1、型 号:ZT-150L
2、系 统:平衡调温调湿控制系统BTHC,以P.I.D.方式控制SSR
12、保护装置: 无熔丝开关,压缩机过载保护开关,冷媒高压保护开关,超温保护开关,陶瓷保险丝,水盘缺水保护开关,电磁保护开关,故障警告系统,警报器。
13.重 量:约200kg
14、电 源:1∮,AC220V±10%60Hz
触摸屏高低温试验箱试验机那里有卖? ,东莞中特仪器是您的,苏悦告诉您我们除了生产高低温试验箱之外,还生产恒温恒湿箱、冷热冲击试验箱、紫外光老化箱、氙灯老化箱、耐黄变老化箱等环境仪器。真诚期待与您的交流与合作!欢迎您到厂参观指导工作!
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电源板故障, 液晶故障,触摸面板损坏 ,触控正常但主板程序无反应 ,触摸不良,触摸失灵;操作灵敏度不够 ,上电无任何显示 , PWR灯不亮但其他一切正常,双串口无法通讯 ,主板松动 ,485串口通讯不良,触摸屏上电无反应,通讯不良,画面不能切换, 触摸死机等常见故障等。
MT506MV46威纶触摸屏维修MT6070IH维修MT6100 MT8104 MT508TMT506MV46威纶触摸屏维修MT6070IH维修各型号品牌触摸屏北京公司拥有先进的集成电路板故障测试仪和一支经验丰富的电路板维修工程师队伍,为各行各业提供集成电路板的专业维修服务。按电路板种类分 1.线路板(PCB)企业的所有设备(如钻机、锣机、曝光机等)上的电子线路控制板:cpu板、信号板、放大器、I/O板、镭射感应器、触摸显示器、各类特殊显示器等。 2.电子企业SMT、SMD设备上的所有电子线路控制板。 3.电脑锣及各类数控设备上的电路板。 4.变频器、PLC、伺服控制器等工控产品里面的电路板。 5.各类进口设备上的特殊控制电路板。 6.工业自动化控制板,各种电源板,西门子、ABB、施耐德等系统、数控机床控制板,塑胶机械控制板,各类空压机控制板。包括变频器、直流调速器、软起动器、编码器,PLC程序控制器。 7.各类进口印刷机械设备上的控制电路板。 8.宾馆、饭店,高档公寓物业管理自控系统设备控制板,各种电梯、中央空调、供水系统控制板.
供应西门子6AV6642-0BA01-1AX0 TP177B PN/DP彩色5.7英寸,西门子触摸屏,西门子S7-300,西门子PLC代理,欢迎询价!请联系:肖伟 手机:壹伍玖贰柒叁叁玖壹玖叁 商务QQ:912549743竭诚为您服务西门子工控自动化:www.xwgongkong.com(图片仅供参考,具体技术参数及价格相关信息请来电咨询!!)武汉凯凯自控设备有限公司是一家集西门子电源、数控、触摸屏、变频器、交换机、可编程控制器、伺服电机、现场总线、LOGO、S7-200/300/400/1200的现货销售总代理商凡我公司出售的西门子产品均享受西门子官方质保一年,一年内有任何质量问题免费提供换新或维修服务,不收取任何费用!希望我的用心能换来您对我们的信心!希望我的真诚能换来您对我们的信任! 供应西门子6AV6642-0BA01-1AX0 TP177B PN/DP彩色5.7英寸,西门子触摸屏,西门子S7-300,西门子PLC代理,欢迎询价!Smart 700 6AV6 648-0AC11-3AX0Smart 1000 6AV6 648-0AE11-3AX0HMI 6AV6 640-0BA11-0AX0 OP 73 micro s7-200系列用6AV6 640-0CA11-0AX0 TP177 micro 触摸式 s7-200系列用6AV6 640-0DA11-0AX0 K-TP 178 micro s7-200系列用6AV6 641-0AA11-0AX0 OP 73 单色 3英寸 6AV6641-0BA11-0AX0 OP 77A 单色 4.5英寸 6AV6641-0CA01-0AX0 OP 77B 单色 4.5英寸 6AV6642-0AA11-0AX0 TP 177A 单色 5.7英寸 6AV6642-0BC01-1AX0 TP 177B DP 单色 5.7英寸6AV6642-0BA01-1AX0 TP 177B PN/DP 彩色 5.7英寸6AV6642-0DC01-1AX0 OP 177B DP 单色 5.7英寸6AV6642-0DA01-1AX0 OP 177B PN/DP 彩色 5.7英寸6AV6643-0BA01-1AX0 OP 277-6操作员面板,5.7寸彩色中文显示6AV6643-0AA01-1AX0 TP277-6 触摸式面板,5.7寸彩色中文显示6AV6643-0CB01-1AX1 MP277-8 触摸式面板,8寸64K色中文6AV6643-0DB01-1AX1 MP277-8 按键式面板,8寸64K色中文显示6AV6643-0CD01-1AX1 MP277-10 触摸式面板,10寸64K色中文6AV6643-0DD01-1AX1 MP277-10 按键式面板,10寸64K色中文显示6AV6671-1CB00-0AX2 MMC 存储卡 128 MB 用于 OP77B, OP/TP 177B, MOBILE PANEL 177 6AV6671-1CB00-0AX1 MMC 存储卡 64 MB 用于 OP77B, OP/TP 177B, MOBILE PANEL 177 6AV6644-0AA01-2AX0 SIMATIC MP 377 12' TOUCH 6AV6644-0AB01-2AX0 SIMATIC MP 377 15' TOUCH 6AV6644-0AC01-2AX0 SIMATIC MP 377 19' TOUCH6AV6644-0BA01-2AX0 SIMATIC MP 377 12' KEY触摸屏产品Smart.700 6AV6648-0AC11-3AX0Smart.700 6AV6648-0AC11-3AX0Smart.700 6AV6648-0AC11-3AX0Smart.700 6AV6648-0AC11-3AX06AV6648-0AE11-3AX0 smart line/10寸6AV6648-0AE11-3AX0 smart line/10寸6AV6648-0AE11-3AX0 smart line/10寸6AV6648-0AE11-3AX0 smart line/10寸6AV6648-0AE11-3AX0 smart line/10寸所有产品为西门子原装正品,全新未开封,质保一年。型号太多,无法一一列出,详情请来电咨询。感谢您关注我们的产品,若您希望获得进一步的了解,如6AV6642-0BA01-1AX0 TP177B价格、西门子S7-300系列规格型号等更多信息,欢迎您随时联络我们。我们会为您提供最满意的服务! 我们主要维修的产品:西门子S5 (90U/95U/100U/115U/135U/155U)全国最速度,最合理价格维修,解决你找不到备件或采购周期长的问题。西门子6ES7-300,S7-400系列PLC,维修 西门子ET200系列产品,SITOP电源维修 西门子人机界面,各类触摸屏,文本显示器,维修西门子工控机,交换机6GK,维修加拿大vpt晃电继电器MRR-220(低压电机再启动控制器)现货真诚期待与您合作!
a985got-tba-v 12.1" 256 color tft ac input (video/rgb input) 43,120
a985got-tbd-v 12.1" 256 color tft dc input (video/rgb input) 43,120
a985got-tba 12.1" 256 color tft ac input 37,240
a985got-tbd 12.1" 256 color tft dc input 37,240
a975got-tba-b 10.4" 256 color tft ac input 29,500
a975got-tbd-b 10.4" 256 color tft dc input 29,500
a970got-tba-b 10.4" 16 color tft ac input 30,970
a970got-tbd-b 10.4" 16 color tft dc input 30,970
a970got-sba 10.4" 8 color stn ac input 19,100
a970got-sbd 10.4" 8 color stn dc input 19,100
a970got-lba 10.4" 2 color b&w stn ac input 20,950
a970got-lbd 10.4" 2 color b&w stn dc input 20,950
a960got-eba 8.9" 2 color el ac input 20,950
a960got-ebd 8.9" 2 color el dc input 20,950
-[a900got main display units]
a950got-tbd 5.7" 256 color tft dc input (rs422) 19,300
a950got-sbd 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs422) 14,130
a950got-lbd 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422) 10,750
a950got-tbd-m3 5.7" 256 color tft dc input (rs422) + 3m memory 21,970
a950got-sbd-m3 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs422) + 3m memory 15,930
a950got-lbd-m3 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422) + 3m memory 12,750
a951got-qtbd 5.7" 256 color tft dc input (q bus) 19,300
a951got-qsbd 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (q bus) 13,150
a951got-qlbd 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (bus) 9,860
a951got-qtbd-m3 5.7" 256 color tft dc input (q bus) + 3m memory 21,970
a951got-qsbd-m3 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (q bus) + 3m memory 16,420
a951got-qlbd-m3 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (bus) + 3m memory 13,150
a951got-sbd 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (bus) 11,500
a951got-lbd 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (bus) 9,460
a951got-sbd-m3 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (bus) + 3m memory 13,080
a951got-lbd-m3 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (bus) + 3m memory 11,020
a953got-sbd 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs232c) 12,750
a953got-lbd 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs232c) 9,460
a953got-sbd-m3 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs232c) + 3m memory 14,130
a953got-lbd-m3 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs232c) + 3m memory 10,750
a956got-sbd 5.7" 8 color stn dc input 14,130
a956got-lbd 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input 10,750
a956got-sbd-m3 5.7" 8 color stn dc input + 3m memory 15,930
a956got-lbd-m3 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input + 3m memory 12,750
* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice hmi-(1/4)
mitsubishi effective from : 2nd october, 2003
programmable controller
price list
mitsubishi human machine interface product
model desc-ription unit price
-[f900got/fx du main display units]
f940wgot-twd-c 7" 256 color tft dc input (chinese) 15,040
f940wgot-twd-e 7" 256 color tft dc input (english) 15,040
f940got-swd-c 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs422/232c) 8,870
f940got-lwd-c 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422/232c) 6,090
f930got-bwd-c 4.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422/232c) 3,250
f930got-bbd-k-c 4.4" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422/232c) with keypads 4,300
f920got-bbd5-k-c 2.6" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422/232c) with keypads 1,710
fx-50du-tks-c 5.7" 8 color stn dc input (rs422) 10,160
fx-50du-tk-c 5.7" 2 color b&w stn dc input (rs422) 7,980
fx-40du-tk-es data access unit (lcd graphic, touch screen type) 10,690
fx-40du-es data access unit (lcd graphic type) 10,690
fx-30du-es data access unit (lcd graphic type) 6,590
fx-25du-e data access unit (lcd graphic type) 5,400
fx-20du-e data access unit (led display type) 3,120
fx-10du-e data access unit (lcd 16 characters x 2 lines) 1,880
fx-10dm-e display module (lcd 16 characters x 2 lines) 1,520
fx1n-5dm display module for fx1s-plc 400
* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice hmi-(2/4)
mitsubishi effective from : 2nd october, 2003
programmable controller
price list
mitsubishi human machine interface product
model desc-ription unit price
-[a900got communication adapters]
a9gt-buss bus connection ans/a/qna/qnas cpu 1,540
a9gt-bus2s bus connection ans/a/qna/qnas cpu (more than 1 got) 1,990
a9gt-rs4 rs422 connection ans/a/qna/qnas/fx cpu 1,270
a9gt-rs2 rs232 computer connection 1,270
a9gt-80r1 interface for ntsc/pal input 3,160
a9gt-80v4 interface for analog rgb input 3,160
a7gt-j71ap23 connection to melsecnet ii fiber optic network 9,550
a7gt-j71ar23 connection to melsecnet ii coaxial network 9,550
a7gt-j71at23b connection to melsecnet/b twisted pair network 6,370
a7gt-j71lp23 connection to melsecnet/10 fiber optic network 9,550
a7gt-j71br13 connection to melsecnet/10 coaxial network 9,550
a8gt-j61bt13 connection to cc-link (intelligent device) 4,540
a8gt-j61bt15 connection to cc-link (remote device) 1,510
a8gt-j71qlp23 connection to melsecnet/10 fiber optic network for qna 9,200
a8gt-j71qbr13 connection to melsecnet/10 coaxial network for qna 9,200
a9gt-qbuss qcpu bus connection, for a985/975/970/960got, 1 connector 1,600
a9gt-qbus2s qcpu bus connection, for a985/975/970/960got, 2 connectors 2,390
a9gt-j71e71-t for 10base t connection 2,390
-[a900got cables]
ac30r4-25p 3m rs422 cable for cpu connection (ans/a/qna/qnas/fx2) 1,410
ac100r4-25p 10m rs422 cable for cpu connection (ans/a/qna/qnas/fx2) 2,110
ac300r4-25p 30m rs422 cable for cpu connection (ans/a/qna/qnas/fx2) 3,520
fx-9gt-cab0-150 1.5m connection cable between got and cpu(fx0s/0n/2n) 430
fx-9gt-cab0 3m connection cable between got and cpu(fx0s/0n/2n) 560
fx9gt-cab0-10m 10m connection cable between got and cpu(fx0s/0n/2n) 620
a8gt-c12nb 1.2m bus connection (a/q cpu ) 1,150
a8gt-c30nb 3m bus connection (a/q cpu ) 1,710
a8gt-c50nb 5m bus connection (a/q cpu ) 1,870
a8gt-c100exss-1 10m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 3,450
a8gt-c200exss-1 20m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 4,990
a8gt-c300exss-1 30m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 6,530
a8gt-c100bs 10m bus cable for got/got bus connection 2,310
a8gt-c200bs 20m bus cable for got/got bus connection 3,840
a8gt-c300bs 30m bus cable for got/got bus connection 5,380
a9gt-qc150bs 15m connection cable for a9gt-qcnb/got and got 3,510
a9gt-qc200bs 20m connection cable for a9gt-qcnb/got and got 4,250
a9gt-qc250bs 25m connection cable for a9gt-qcnb/got and got 5,020
a9gt-qc300bs 30m connection cable for a9gt-qcnb/got and got 5,820
a9gt-qc350bs 35m connection cable for a9gt-qcnb/got and got 6,700
a1sc07b 0.7m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 460
a1sc12b 1.2m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu ) 670
a1sc30b 3m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 1,060
a1sc50b 5m bus connection (ans/qnas cpu) 1,570
ac06b 0.6m bus connection (a/q cpu & a7gt-cnb) 630
ac12b 1.2m bus connection (a/q cpu & a7gt-cnb) 960
ac30b 3m bus connection (a/q cpu & a7gt-cnb) 1,260
ac50b 5m bus connection (a/q cpu & a7gt-cnb) 1,590
ac12b-r 1.2m right-angeld bus connection (a/q cpu & a7gt-cnb) 1,090
ac30b-r 3m right-angeld bus connection (a/q cpu & a7gt-cnb) 1,450
ac50b-r 5m right-angeld bus connection (a/q cpu & a7gt-cnb) 1,810
a7gt-cnb bus/connector conversion box 960
ac300pio-20p 30m printer connection 3,310
ac30pio-20p 3m printer connection 1,380
ac30r2-9p 3m computer connection cable (d-sub 9 pin/25 pin) 1,530
ac30r2-9ss 3m computer connection cable (d-sub 9 pin/9 pin) 1,530
a9gt-qcnb bus extension connection box (qcpu bus connection) 960
* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice hmi-(3/4)
mitsubishi effective from : 2nd october, 2003
programmable controller
price list
mitsubishi human machine interface product
model desc-ription unit price
-[a900got memory cassette]
a9gt-fnb option for o.s. use (a/fx series plc) 1,540
a9gt-fnb1m option for o.s. use + 1m memory cassette (a/fx series plc) 2,320
a9gt-fnb2m option for o.s. use + 2m memory cassette (a/fx series plc) 4,640
a9gt-fnb4m option for o.s. use + 4m memory cassette (a/fx series plc) 6,960
a9gt-fnb8m option for o.s. use + 8m memory cassette (a/fx series plc) 9,570
a9gt-qfnb option for o.s. use (qna/a/fx series plc) 2,390
a9gt-qfnb4m option for o.s. use + 4m memory cassette (qna/a/fx series plc) 7,170
a9gt-qfnb8m option for o.s. use + 8m memory cassette (qna/a/fx series plc) 12,560
a9gtmem-10mf memory capacity 10m byte flash pc card 4,790
a9gtmem-20mf memory capacity 20m byte flash pc card 7,170
a9gtmem-40mf memory capacity 40m byte flash pc card 14,350
-[a900got consumable accessories]
a9gt-80psc transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a985got 580
a9gt-80pscl transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a985got 580
a9gt-70psc transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a97xgot 420
a9gt-70pscl transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a97xgot 420
a9gt-60psc transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a960got 390
a9gt-60pscl transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a960got 390
a9gt-50psc transparency protect sheet (5 sheets) for a95xgot (-m3) 480
a9gt-70stand a97xgot, a960got desktop stand 1,930
a9gt-70ltt spare back light for a97xgot lcd, tft, 2qty 620
a9gt-70lts spare back light for a97xgot lcd, stn, 2qty 620
a9gt-70kbf external i/o interface unit for a985/975/970/960got(-b) 2,950
a9gt-50kbf external i/o interface unit for a95xgot(-m3)/a956wgot 2,900
- [f900got/fx du cable & tools]
fx-422cab data transfer cable 0.3m 1,240
f2-232cab transfer cable between computer and data access unit 1,320
fx-422aw0 cable adaptor 1.5m 1,930
fx-40du-cab connection cable between 40du and fx cpu 470
fx-50du-cab0 connection cable between 50du/f940 & cpu(fx0s/0n/2n) 1,270
fx-50du-cab0-10m connection cable between 50du/f940 & cpu(fx0s/0n/2n) 10m 1,490
fx-50du-cab0-r connection cable between 50du/f940 & cpu(fx0s/0n/2n) 140
fx-20p-cab0 connection cable for fx-10p/fx-20p-e & fx0s/0n/2n cpu 360
fx-20p-cab0-r fx-20p-cab0 compatible cable 2.0m 130
fx-20du-cab0 connection cable between fx0s/0n/2n & fx-20du 490
f9gt-40psc protection sheets for f940got 250
f9gt-30psc protection sheets for f940got 250
pm-20bl battery for f940wgot/ f940got 490
f9gt-40fmb screen data transfer board for f940wgot/ f940got 1,280
-[programming software]
gt designer-c development software (windows version) for a/f 900got 2,960
fx-pcs-du/win-c development software for du & f900got (chinese) 1,690
sw5d5c-gtworks-se gt works-plus
* the above prices are subject to change without prior notice hmi-(4/4)
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产品类别: | HITECH触摸屏 → 罗升文本显示器 | |
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![]() | 产品名称: | PWS 6300S-S |
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产品类别: | HITECH触摸屏 → 触摸屏 | |
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产品类别: | HITECH触摸屏 → 触摸屏 | |
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![]() | 产品名称: | PWS 3261-FTN |
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产品类别: | HITECH触摸屏 → 触摸屏 | |
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![]() | 产品名称: | PWS 3261-TFT |
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产品类别: | HITECH触摸屏 → 触摸屏 | |
产品信息: | ![]() |
我公司是一家集工业自动化销售和技术服务于一体的高新技术企业。公司业务主要在中国销售日本三菱电机自动化、德国西门子自动化等进口知名品牌工业自动化(FA)及机电一体化(MECHATRONICS)产品,包括:可编程控制器PLC、人机界面HMI、变频调速器VVVF、交流伺服、运动控制器、张力控制器、配电控制设备、数控系统等,于工业自动化领域内工程配套、产品销售、技术支持,系统集成等。 核心代理销售进口品牌系列(三菱、西门子)。公司现设有贸易部、技术部、工程部、售后服务部四个部门,并在长春,盐城,设有办事处。代理品牌:三菱电机MITSUBISHI、西门子SIEMENS,同时销售欧姆龙OMRON、施奈德,海泰克HITECH、威纶EView。天津市津仕恒达科技发展有限公司(天津总公司)/天津市海研机电新技术有限公司工程公司办公地址:天津市南开区高新技术产业园区康达尚郡6-802 贸易公司办公地址:天津市河东区李公楼桥下裕阳大厦1-2-902 生产工厂办公地址:天津市西青区张窝工业园汇园路12号 贸易代理特价经营:三菱全系列,西门子 PLC 和 直流调速,工程型变频器,数控配件,部分低压,欧姆龙低压 施奈德低压 ,都是特价!!!工程承接:各类电气工程开发及系统改造项目
工控产品系:可编程控制器 (PLC):三菱A、Q、FX2N、FX1N、FX1S、FX3U、西门子S7200、S7300、S7400系列及模块(如开关量/模拟量输入/输出模块)人机界面(触摸屏HMI):三菱F900GOT、A900GOT、GT1OOO、西门子6AV系列及其配件变频调速器(变频器VVVF):三菱FR-A740、E500、F740、S500、西门子6SE6440、6SE6430、6SE6420、6SE700系列及其配件如制动单元伺服控制系统:MR-E、MR-J2S、MR-J3交流伺服控制系统低压电器:三菱/西门子/施耐德/欧姆龙:空气开关、光电开关、编码器、热继电器、接触器、塑壳断路器、微断、漏电断路器、传动产品:直流调速器 工控品牌:欧美品牌:西门子、ABB、施奈德、丹佛斯、伦次、GE、A-B、艾默生日韩品牌:三菱、欧姆龙、安川、富士、三垦、松下。台湾国产:森兰、英威腾、台安、台达、普传,EASYVIEW、EVIEW