
型 号
检 测 原 理
检 测 范 围
0~100ppm / 0~10000ppm两个量程
报 警 设 定 值
响 应 速 度
延 迟 时 间
采 样 流 量
报 警 表 示
气体报警:随浓度增加,报警由断续声逐渐变为持续声。控关断线:蜂鸣器持续鸣叫,电源灯LED变为红色。   电池电压:低于标准值时,蜂鸣器持续鸣叫,电源灯灭。
电 源
电 池 寿 命
保 存 温 度
附 件


手携式MD系列金属探测器探测深度大,功能齐全、分辨率高、定位,并装有地平衡系统。而能排除地面信号的干扰,只选择金属目标的信号,因此能无误地搜寻到地下的金属物品。本产品对金、银、铜、铁、锡等金属都能探测到,而对覆 盖在这些金属之上的泥土、陶瓷、岩石、塑料、水泥、木材等物质都能穿透。手携式MD系列金属探测器,是一种便携式仪器,可以随身携带。仪器各部位用卡销连接,不用时可把整机分解,即方便携带又方便保存。使用时跟工兵探雷一样:手执握柄,让探头在地面上扫过,如果地下埋有金属,仪器便能发出响声,电表也有显示。因此对于地下施工时,无误地发现埋在地下的线路、金属支架及各种设备器材,提供施工、抢险进度主要技术性能 电源: DC12V 信号频率: 437KHZ 发射频率: 6.99KHZ 灵敏度:小盘 25~30CM(USD25sent) 大盘 35~40CM(USD25sent) 最大探测深度:3.0 ~3.5M 注意:本探测器最大探测深度的目标为:60×60×1CM的铝板。 产品性能:探测地下深度3-6米 净重: 2.875KG 产品描述:美国技术制作的探测器,具有探测度广、定位、分辨力强、操作简易等特点。金属探测器主要是用探测和识别隐埋地下的金属物和金银宝物。它除了在军事上应用外,还广泛用于:安全检查、考古探宝、探矿。


◎人性化的Win Xp操作界面,使用简单方便;
◎人性化的Win Xp操作界面,使用简单方便;
该公司产品分类: 臭氧产品 五官科 手术设备 男科 检验科 妇科设备 医疗器械 B超设备


FH40G 探测仪是一种非常容易使用的数字型测量仪,适用于测量剂量率和辐射污染。其多用途系统可完成几乎所有的辐射防护测量工作,并达到各类操作要求。众多外部探测器可以与探测仪连接,测量受辐照影响的区域或员工的α、β、γ污染水平,并保留所有校准参数。方便快捷地改变或增加探测仪的功能,特别是在紧急情况下更显优势。当连接FHZ 752 中子探测器,在混合辐射区域,可同时测量中子和γ辐射,且两种不同水平的报警器可以调校。

FH40G 探测仪其它型号: 1. FH40G 2. FH40G-L 3. FH40G-10 4. FH40G-L10 5. FH40G-LΩ 6. FH40G-X FH40G 探测仪技术参数:测量常数:光子剂量率当量[ *(10)] 测量范围:10nSv/h~1Sv/h 负荷容FH40G 探测仪积:50Sv/h 探测效率:超过50 Sv/h (DIN6818)则忽略该次检测 能量范围:36 keV~1.3MeV 角度依赖性:-75°~ +75°之间纵轴方向的单位内角度变化小于20% 读数出错率:Typical <5%, max. 20%; at 137Cs radiation (E=662 keV) 规格:195mm×73mm×42mm 重量:约410 g (不含电池) 颜色:灰色 包装:聚碳酸酯 保护等级:IP 67 (防水可达1米深) 电池:2块AA/LR6电池(1.5V);2块锂电池(1.5V) 电池使用寿命:>250小时(AA/LR6电池);>500小时(锂电池) 环境温度:-30℃~+55℃ 温度依赖性:DIN 6818<20% 存储温度:-40℃~+70℃ 大气压:300 hPa~130 hPa 相对湿度:10%~95% 电磁磁场率:IEC 1000-4-3, EN61000-4-3, 10V/m, 80 MHz-1GHz 拟辐射少于:EN55011(Class B) 静电补偿:8kV, IEC 801-2 探测器类型:正比计数管 探测器灵敏度:2.0 Imp/s per μSv/h 探测器尺寸:25mm; Φ25.8mm length 探测器位置:位置中心上方标有三角标志,前端标有方形标志 显示值为3倍十进制数加相应单位 分析显示30年内对数条形图 自动选择量程 FH40G 探测仪主要特点:在测量范围内剂量和剂量率报警连续可调; 测量值以数字方式显示,可自动绘制出今后30年的衰变对数条形图; 剂量率报警时,显示屏亮并伴有脉冲声提示与脉冲声信号频率对应于剂量率变化; 电池电量低时及时报警; 显示上次操作的剂量率最值和均值; 外部探测器独立报警; 存储累积剂量,每次关机后的数值仍保存在仪器内,直到手动复位; 计时模式可选择测量时间,拥有默认最小值。400脉冲数以精确测定剂量率,特别使用在低辐射级; 内置256位数据存储器,对应内部和外部探测器各有一个以记录日期和测量时间; 可通过手动按键或设置时间间隔来选择存储模式; 该检测仪与电脑通过红外连接线串口连接,FH40G程序的相关参数和所需功能可选择安装,并作为配置文件存储在硬盘上; 同电脑的数据传输; 在线图形数码显示和存储,以及内部缓冲区数据读出可通过运行该“FH40G”程序进行操作; 该设备可连接外部探头; 连接外部探头显示会自动转换到相应模式并显示该探头的探测辐射线类型。  
该公司产品分类: 酒精检测仪 食品安全检测仪 无损检测仪 红外线水分仪 水分仪 多功能辐射检测仪 个人辐射剂量仪 辐射检测仪 可燃气体检测仪 有毒气体检测仪 气体检测仪 臭氧检测仪 地下管线检测仪 西门子料位计 西门子液位计 西门子物位计

美国追踪者金银定位仪 地下金属探测仪 地下金属探测器

美国追踪者金银定位仪 追踪者B     9米 简介:



专业销售QQ758568914               电话0319-2054113美国追踪者金银定位仪 型号:追踪者B~搜索范围0.5英里,深度9米



英语介绍:A number of our customers have been requesting an economical model to aid in their versatile treasure hunting without sacrificing quality, dependability, and performance.We believe these new System-B long-range locators will be valuable tools helping to accomplish our customer's goals. Let this affordable long-range instrument aid you in your pursuit of treasure. It can be an effective tool in your treasure arsenal and an absolute must for any serious prospector.

友情链接    中国仪器仪表网      中国探测器之家    北京百洋科技有限公司   达利来电子    地下金属探测器

               百洋电子       河南地下金属探测器   武汉地下金属探测器    陕西地下金属探测器



      采用最新专利技术的全向天线,可通过图形化管线显示及导向箭头等信息,实现快速精确定位,满足高端用户的需求,主要应用于管线定位,也可定位信号发生器。      SR-20 管线定位仪的功能       配合使用信号发生器进行管线定位(有源探测模式)      直接使用管线定位仪进行管线定位(无源探测模式)      探测内窥系统摄像头位置(需连接512Hz信号发生器)      - 所有SeeSnake®内窥系统(均含512Hz信号发生器)      - 也可检测其他厂家生产的33kHz,640Hz信号发生器      探测带有信号发生器的高压清洗机水管和疏通机钢索液晶      屏显示      3.0"LCD液晶显示屏      实时显示深度      自动背光功能      所有信息显示在同一界面,无需翻页      显示目标管线走向,深度及变化情况      导向箭头设计,引导操作者快速找到目标      目标接近参数显示帮助操作者尽快靠近目标管线正上方      全向探测:结合电力(<4kHz)及无线电信(4~15kHz,        15k~35kHz)探测模式来定位,锁定最强定位频率,可同         时定位多根管线(最多3根),避免未知金属管线的遗漏。

该公司产品分类: 专用仪器仪表 铁路仪器仪表


塑料水管探测仪 型号:ZD2RD500货号:
内容简介: ZD2RD500塑料水管探测仪 ZD2RD500是探测塑料自来水管道最的设备,ZD2RD500塑料水管探测仪由发射机和手持式的接收机组成。发射机在消防栓、水表底座或水龙头上给塑料管道施加一个特殊的压力波信号,接收机的地震波传感器接收该信号,从而对塑料管道进行定位。 ■表头和声音信号指示 ■开机电池状况检测 ■便携式,重量轻 ■定位精度:埋深的5%(埋深2米时) 2.0 Fast Start Guide:Detailed operating instructions are also included on the side of the Receiver. These instructions are repeated her for your convenience:Transmitter Operating Instructions:1. Remove protective caps from transmitter2. Connect transmitter to nearest water outlet using kit supplied with transmitter3. Turn on waterloosen adjustment lock nut near T-handle4. Turn T-handle clockwise until water fl ows5. Turn T-handle counterclockwise until water pulses several times per second; tighten lock nutReceiver Operating Instructions:1. Turn ON/OFF knob clockwise to activate2. Initial meter reading indicates battery condition3. To replace battery, loosen battery release button, move housing upward to expose battery4. Begin initial tracing about 2 meters from transmitter or any other area where pipe location is known5. Push spike of receiver into ground near known pipe locationturn ON/OFF knob clockwise for mid-range meter readingadjust individual headphone controls for comfortable listening level6. To pinpoint pipe position, use receiver to probe ground until you fi nd peak maximum meter reading. You will also hear the pulsing sound similar to a heartbeat grow louder7. Trace the pipe by establishing the direction of pipe route by probing every one to two meters to locate a peak meter reading. Adjust the ON/OFF knob to maintain a mid-range meter readingNotesPrecautions:The ZD2RD500 is for use on water pipes only It works best on water pressures in the range of 3 to 7 Bars; maximum pressure 10 BarsThe Transmitter pulsating effect causes pipe movement. If used for extended periods or on substandard plumbing systems, leaks may resultAdditional NotesPrecautions:1. ZD2RD500 readings do not indicate depththe ZD2RD500 does not detect buried electrical power lines, gas lines or other hazardous underground objects, so always dig carefully in the proximity of buried pipes or cables2. Use caution while wearing headphonesbe alert to traffi c or other hazards that are normally heard outdoors3. Always stand clear of all transmitters, adapter kitshoses while they are connected to water systemsoperating4. On all hose bib applications, within 15 meters 50 feet of a building, the proper low-power transmitter GREENfaucet damper MUST MUST be used3.0 Transmitter Application Techniques:Transmitters are connected at sprinkler heads, hose bibs, water meter bases, fi re hydrantsclean-outs. Supplied transmitter adapter kits are illustrated in Section 5.0 of the OperationalManual. Always fl use any connection site until the water that fl ows is clear of all rust, silt, sealing compoundsforeign materials before connecting a transmitter to the water line.Refer to Section 5.0 for a detailed description of the receiver kitthe adapter kits that are available. All adapter kits are supplied with a 3-meter 10 foot high-pressure drain hose that must be connected to the outlet of the transmitter in order for the device to work properly.Always use a weight on the hose or tie the hose down to prevent the hose from whipping.Check the water pressure before attempting to locate the water linemake sure that it is in the operating range of the transmitter, which is 3 to 10 Bars 40 to 140 psi.4.0 Receiver Application Techniques:Two devices are provided for probing the surface with the ZD2RD500 receiver. A 14cm 5.5 inch ground spike is supplied for soft surfacesa brass hard surface plate is included for hard surfaces such as concrete or tarmac asphalt. The hard surface plate has concentric recessed channels in its surface that allow it to be positioned such that it lays fl at against surfaces.The ZD2RD500 is supplied with high quality headphones that have independent volume adjustments on each ear piece. Using non-standard headphones may reduce system performance; create oscillation in the audio outputcause mechanical damage to the headphone jack.Pinpointing pipe location is difficult without using the meter to measure signal level. It is very difficult for the average person to discern slight variations in audio signal levels. Always adjust the sensitivity so as to maintain a mid-scale meter reading while locating. Typical location accuracy is plus or minus one pipe diameter. Always probe or expose the pipe to confirm the exact location before performing any excavation.Best location results are obtained by beginning your tracing at least 3 meters 10 feet from the location where the transmitter is connected. The signal levels are normally too strong in the area immediately surrounding the transmitter. Alternately, tracing may begin at a known pipe location that is not more than 75 meters 250 feet down the pipe from the transmitter.The preferred method for tracing pipes is to locate at least two known pipe locations that indicate the heading or direction that the pipe is laid. Readings should be taken along an imaginary line that runs perpendicular to the pipeline. Confirm a peak signal reading by taking additional readings that are equal distances from the peak location. These readings should be lower than the peak readingapproximately equal.Once the pipe direction is determined, it is possible to quickly trace the pipe along this headingconfirm any changes in direction by periodically taking readings.Always transportstore your receiver in the carrying case to protect it from damage. If the receiver is allowed to fall overstrike a hard surface it may permanently damage the meter.5.0 ReceiverAdapter Kit Details:The receiver kit, sprinkler/hose bib kit, fire hydrant kitwater meter kit details are supplied for your reference in identifyingmaintaining the equipment.5.1 Receiver Kit Details:产品图片




SCANNER6.0 金属探测仪


vwr57800-206放射性同位素探测仪Radiation Survey Meter



Model 3007A-VWR Display Analog W x L x H, cm (in.) 22.2 x 11.1 x 10.8 (83/4 x 43/8 x 41/4) Each 询价    


ST―2000型漏水探测仪是专门用于对供水管道泄漏点进行定位的专用仪表,也可用来探测其它压力管道的泄漏点。其工作原理是:当管道内流体在压力作用下泄漏时,所产生的振动波会沿着管道或地埋层介质(如土壤,水泥等)传播到地面,漏水探测仪便是采用的数据采集和数字滤波技术对此进行采集和分析,并最大限度地排除其它的信号干扰,从而使人们轻松地找到泄漏点。 它是由我公司组织教授、博士和工程师,在吸收国外技术的基础上,充分结合国内管道的实际情况,精心研制而成,其性能已达到国际水平,是严格按照ISO9000标准对产品进行开发与生产。目前,该产品在国内客户中反应非常好,并选销国外。技术参数:频率分析宽度:50~3000HZ 显示模式:横向单条柱状显示 显示屏:128×64点阵单色 LCD显示屏 供电方式:7.2V NI-MH可充电池组 (电池充满后)≥ 10小时(开背光灯) 工作温度:-10℃~ +50℃ 仪表箱尺寸:515×320×46(L×W×D)mm 主机(包括电池)0.9 kg 整机放大倍数:120dB 频率分档:A、B、C、D、E、F 数值显示:在显示条上对应以0~100相对量值显示 LCD背光灯:可开关控制,并有延时自动关闭功能 连续工作时间:≥ 35小时(关背光灯) 存放温度:-10℃~ +70℃主机的长宽高 : 220×110×80mm 重量:仪表箱总重5.5 kg 标准配件:主机           1台拾振器          1只 听音杆          2根 耳机           1副 充电器       1只备用电池组     1块 (7.2V NI-MH可充电池组)说明书       1本保修卡       1份手提式仪表箱    1只


热门仪器: 液相色谱仪 气相色谱仪 原子荧光光谱仪 可见分光光度计 液质联用仪 压力试验机 酸度计(PH计) 离心机 高速离心机 冷冻离心机 生物显微镜 金相显微镜 标准物质 生物试剂