt-cnb) 1,600ac50b 5m bus connection (a/qna cpu & a7gt-cnb) 1,990ac12b-r 1.2m right-angeld bus connection (a/qna cpu & a7gt-cnb) 1,380ac30b-r 3m right-angeld bus connection (a/qna cpu & a7gt-cnb) 1,860ac50b-r 5m right-angeld bus connection (a/qna cpu & a7gt-cnb) 2,310a7gt-cnb long distance bus/connector conversion box (a/qna cpu) 960ac300pio-20p 30m printer connection 3,310ac30pio-20p 3m printer connection 1,380ac30r2-9p 3m data transfer cable (d-sub 9 pin/25 pin) 1,620ac30r2-9ss 3m data transfer cable (d-sub 9 pin/9 pin) 1,620a9gt-qcnb long distance bus extension connection box (qcpu) 960* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice hmi-(5/5)m ipitsubish 生效日期: e年十二月一日rogrammable controller价格表三菱q 系列可编程序控制器[菱电自动化(上海) 有限公司](rmb)模块型号说明单价库存级别-[cpu - q 模式]q00jcpu cpu,程序容量:8k 步4,510 aq00jcpu-set cpu,程序容量:8k 步;且自带64点的qh42p高密度单元一块7,300 aq00jcpu-s8-set cpu,程序容量:8k 步;且自带2块qx40及2块qy10的单元9,800 aq00cpu cpu,程序容量:8k 步4,900 aq01cpu cpu,程序容量:14k 步6,380 aq02cpu cpu,程序容量:28k 步11,770 aq02hcpu cpu,程序容量:28k 步,高速17,650 aq06hcpu cpu,程序容量:60k 步,高速21,580 aq12hcpu cpu,程序容量:124k 步,高速37,270 aq25hcpu cpu,程序容量:252k 步,高速47,080 a-[cpu - 过程控制cpu 模块]q12phcpu cpu,程序容量:124k 步,过程控制49,040 cq25phcpu cpu,程序容量:252k 步,过程控制58,850 c-[cpu - 冗余控制cpu 模块]q12prhcpu cpu,程序容量:124k 步,冗余控制open cq25prhcpu cpu,程序容量:252k 步,冗余控制open c-[冗余控制数据跟踪电缆]qc10tr 1m数据跟踪电缆open cqc30tr 3m数据跟踪电缆open c-[主基板,扩展基板模块]q33b 电源+ cpu + 3个q系列i/o 插槽,ce/ul/cul 1,250 aq35b 电源+ cpu + 5个q系列i/o 插槽,ce/ul/cul 1,310 aq38b 电源+ cpu + 8个q系列i/o 插槽,ce/ul/cul 1,870 aq312b 电源+ cpu + 12个q系列i/o 插槽,ce/ul/cul 2,370 aq63b 电源+ 3个q系列i/o 插槽,ce/ul/cul 1,380 cq65b 电源+ 5个q系列i/o 插槽,ce/ul/cul 1,440 aq68b 电源+ 8个q系列i/o 插槽,ce/ul/cul 2,000 aq612b 电源+ 12个q系列i/o 插槽,ce/ul/cul 2,500 aq52b 2个q系列i/o 插槽(无电源插槽) 1,120 cq55b 5个q系列i/o 插槽(无电源插槽) 1,310 aq38rb 2个电源+ cpu + 8个q系列i/o 插槽(冗余系统主基板) open cq68rb 2个电源+ 8个q系列i/o 插槽(冗余系统扩展基板) open c-[超薄型主基板]q32sb 超薄型电源+ cpu + 2个q系列i/o插槽1,150 cq33sb 超薄型电源+ cpu + 3个q系列i/o插槽1,780 cq35sb 超薄型电源+ cpu + 5个q系列i/o插槽1,880 c-[电源模块]q61p-a1 100-120vac 输入/ 5vdc 6a 输出,ce/ul/cul 1,710 aq61p-a2 200-240vac 输入/ 5vdc 6a 输出,ce/ul/cul 1,710 aq62p 100-240vac 输入/ 5vdc 3a,24vdc/0.6a 输出1,970 aq63p 24vdc 输入/ 5vdc 6a 输出3,000 aq64p 100-120/200-240vac 输入/ 5vdc 8.5a 输出3,000 aq64rp 100-120/200-240vac 输入/ 5vdc 8.5a 输出(冗余系统电源模块) open c-[超薄型电源模块]q61sp 100-240vac 输入/ 5vdc 2a 输出,超薄型电源1,410 c-[扩展电缆]qc05b 0.45m (1.48ft.) 580 aqc06b 0.6m (1.96ft.) 620 aqc12b 1.2m (3.93ft.) 890 a* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice q-plc-(1/7)-- datc pctr r-qc30b 3m (9.84ft.) 1,430 aqc50b 5m (16.4ft.) 2,140 aqc100b 10m (32.8ft.) 3,570 a-[电池]q6bat 内存用电池360 aq7bat 大容量电池750 cq7bat-set 大容量电池,带底座800 c-[适配器]q6din1 din导轨安装适配器,用于q38b/q312b/q68b/q612b 120 aq6din2 din导轨安装适配器,用于q35b/q65b 90 aq6din3 din导轨安装适配器,用于q33b/q63b 70 c-[内存卡]q2mem-1mbs sram 内存卡容量:1m bytes 4,460 aq2mem-2mbs sram 内存卡容量:2m bytes 9,510 aq2mem-2mbf linear flash 内存卡容量:2m bytes 2,670 aq2mem-4mbf linear flash 内存卡容量:4m bytes 3,570 aq2mem-8mba ata 内存卡容量:8m bytes 5,350 cq2m2m-16mba ata 内存卡容量:16m bytes 7,130 cq2mem-32mba ata 内存卡容量:32m bytes 14,270 c-[sram 内存卡电池]q2mem-bat q2mem-1mbs/q2mem-2mbs用电池220 a-[存储卡用适配器]q2mem-adp 带标准pcmcia接口的q2mem存储卡用的适配器2,130 c-[软件]gx-developer melsec plc 编程软件(gppw/llt) (英文版) 6,300 agx-developer melsec plc 编程软件(gppw/llt) (中文版) 6,300 agx-config. - a melsec-q 专用模拟- 数字模块设置/监视工具(英文版) 3,570 agx-config. - d melsec-q 专用数字- 模拟模块设置/监视工具(英文版) 3,570 agx-config. - c melsec-q 专用高速计数模块设置/监视工具(英文版) 3,570 agx-config. - t melsec-q 专用温度控制模块设置/监视工具(英文版) 3,570 agx-config. - flmelsec-q 专用fl-net模块设置/监视工具(英文版) 9,510 agx-config. - ptqd70p 定位模块设置/监视工具(英文版) 3,570 agx-config. - q qd75p/d/m 定位模块设置/监视工具(英文版) 9,510 agx-config. - s melsec-q 专用串行控制模块设置/监视工具(英文版) 4,460 amx componen 用于通讯的active x 库(英文版) 5,880 amx link - e 用于通讯的ddl 库(英文版) 5,880 agx-explorer 维护工具(英文版) 5,170 agx-converte excel/文本用的数据转换器(英文版) 5,490 agx-config.-ti melsec-q 专用温度输入模块设置/监视工具(英文版) 3,100 amx-sheet 支持excel通讯的工具(英文版) 6,210 agx remote se 远程维护工具(英文版) 8,270 apx-developer 过程控制用fbd编程软件监视工具20670 a-[输入模块]qx10 100-120vac/7-8ma,16点1,680 cqx28 240vac,8点1,120 aqx40 24vdc/4ma,共阳极,16点1,600 aqx40-s1 24vdc,共阳极,16点(高速) 1,680 aqx41 24vdc,共阳极,32点2,780 aqx41-s1 24vdc,共阳极,32点(高速) 2,780 aqx42 24vdc,共阳极,64点4,460 aqx42-s1 24vdc,共阳极,64点(高速) 4,460 cqx70 5-12vdc,共阴/阳极通用,16点2,250 aqx71 5-12vdc,共阴/阳极通用,32点3,030 aqx72 5-12vdc,共阴/阳极通用,64点4,720 cqx80 24vdc/4ma,共阴极,16点,端子排2,020 aqx81 24vdc/4ma,共阴极,32点,连接器3,450 aqx82 24vdc/4ma,共阴极,64点,连接器4,430 aqx82-s1 24vdc/4ma,共阴极,64点(高速),连接器5,310 c-[输出模块]* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice q-plc-(1/7)qy10 240vac/24vdc,16点,无保险丝2,190 aqy18a 240vac/24vdc,2a,8点独立输出2,030 aqy22 240vac/0.6a,16点,无保险丝2,700 aqy40p 12/24vdc,16点,带短路保护1,600 aqy41p 12/24vdc,32点,带短路保护2,780 aqy42p 12/24vdc,64点,带短路保护4,460 aqy50 12/24vdc,16点,带保险丝1,680 aqy68a 5-24vdc,8点,无保险丝2,360 aqy70 5/12vdc,16点,无保险丝2,150 aqy71 5/12vdc,32点,无保险丝2,780 aqy80 12/24vdc,16点,无保险丝2,190 aqy81p 12/24vdc,32点,带短路保护3,790 a-[i/o 混合型]qh42p 24vdc 共阳极,输入:32点,输出:32点4,460 aqx48y57 24vdc 共阳极,输入:8点,输出:7点1,680 a-[i/o 插头]a6con1 32点焊接型(qx41/42,qy41p/42p) 180 aa6con2 32点无焊接型(qx41/42,qy41p/42p) 200 aa6con3 32点扁平电缆型(qx41/42,qy41p/42p) 140 aa6con1e 32点焊接型(qx81,qy81p) 180 aa6con2e 32点无焊接型(qx81,qy81p) 210 aa6con3e 32点扁平电缆型(qx81,qy81p) 140 a-[中断模块]qi60 16点,响应时间:0ff-on 0.2ms,on-off 0.3ms 或更短3,570 a-[模拟量模块]q64ad a/d 转换模块:4 通道,电流/电压输入4,210 aq68adv a/d 转换模块:8 通道,电压输入4,800 aq68adi a/d 转换模块:8 通道,电流输入4,800 aq62da d/a 转换模块:2 通道,电流/电压输出4,210 aq64da d/a 转换模块:4 通道,电流/电压输出6,550 aq68dav d/a 转换模块:8 通道,电压输出8,420 aq68dai d/a 转换模块:8 通道,电流输出8,420 a-[隔离通道模拟量模块]q64ad-gh a/d 转换模块:4 通道,电流/电压输入6,090 aq62ad-dgh a/d 转换模块:2 通道,信息状态功能4,210 cq62da-fg d/a 转换模块:2 通道,电流/电压输出,输出监控5,620 c-[温度控制模块]q64rd 铂电阻输入模块:4 通道6,750 aq64rd-g 铂电阻输入模块:4 通道(通道间隔离) 12,120 cq64tctt 热电偶输入:4 通道,晶体管输出9,370 aq64tcttbw 热电偶输入:4 通道,晶体管输出,带断路检测12,170 cq64tcrt 铂电阻输入:4 通道,晶体管输出9,370 aq64tcrtbw 铂电阻输入:4 通道,晶体管输出,带断路检测12,170 c-[隔离通道热电偶模块]q64td 热电偶输入模块:4 通道11,240 cq64tdv-gh 热电偶输入模块:4 通道,微电压输入5,620 a-[高速计数]qd62 2 通道,200kpps,5/12/24vdc 输入,漏型输出6,690 aqd62d 2 通道,500kpps,差分输入,漏型输出7,130 aqd62e 2 通道,200kpps,5/12/24vdc 输入,源型输出6,690 a-[隔离通道脉冲输入模块]qd60p8-g 8通道,5/12至24vdc输入,输入过滤设定13,370 a-[定位模块]qd75p1 1 轴, 集电极开路输出6,240 aqd75p2 2 轴, 集电极开路输出8,920 a* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice q-plc-(1/7)2pqd75p4 4 轴, 集电极开路输出13,370 aqd75d1 1 轴, 差分输出7,130 aqd75d2 2 轴, 差分输出9,810 aqd75d4 4 轴, 差分输出15,160 aqd75m1 1 轴, sscnet 兼容7,130 aqd75m2 2 轴, sscnet 兼容9,810 aqd75m4 4 轴, sscnet 兼容15,160 aqd70p4 4 轴, 脉冲串输出10,700 aqd70p8 8 轴, 脉冲串输出17,830 a-[空盖]qg60 用于i/o 糟的空盖180 a-[连接电缆]qc30r2 用于个人计算机和cpu 连接的rs-232 电缆1,190 aq6hld-r2 防止rs-232连接线脱落的支架210 c-[终端电阻]a6rcon-r75 同轴总线用75欧姆终端电阻370 a-[终端排适配器]q6ta32 给32点i/o 模块用, 0.5mm2 (awg20) 620 a-[终端排适配器--专用工具]q6ta32-tol 只用于q6ta32 的工具90 a-[弹簧夹子接线端子]q6te-18s 用于16点输入输出0.3~1.5mm2(awg22~16) 320 c-[通讯模块]qj71e71-b2 以太网模块,10base-2 13,370 cqj71e71-b5 以太网模块,10base-5 13,370 cqj71e71-100 以太网模块,10base-t/10base-tx 13,370 aqj71mt91 modbus/tcp 模块17,780 cqj71lp21-25 melsecnet/10h 模块,si/qsi 光纤,双环13,370 aqj71lp21s-25 melsecnet/10h 模块,si/qsi 光纤,双环,带外部供电功能23,370 cqj71lp21g melsecnet/10h 模块,50gi 光纤,双环19,620 aqj71lp21ge melsecnet/10h 模块,62.5gi 光纤,双环21,600 cqj72lp25-25 melsecnet/10h 模块,远程站si/qsi 光纤16,050 cqj72lp25g melsecnet/10h 模块,远程站50gi 光纤22,290 aqj72lp25ge melsecnet/10h 模块,远程站62.5gi 光纤24,550 cqj71br11 melsecnet/10h 模块,75ω同轴电缆, 单总线13,370 aqj72br15 melsecnet/10h 模块,远程站75ω同轴电缆16,050 aq80bd-j71lp21- melsecnet/10h 模块,光纤16,050 cq80bd-j71lp21gmelsecnet/10h 模块,si/qsi/h-pc 光纤22,290 cq80bd-j71br11 melsecnet/10h 模块,同轴电缆16,050 cqj61bt11n cc-link 模块,主站/本地站3,120 aqj61cl12 cc-link/lt,主站3,360 cqj71c24n 串行rs232c,1通道,rs422/485,1通道5,620 aqj71c24n-r2 串行rs232c,2通道5,620 aqj71c24n-r4 串行rs422/485,2通道5,930 aqj71ws96 web服务器20,190 cqj71cmo 内置调制解调器,1通道/rs232,1通道17,830 cqd51 智能通讯rs232,2通道10,700 cqd51-r24 智能通讯rs232,1通道,rs422/485,1通道10,700 csw1ivd-ad51h qd51 软件包7,130 cqj71fl71 fl-network 模块,10base-5/10base-t 16,050 cqj71fl71-b2 fl-network 模块,10base-2 16,050 cqj71as92 as-i主站模块10,630 ca80bde-j61bt11 使用pci总线的计算机cc-link接口,主站/本地站16,830 aa80bde-j61bt13 使用pci总线的计算机cc-link接口,本地站12,120 a-[扩展基板]qa1s65b 电源+ 5个i/o 插槽(用于ans系列模块) 1,440 cqa1s68b 电源+ 8个i/o 插槽(用于ans系列模块) 2,060 cqa65b 电源+ 5个i/o 插槽(用于a系列模块) 3,560 c* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice q-plc-(1/7)mitsubishi 生效日期: e年十二月一日programmable controller价格表三菱q 系列可编程序控制器[菱电自动化(上海) 有限公司](rmb)模块型号说明单价库存级别a 模式-[cpu - a 模式]q02cpu-a 程序容量:28k 步11,770 cq02hcpu-a 程序容量:28k 步,高速17,650 cq06hcpu-a 程序容量:60k 步,高速21,580 c-[电池]q6bat 内存用电池360 a-[内存卡]q2mem-1mbs sram 内存卡容量:1m bytes,ul/cul 4,460 a-[主基板,扩展基板模块]qa1s33b 电源+ cpu + 3个ans系列i/o 插槽1,250 cqa1s35b 电源+ cpu + 5个ans系列i/o 插槽1,310 cqa1s38b 电源+ cpu + 8个ans系列i/o 插槽1,870 cqa1s65b 电源+ 5个ans系列i/o 插槽1,440 cqa1s68b 电源+ 8个ans系列i/o 插槽2,060 c-[扩展电缆]qc06b 0.6m (1.97ft.) 620 aqc12b 1.2m (3.93ft.) 890 aqc30b 3m (9.84ft.) 1,430 aqc50b 5m (16.39ft.) 2,140 aqc100b 10m (32.79ft.) 3,570 a* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice q-plc-(7/7)mitsubishi effective from : 2nd october, 2003programmable controllerprice listmitsubishi melsec-ans series programmable controllers(hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[cpu]a1shcpu cpu, built in 8ksteps ram, max. i/o 256 4,010a2shcpu cpu, built in 14ksteps ram, max. i/o 512 5,840a2shcpu-s1 cpu, built in 14ksteps ram, max. i/o 1024 6,420a2ascpu cpu, built in 14ksteps ram, max. i/o 512, 0.2us/step 7,820a2ascpu-s1 cpu, built in 14ksteps ram, max. i/o 1024, 0.2us/step 9,390a2ushcpu-s1 cpu, built in 30ksteps ram, max. i/o 1024, 0.09us/step 9,390a2ascpu-s60 cpu, built in 30ksteps ram, max. i/o 1024, 0.15us/step 20,140a1scpuc24-r2 cpu, built in 8ksteps ram, max. i/o 256, rs232 port 7,730a1sjhcpu cpu, built in 8ksteps ram, max. i/o 256, 5 i/o slots 3,940a1sjhcpu-s8 cpu, built in 8ksteps ram, max. i/o 256, 8 i/o slots 4,460-[base unit & extension units]a1s32b base unit: cpu, 2 i/o & power supply slots 1,000a1s33b base unit: cpu, 3 i/o & power supply slots 1,080a1s35b base unit: cpu, 5 i/o & power supply slots 1,100a1s38b base unit: cpu, 8 i/o & power supply slots 1,660a1s52b-s1 extension unit : 2 i/o slots 950a1s55b-s1 extension unit : 5 i/o slots 1,060a1s58b-s1 extension unit : 8 i/o slots 1,560a1s65b-s1 extension unit : 5 i/o, power supply slots 1,170a1s68b-s1 extension unit : 8 i/o, power supply slots 1,720-[memory cassette]a1snmca-8kp memory cassette : 8k step eprom 860a1snmca-2ke memory cassette : 2k step eeprom 1,020a1snmca-8ke memory cassette : 8k step eeprom 2,030a2smca-14kp memory cassette : 14k step eprom 1,170a2snmca-30ke memory cassette : 30k step eerpom 2,180a2smca-30kp memory cassette : 30k step eprom 1,540a2smca-60ke memory cassette : 60k step eeprom 3,080-[power supply]a1s61pn input : ac 100 - 240vac output : dc 5v 8a 1,560a1s62pn input : ac 100 - 220vac output : dc 5v 5a, dc 24v 0.8a 1,790a1s63p input : dc 24v output : dc 5v 8a 2,710-[blank and dummy i/o modules]a1sg60 blank cover 160a1sg62 dummy i/o module, 16/32/64 se-lectable 1,140* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice ans-plc-(1/5)mitsubishi effective from : 2nd october, 2003programmable controllerprice listmitsubishi melsec-ans series programmable controllers(hk$)model desc-ription unit price-[input unit]a1sx10 16 pt. ac 100v 1,560a1sx20 16 pt. ac 200v 2,100a1sx30 16 pt. ac 24v or dc 24v 1,520a1sx40 16 pt. dc 12/24v, sink input 1,480a1sx40-s1 16 pt. dc 24v, sink input, fast response 1,560a1sx40-s2 16 pt. dc 24v, sink input 1,480a1sx41 32 pt. dc 12/24v, sink input 2,560a1sx41-s1 32 pt. dc 24v, sink input, fast response 2,870a1sx41-s2 32 pt. dc 24v, sink input 2,560a1sx42 64 pt. dc 12/24v, sink input 4,120a1sx42-s1 64 pt. dc 24v, sink input, fast response 4,620a1sx42-s2 64 pt. dc 24v, sink input 4,120a1s4
* ST140 | |
*A/D Convert : 18位(档) | |
*支持多种通信协议(PC Link, MODBUS) |
*传送输出 14位 |
*实现高精度(0.2%)、高性能 | |
*支持多输入(T/C, RTD, DCV) | |
*参数的操作简单,可用文字设定 | |
*可支持抑制系统衝溫(Overshoot)功能 | |
*警报输出2点 | |
*PID自动调整功能(AT Gain) |
尺寸 | 48(宽度) * 48(高度) * 100(长度) mm | ||
PV/SP 显示 | 各4位数 | ||
取样时间 | 250ms | ||
精度 | ±0.2% of FS | ||
控制模式 | Single-Loop Control | ||
运转模式 | 自动 / 手动 | ||
温度设定(SP) | 1设定(1 Zone PID) | ||
输入 | 形式 | Universal Input (1点) | |
种类 | T/C | K, J, E, T, R, B, S, L, N, U, W, Platinel I | |
RTD | Pt100, JPt100 | ||
DCV | -10 ~ 20mV, 0 ~ 100mV, 0.4 ~ 2.0VDC, 1 ~ 5VDC, 0 ~ 10VDC (4 ~ 20mA, 0 ~ 20mA, 外面安装电阻 250Ω, 500Ω) | ||
输出 | 形式 | 1点 | |
种类 | Time-proportional PID | Relay, SSR(电压 Pulse) | |
Continuous PID | SCR (4 ~ 20mADC) | ||
警报 | 警报数 | 基本 2点 | |
警报种类 | 20 Types-上下限, 上下限偏差, 待机上下限.. *备注1 | ||
传送输出 | 4 ~ 20mA (PV, SP, MV) or Loop Power Supply | ||
通信方法 | PC-Link, MODBUS(ASCII, RTU) | ||
额定电压及消耗电力 | 100 ~ 240VAC, 50 ~ 60Hz / 最大 6W 以下 | ||
型号 & 附加代码 | |||
型号 | 附加代码 | 说明 | |
ST140 | - □ □ | 数码控制器 | |
形式 | S | SSR | |
A | AOUT(SCR) | ||
R | RELAY | ||
电源 | 0 | 100 ~ 240VAC | |
1 | 24VDC | ||
附加规格 | /RET | 传送输出 | |
/RS | RS422 / 485 | ||
/HBA | 加热器断线时输出 | ||
备注 | *备注1 : 如果选择HBA 的话 21个款式 |
数显温度控制仪表是采用高精度铂电阻(Pt100)传感器做感温元件,高精度转换电路,具有2路独立开关点(具有2路独立开关点或上下限独立调整位式控制开关)及4-20mA电流信号输出,高亮度数码管显示实测温度值,可通过面板按键设置参数,所有参数均存贮在非易失的存贮器中。可广泛用于机械、化工、冶金、水利水电等诸多行业,具有精度高、控制点准确稳定等特点,是普通温度显示控制仪表的理想升级换代产品,仪表测量控制范围为-50~300℃。测量方式分为:直插式的温度测量范围-50-150度. 远传式,-50-300度
● 主要技术性能1. 精度:显示:0.5级 输出:0.25级,0.5级 控制:0.5级 1级2. 工作电源:24VDC;220VAC3. 信号输出:4~20mADC;4. 开关容量:SPDT,5A 250VAC; 3A 30VDC5. 显示:单4位红色LED6.功耗:<3W7. 工作温度:传感器:-50~300℃ 电子部件:-25~85℃ LED 显示器:-25~70℃8. 防护等级:IP54
ZYWK-100温度控制器 | |
产品型号:ZYWK-100 | |