WG Size | Freq. (GHz) | VSWR max | Power Watt | Calibration Frequency* | Standard Model No. | Length (L) Inches |
WR650 | 1.12 - 1.70 | 1.15 | 11 | 1.40 | 650-600A-dB-2-2 | 25.0 |
WR430 | 1.70 - 2.60 | 1.15 | 11 | 2.20 | 430-600A-dB-2-2 | 22.0 |
WR340 | 2.20 - 3.30 | 1.15 | 11 | 2.75 | 340-600A-dB-2-2 | 18.0 |
WR284 | 2.60 - 3.95 | 1.15 | 11 | 3.20 | 284-600A-dB-6-6 | 10.0 |
WR229 | 3.30 - 4.90 | 1.15 | 9 | 4.00 | 229-600B-dB-2-2 | 9.0 |
WR187 | 3.95 - 5.85 | 1.15 | 7 | 4.90 | 187-600A-dB-6-6 | 8.5 |
WR159 | 4.9 - 7.05 | 1.15 | 5 | 6.10 | 159-600B-dB-2-2 | 8.0 |
WR137 | 5.85 - 8.20 | 1.15 | 4 | 7.00 | 137-600B-dB-2-2 | 6.0 |
WR112 | 7.05 - 10.0 | 1.15 | 3 | 8.50 | 112-600B-dB-6-6 | 5.0 |
WR90 | 8.20 - 12.4 | 1.15 | 2 | 10.30 | 90-600A-dB-6-6 | 4.0 |
原子吸收分光光度计检定标准器 空心阴极灯 光衰减器空心阴极灯: 零漂<0.0044A光衰减器: 波动<0.01A标准溶液: 浓度:(0.5~5)μg/mL 不确定度:3%该装置可用来检定原子吸收光谱仪。
原子吸收分光光度计标准物质(Cu) | | | | 60mL/瓶 |
| | |||
原子吸收分光光度计标准物质(Cd) | | | | 60mL/瓶 |
| | |||
原子吸收分光光度计标准物质(光衰减器) | | | | 1支/套 |
介质膜干涉滤光片标准物质 | | | | 3片/套 |
| | |||
镨钕滤光片标准物质 | | | | 1片 |
| | |||
氧化钬滤光片标准物质 | | | | 1片 |
| | |||
| | | 透射比标称值:10%、20%、30%
| 3片/套,参比架1支 |
品牌:日本 迈可尼斯|MICRONIX
单价:¥80000 Windows98/Me/2000/XP correspondenceGP-IB, RS-232C and software for making attenuation program are standard accessories.Optimum for evaluation of communication quality ofsuch wireless communication equipments as W-CDMA,CDMA, GSM, PDC, PHS, ETC, wireless LAN and Bluetooth.
MAT800 is a multi-functional and all-out programmable attenuator that is capable of controlling the attenuation of microwave signal at an ultra-high speed.◆Features 1. The arbitrary attenuation programs is possible *128kwords built-in program memory *Maximum 2μs switching (readout) speed *Three readout modes of FREE, BURST and GATE *Setup of hold off period by the number of clocks or by time 2. The software for making attenuation program is a standard accessory 3. GP-IB and RS-232C are equipped as standard accessories 4. Four models are prepared for every frequency band *model A : 1.5 to 4.5GHz *model B : 3.0 to 9.0GHz *model C : 4.5 to 13.5GHz *model D : 1.95 to 5.85GHz 5. The maximum attenuation is 80dB 6. The minimum step size of attenuation is 0.05dB
1. Attenuation mode 2. Attenuation Select either manual setup or programmed setup. * Refer to "Setting of attenuation". Set the attenuation. It is valid in the manual mode. 0 to 80 dB in 0.05 dB steps. 3. Filter 4. Readout clock Select switching response time of attenuator.* Refer to "About a filter". Set readout clock of program memory. External clock and manual clock are available. 5. Program length 6. Program hold off period Set program memory length. 8 to 131,072 words in one word step. Set hold off period of program memory, that is, the time till the next readout is started. Perform setup by number of readout clocks or by time. * Refer to "Setting of attenuation". 7. Readout mode 8. Setup Set readout method of program memory from Free, Burst and Gate. * Refer to "Program readout mode". Set parameters of RS-232C or GP-IB. 9. External readout clock 10. Trigger input Connector for input of external clock for reading program memory. Connector for input of trigger signal for such read mode as Burst or Gate.* Refer to "Program readout mode". 11. SYNC output 12. Attenuator input / output A signal synchronized with the top address of the program memory is output. * Refer to "Program readout mode". SMA connector for attenuator input / output.
◆Setting of attenuation
Two methods are available for setup of attenuation ; manual or program. Select one by "ATTEN MODE".●Manual modeSet the attenuation using the rotary encoder on the front panel. Alternatively, perform setup from outside using RS-232C or GP-IB. The setup parameters in manual mode are attenuation and filter only.
M A N U A L 2 3 . 4 5 d B 3 0 μ s
●Program modeRead the memory storing attenuation data transferred from the computer. There are five parameters in the program mode ; readout clock, program length, hold-off period, readout mode and filter.
P R G M 1 0 k H z L : 1 3 1 0 7 2 P : 6 . 5 5 3 5 s F R E E 3 0 μ s
The program readout period is the period from address 0 of the memory to address n (set by program length). The program length can be set between 8 and 131072 words in one word step. When the program is read up to address n, the attenuation data at address n is held for the hold off period (set by number of readout clocks or by time), and on termination of hold off period, the memory is read out from address 0 again.
About a filterCR filter is inserted in the attenuation controlling line. Use when it is required to smooth the change at the moment of switching attenuation. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the relation with the readout clock. An appropriate filter value is normally 1 / 2 to 1 / 8 of the clock period.
◆The method of a programWhen it is necessary to use the program mode, input the program (waveform) on a Windows computer using "Software for making attenuation program", which is provided as a standard accessory. Then transfer this attenuation data to the memory of MAT800 using RS-232C or GP-IB. Readout clock, program length, hold off period, readout mode and filter are set from the computer. Of course it is possible to set by keys on the front panel. Connect external clock and trigger signal as required.● Waveform creation1. Standard waveforms inputThe nine types of standard waveforms are prepared. They are sine wave, triangle wave, square wave, ramp wave, sinX / X, (1-ε-ax), ε-ax white noise and DC.2. Straight line inputTwo specified points are linked together by means of a straight line.3. Arithmetic calculation inputA waveform is created by arithmetic calculation of addition, subtraction, clipping, absolute, mirror, smoothing, resize and offset.4. One-point inputA waveform is created through input of one point at a time.
● Waveform editing and file managementWaveform editing and file management may be performed using CUT, COPY, PASTE and UNDO◆Program readout mode
Three program readout modes are available ; Free, Burst and Gate. Readout is executed regardless of the trigger signal in the Free mode. In the Burst mode, the readout of program memory is started at the rising edge of the trigger signal, the attenuation data of the terminating address is held until the next activation. Therefore, setup of the hold off period is not permitted in the Burst mode. In the Gate mode, one set of the readout of program memory and hold off period is repeated while the trigger signal is of a high level. The last attenuation data is held when the trigger signal goes down to a low level and then address n of program memory is read out. With wireless communication equipments, W-CDMA, CDMA, GSM, PDC, PHS, ETC, wireless LAN and Bluetooth, the transmission power changes due to obstacles and multi-paths besides theoretical space losses, when the radio wave is transmitted through the space. This changing pattern can be simulated using MAT800 and the communication quality can be evaluated. This changing pattern can be easily created using "Software for making attenuation program". It will be very convenient if our "Shielding box ME8661A" is used for this test.
model A model B model C model D Frequency range 1.5 to 4.5GHz 3.0 to 9.0 GHz 4.5 to 13.5GHz 1.95 to 5.85GHz VSWR < 1.5 @ 2 to 4GHz < 2.0 @ 1.5 to 4.5GHz < 1.7 @ 4 to 8GHz < 2.2 @ 3 to 9GHz < 1.8 @ 6 to 12GHz < 2.2 @ 4.5 to 13.5GHz < 1.6 @ 2.6 to 5.2GHz < 2.1 @ 1.95 to 5.85GHz Insertion loss(0dB setting) < 2.3dB @ 2 to 4GHz < 2.6dB @ 1.5 to 4.5GHz < 3.0dB @ 4 to 8GHz < 3.3dB @ 3 to 9GHz < 3.5dB @ 6 to 12GHz < 3.8dB @ 4.5 to 13.5GHz < 2.6dB @ 2.6 to 5.2GHz < 2.9dB @ 1.95 to 5.85GHz
Attenuator Setting range Setting resolution Accuracy (at center of frequency range and +10dBm input) Impedance Filter Maximum input level Input damage level Input / output connectorReadout clock input Input level Maximum frequency Input impedance Minimum pulse width Input damage level ConnectorTrigger input Input level Input impedance Minimum pulse width Input damage level ConnectorSYNC output Output level Rise / Fall time Output impedance Connector 0 to 80dBless than 0.05dBless than ±0.5dB @ 0 to 10dBless than ±0.8dB @ >10 to 30dBless than ±1.0dB @ >30 to 50dBless than ±1.5dB @ >50 to 64dBless than ±2.0dB @ >64 to 74dBless than ±3.0dB @ >74 to 80dB50ohm nominal1μs to 3ms, 1-3 step100mW @ CW or peak power0.8W @ average power20W @ peak power of 1μs pulseSMA TTL level500kHz10kohm ±5%more than 200ns (both of high and low)±20V (DC + ACpeak) maxBNC TTL level10kohm ±5%more than 1μs±20V (DC + ACpeak) maxBNC TTL levelless than 100nsapprox. 100ohmBNC
Attenuation modeProgram mode Program length Readout clock Internal clock External clock Manual clock Hold off period Clock setting Time setting Read modeBackup of program Manual and Program 8 to 131072words, (available for setting in one word step) 100Hz to 500kHz, 1-2-5 stepDC to 500kHzDue to pressing ENTER key 0 to 65535 clocks of readout clock(available for each clock)0 to 6.5535sec (by 100μs step)Free, Burst, GateProgram data is automatically saved when turning off.
◆Software for making attenuation program
Effective OSMaking waveform Standard waveform Waveform type Parameter Straight line Calculation One point inputEditing of waveformFile Windows95 / 98 / Me / 2000 / XP Sine, Triangle, Square, Ramp, sinX / X, (1-ε-ax), ε-ax, White noise and DCData size, Attenuation (except DC), Offset, Cycle (except White noise and DC), Phase (°)(except White noise and DC), Duty ratio (%)(only Square wave), Zero cross (only sinX / X),Attenuation ratio ( (1-ε-ax) and ε-ax)Link two points with line+, -, ×, Clipping, Absolute, Mirror, Smoothing,Resize, OffsetInput each pointCut, Copy, Paste, Undo, DeleteNew, Open, Close, Save, Save as, Data import,Data export, Print, Printer setup, Transmit, Exit
DisplayInterface RS-232C Baud rate GP-IB Address LCD (20characters × 2columns) Standard Accessory2,400 to 57,600Standard Accessory0 to 30
MICRONIX Corporation receives the right to make changes in design, specification and other information without prior notice.
Operating temperatureOperating humidityStorage temperaturePower Supply WeightDimensionsStandard accessories 0 to 40°C (Guaranteed at 23 ±5°C)less than 40°C / 80%RH (Guaranteed at less than 28°C / 80%RH)-10 to +60°C / less than 80%RH90 to 132VAC / 180 to 250VAC (selectable by a switch located on rear panel)approx. 4.5kg260 (W) × 115 (H) × 360 (D) mm (excluding projections)Instruction manual (1pc), Power cable (1pc), Fuse (1pc),FD for making attenuation program (1pc), RS-232C cable (1pc)
GP-IB cableCoaxial cableCoaxial cableCoaxial cableFixed microwave attenuators50 ohm termination MI200MC201MC202MC203(1 to 10, 12, 13, 15, 20dB)(SMA)
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德国Limo公司是世界的微光学(Micro-optics)产品和半导体激光器(LD)的供应商,能够解决您在泵浦、激光医疗、激光加工等应用领域的需求。Limo公司有许多基于生产工艺的专利技术,为您提供质量的产品和生产水平。此外,Limo的技术人员结合Limo的微光学方面的优势针对客户的需求提供精确和的系统。Limo的优势是在制造高功率半导体激光器系统和光束整形固态激光器。此外,我们为您提供二氧化碳激光器光束整形的解决方案。 同时Limo能为您提供量身定制的解决方案,能够达到所有医疗和工业应用的性能标准。Limo公司的特别优势是优化组合激光光源和光束的光学系统,从而获得更加和的激光系统。在激光光源的接口及应用领域,我们有一套独特的解决方案来开发和制造的光学和激光系统。 德国Limo公司的生产及技术服务范围包括微光学系统,激光二极管系统,在光电学、电子学、半导体、汽车制造、机械与工具制造领域对激光材料加工的辅助支持。可作为OEM生产的元件供应商,并提供激光材料加工的应用层面支持。希望中方合作伙伴是激光器、机械及工具制造商,医疗器械生产商或太阳能、半导体领域的设备制造商。 为了更好的服务于中国地区的相关领域的客户需求,德国Limo公司于2009年初与实密公司进行合作,为中国台湾、香港和大陆的客户提供的支持和技术服务。 LIMO公司产品主要分为两个大类: 1. 半导体激光模块 输出模式:单光纤耦合输出和准直自由光输出(光斑大小可定义) 输出功率:20W-1000W 或更高 输出波长:795nm,808nm,915nm,940nm,980nm,特殊波长可以订制 波长范围:+/-10nm +/-3nm +/-2nm 光纤芯径:50微米(最大50瓦),100微米,200微米,400微米,600微米 特殊芯径光纤可以订制 制冷:TEC制冷或者被动水冷(非微通道水冷) 应用:固体激光器泵浦源,光纤激光器泵浦源,医疗用半导体激光模块,焊接用半导体激光模块,打标用半导体激光模块 2. 微光学产品 FAC 快轴准直仪 SAC慢轴准直仪 BTS+HOC模组 用于将半导体bar条产生激光耦合进光纤 Homogenizer 均光器 Beam Shaper 光束整形,可以将高斯分布变成TopHat分布 Fiber Coupler 用于将单发射点耦合进光纤,耦合效率极高 光束整形模块由独立的单元构成,为客户提供激光源参数以及整形后所需参数,中间部分全部由我们来完成。
型号Model Number | 平均功率 Average Power(W) | 频率范围 Frequency Range(GHz) | 衰减值及精度 Attenuation Value & Accuracy(dB) | 最大驻波比Max VSWR | ||||
1-9 | 10 | 20 | 30 | |||||
1 | SMA | 1 | DC-4 | ±0.5 | ±0.7 | ±0.7 | ±1.0 | 1.20 |
2 | DC-8 | ±0.4 | ±0.5 | ±0.7 | ±1.0 | 1.25 | ||
3 | DC-12.4 | ±0.5 | ±0.7 | ±1.0 | ±1.2 | 1.35 | ||
4 | DC-18 | ±1.2 | ±1.2 | ±1.5 | ±1.5 | 1.50 |