乐清市和信电气有限公司是一家以工业自动化为主营,融科、工、贸于一体,专业代理销售各类进口名牌电气及自动化产品是国内规模最大的电气产品分销商及工业自动化系统集成商之一。公司坚持多品牌、差异化的发展战略,海量和专业并举的分销模式,主要代理国际国内著名的工业电气品牌,如施耐德电气,ABB电气,西门子电气,、LS产电,常熟开关,上海人民,天水二一三,金钟穆勒、魏德米勒、美国GE,日本OMRON,富士机电、等,产品覆盖面较大,涉及低压和中压输配电产品及工业自动化产品;用户的广泛赞誉,并成为他们工业控制系统领域的指定供应商和系统集成商 销售电话:18267841216传真: QQ:1360018867
ABB接触器适用于建筑业和工业领域,如:电机控制、保暖和通风、空调、水泵、提升设备、照明和校正功率因数等。 ABB接触器的规格包括4 和 5.5KW 的微型接触器、高达400kW 的接触器组(AC3),建筑用接触器(家用和工业用),拍合式接触器,热过载继电器和电子继电器,以及完整的附件,确保选择灵活性和满足客户需求,公司制造工厂位于海西经济区的核心----美丽的鹭岛厦门。
产品概述 R 系列接触器在一个主框架上构造,支持电磁特性、主极和辅助触头。此设计为标准接触器的制作带来很大的灵活性,有如定制的接触器般灵活: 可按需求改变极数 带 / 不带排气线圈的极,额定电流流过每一极 常开极 当常闭极与常开极结合使用时,可设置 "先合后分" 或 "先分后合" 大量标准、定时、可调的常开和常闭辅助触头 带特殊特性的电磁特性由控制供电电压和应用特性决定
系统一体花概念 安装和维护简单、安全 容易集成其它系统元件 设计紧凑 完整系列的附件 符合最新的国际和国内标准 改进环境性能 。 相关参数 关于ABB接触器常见相关参数 1、额定电压 (1)接触器铭牌额定电压是指主触点上的额定电压。通常用的电压等级为:直流接触器:110V,220V,440V,660V等档次。交流接触器:127V,220V,380V,500V等档次。如某负载是380V的三相感应电动机,则应选380V的交流接触器。(2)额定工作电压额定工作电压是与额定工作电流共同决定接触器使用条件的电压值,接触器的接通与分断能力、工作制种类以及使用类别等技术参数都与额定电压有关。对于多相电路来说,额定电压是指电源相间电压(即线电压)。另外,接触器可以根据不同的工作制和使用类别规定许多组额定工作电压和额定电流的数值。例如:CJ10-40型交流接触器,额定电压为220V时可控制电动机为11kW,额定电压为380V时可控制电动机为20kW。(3)额定绝缘电压额定绝缘电压是与介电性能试验、电气间隙和爬电距离有关的一个名义电压值,除非另有规定,额定绝缘电压是接触器的最大额定工作电压。在任何情况下,额定工作电压不得超过额定绝缘电压。2、额定电流(1)额定电流接触器铭牌额定电流是指主触点的额定电流。通常用的电流等级为:直流接触器:25A,40A,60A,100A,250A,400A,600A。交流接触器:5A,10A,20A,40A,60A,100A,150A,250A,400A,600A。上述电流是指接触器安装在敞开式控制屏上,触点工作不超过额定温升,负载为间断—长期工作制时的电流值。所谓间断—长期工作制是指接触器连续通电时间不超过8h。若超过8h,必须空载开闭三次以上,以消除表面氧化膜。如果上述诸条件改变了,就要相应修正其电流值。具体如下:当接触器安装在箱柜内,由于冷却条件变差,电流要降低10~20使用;当接触器工作于长期工作制,而且通电持续率不超过40;敞开安装,电流允许提高10~25;箱柜安装,允许提高5~10。介于上述情况之间者,可酌情增减。2、额定工作电流(1)主触头额定工作电流根据额定工作电压、额定功率、额定工作制、使用类别以及外壳防护型式等所决定的保证接触器正常工作的电流值。(2)辅助触头额定工作电流辅助触头额定工作电流是考虑到额定工作电压、额定操作频率、使用类别以及电寿命而规定的辅助触头的电流值,一般不大于5A。(3)使用类别使用类别是根据接触器的不同控制对象在运行过程中各自不同的特点而规定的。不同使用类别的接触器对接通、分断能力以及电寿命的要求是不一样的
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German kruss AR 2008 Digital Abbe Refractometer Features Refractive index or Brix degree and temperature are simultaneously displayed on the LCD readout. Temperature compensation is automatically switchable. Connection to thermostat-control bath available. Results with date/time stamp can be transmitted via serial port to a PC or printer (for example CBM 910, 24 characters/line, needle printer). The built-in light source is a 589 nm LED used on the measuring prism. Mixing-ratio control, quality control quantity control and determination of purity in following industries: pulp-and paper industry, chemical industry, beverage industry, food industry, sugar and sweetener industry. |
Specification 1、measuring range 1.3000-1.7000 0-95% Brix concentration (sugar scale); 1.3000-1.7000 nD; temperature 0-99°C 2、measuring accuracy(mean value): ±0.0002nD 3、Brix display range: 0~95% 4、temperature display range: 0~99℃ 5、power supply: 220V±20V 50/60Hz |
German Kruss AR 4D Abbe Refractometer
Only a small quantity of sample is needed when measuring with the AR 4D. It is perfect for solid, viscous and liquid samples (transparent or opaque). Measures refractive index (nD), dispersion (nF-nC) and concentration in Brix. Measures by the Abbe principle. The built-in light source is a 589 nm LED used on the measuring prism. |
1、measuring range nD 1.3000-1.7000
2、min value: nD ±0.0005( Brix(%) 0.25%)
3、measuring accuracy(mean value):nD:±0.0002( Brix(%) 0.1% )
German Kruss AR 3D Abbe Refractometer | German Kruss AR 2 Abbe Refractometer |
The specifications of this model are same to the AR4D,mercury thermometer,the refraction prism does not have LED illumination. | This low cost instrument has glass measuring accessories, a box of naphthalene calibration solution, and a screwdriver. |
Main parameter and specifications | Main parameter and specifications |
1、measuring range: nD 1.3000-1.7000 | 1、measuring range :nD 1.3000-1.7000 |
2、min value: nD ±0.0005( Brix(%) 0.25%) | 2、min value:nD ±0.001 (Brix(%) 0. 5%) |
3、measuring accuracy(mean value):nD:±0.0002( Brix(%) 0.1% ) | 3、measuring accuracy(mean value):nD:±0.0003 (Brix(%)0.2%) |
German Kruss ER 6012 Abbe Refractometer
Measuring range:(nD)1.30~1.83
Min value:(nD)0.01 |
In June 7th, according to CNBC, the US Commerce Minister, Wilbur - Ross (Wilbur Ross), said the United States had reached an agreement with ZTE to end serious sanctions imposed on the latter.
Since Zhongxing was banned in April 16th, after nearly two months of day and night, ZTE finally came out of the darkness and usher in the dawn.
1 although the pain was great, it survived
The cost of the ban was huge.
Ross said in an interview with CNBC that the "final agreement" between the US government and ZTE included a fine of $1 billion for ZTE and 400 million US dollars to third party trustees during the implementation of the agreement, in case it violated the agreement in the future. ZTE will also have to replace the board and management within 30 days, and allow the compliance group selected by the United States to enter the inspection. The cost will be borne by ZTE.
Although the cost of lifting the ban is so great, ZTE should face it calmly because survival is the most important thing. Throughout history, there has never been a precedent for a country like this against an enterprise. In June 4th, the Washington Post said, "Trump's sanctions on ZTE are not because he believes ZTE really should be punished, just to prove to the world that he can destroy a company as he wants." Under the background of Sino US trade friction, ZTE has been pushed to the cusp of the storm. It has undergone tremendous pressure and tests and finally paid a heavy price.
In the past two months, ZTE should be gratified. 80 thousand the staff team is stable, the cohesiveness is promoted, and the fighting capacity is maintained. The 300 thousand shareholders of Zhongxing, the countless upstream and downstream industry chain partners, and the customers and consumers in the world have all given great support, the adversity is true, and the ZTE should live down to live up to the support and love that we have.
The pain is great, but as the Chinese sage Laozi said, "the blessing of misfortune lies in the foes of fortune," which is not a bad thing for the future. In the future, ZTE hopes to thoroughly reflect on this incident and make up the loopholes in process management and compliance. In this way, after the fall, ZTE will rebirth Nirvana and take a more leisurely step towards globalization and create a new ZTE.
2 live, for "ZTE"
ZTE is going to live and have to work harder than before, because ZTE is not a single person fighting, but a strong support for so many employees, family members, upstream and downstream industry chain partners, customers and the most powerful countries.
I saw a report on the The Associated Press. In the ZTE "ban period", some of the countries' customers expressed support for ZTE. They expressed concern about the possible collapse of ZTE in the confrontation with the United States, because "if ZTE (000063, bar) system was stopped, our system would be stopped." At home, a supplier of ZTE also announced that "even if there is no performance in ZTE, it will give up the right to recover the contract breach". Their support is the great support for the resurgence of ZTE.
As we all know, the reason why the United States chose ZTE is largely for the game of 5G and intelligent manufacturing. ZTE's early layout and accelerated development on 5G have already formed a leading edge in the industry and are deeply influenced by the scale and efficiency of the Chinese market. In April 2, 2018, based on the first 5G standard of ZTE - 3GPP R15 standard, the first 5G telephone in China was successfully opened in Guangzhou, which marks China's formal entry into the era of 5G.
After this disaster, ZTE can not only give up, but also redouble its efforts on 5G to support the backbone of China's 5G. In terms of independent innovation, ZTE believes that ZTE can continue to achieve breakthroughs in key core technologies than any other company.
For China, the survival and development of ZTE also has great value and significance. Remember the history of China's telecommunications industry being monopolized by the "seven nation eight systems" of foreign giants? It is precisely because of the rise of national enterprises such as ZTE and HUAWEI that the situation of 2G sidelines and 3G participation has been reversed, and the new pattern of 4G peer and 5G LED has been realized. ZTE can come down after this disaster and go to rebirth, which will play an important role in China's continued leadership in the 5G era. Correspondingly, China's operators, consumers and the global telecommunications industry will also benefit greatly in the 5G era.
In this way, ZTE will continue to be the leader of 5G. It is expected that 5G will bring the business and finance back to the right track and push the hi-tech industry to a complete "ZTE".
3 is the United States a winner? Not necessarily!
If the ZTE event is settled, will the United States be the winner? Not necessarily!
Throughout the whole world, the whole world saw the United States. It turned out to be a very backward and untrustworthy face.
In the FT Chinese network, Shen Jianguang believes that in the event, the United States has lost the most valuable business partner credit, the frequent use of fines and excessive sentencing, and the worsening investment environment in the United States.
It can be said that the resurgence incident is like a mirror, showing the bad business environment in the United States. Working with American companies is to do business simply. It needs to be stamped politically correctly by the US government. So, don't the United States want the whole who? Who dare to do business with American companies?
In the long run, the ZTE incident is deeply painful to China.
After hard twists and turns, ZTE finally came to the dawn. In June 6th, according to the British Reuters, ZTE has signed a principled agreement with the United States to revoke the bans of the U. S. Department of Commerce on the company's procurement of components to us suppliers, and ZTE will be able to resume operation. The agreement includes ZTE to pay a $1 billion "fine" and to pay $400 million for future "possible violations" (of which $300 million has been paid in 2017). As for previously reported $1 billion 700 million, ZTE has already paid $361 million to the US Department of Commerce in 2017.
This is a painful result, but it is also the best result in the real situation.
Since the implementation of the BIS ban in April 16th, ZTE's business has been affected or even been completely suspended. It has been 50 days. In the past 50 days, the incident of ZTE has experienced too many ups and downs. The events have changed a lot, and the plot is a Hollywood blockbuster.
Since the BIS ban has cut off the upstream supply chain, ZTE has 33 years of history and has more than 80 thousand employees worldwide with a annual income of more than 100 billion RMB. It has set up 107 branches around the world to provide service to more than more than 160 countries and regional customers, entering the world. "Shock" state, the main business activities can not be carried out normally.
This is the victory of ZTE in the complex political and trade situation between China and the United States. But if it is not reconciled, ZTE and China will have to face bigger losses. It has been reported that ZTE has already lost about 2000000000 US dollars since it was banned from carrying out business with us suppliers in April 16th.
Therefore, ZTE will have to face up to the cost. Because this is the best solution to the current predicament.
This is also the best result for China and the US industry chain.
For China, the survival and development of ZTE has great function and value. As one of the most important science and technology companies with the strongest scientific and technological innovation, ZTE has a strong technical strength in the highly strategic high-tech fields such as 5G. It can be said that it is ZTE and HUAWEI that enable China to achieve a key global card position in this extremely important technology industry.
At the same time, ZTE has also promoted the development of one hundred thousand local enterprises, and has become a leader in the development of related industrial chains. If ZTE did not survive this, China's economic, employment, technological and even strategic losses would be far greater than the current results.
For the United States, the modern science and technology industry is already a highly compact global collaboration. Without ZTE, a large number of American enterprises with close ties with it will be hit by a huge blow. It was for this reason that after the news of ZTE's settlement with the United States in June 6th, the shares of Acacia Communications and Oclaro of ZTE's two US suppliers were up 3.2%, 3.1% respectively. The revenues of the 2017 companies in fiscal year 30% were 18% and ZTE respectively.
ZTE, the most important problem now is how to do well in post disaster reconstruction.
Regardless of their own problems or the competition of big powers, they can not change the reality that they have suffered. What ZTE needs to do is:
(1) resume business as soon as possible and return to the right track;
(2) learn from the lessons and guard against the recurrence of disasters.
Fortunately, since the outbreak of the event, ZTE has been actively, rational, compliant and responsible, with the greatest effort to save itself. On the one hand, it has actively raised evidence and communicated with the United States. On the one hand, it encourages the morale and the people and partners. Yuan Qi.
It is understood that, until now, ZTE's R & D capability has not been significantly affected and the R & D team is stable; at the same time, its distribution in global sales, MKT, engineering service personnel are also stable, and the ability to maintain and operate and service the 1 billion users of the more than 600 current global networks has not been affected. The market team is ready to be installed on site and has the ability to deliver and develop projects at any time.
It can be said that in this special period, ZTE firmly adhere to compliance, stick to credit, actively carry out the responsibility to the relevant parties, and have obtained the positive response and support including customers, partners and suppliers. According to media reports, some partners even hesitate to postpone project bidding to wait for ZTE to resume operation.
At the same time, we also see that 5G is coming into the harvest period. As one of the most competitive manufacturers of 5G technology, products and services, ZTE is also expected to seize the 5G opportunity to make its business and financial situation return to the right track as soon as possible.
At the same time, we also believe that the resurgence of the crisis will seriously reflect on and strengthen its own standardized operation and avoid similar problems happening again. After the ordeal, hope, like the revival of Nirvana, can become stronger, more mature and stronger, and achieve a new take-off.
According to the Reuters in June 5th, ZTE has signed a principled agreement with the United States on the cancellation of the company's ban before the U. S. commerce department, which has been 51 days since the US Commerce Department launched a refusal order to ZTE in April 16th. With the many negotiations between the two governments, and the efforts of ZTE in the US legal licensing channels, the alternative sanctions plan for the reoperation of ZTE has also entered a final stage of determination and implementation, which may include a huge fine, a more management layer, and the addition of the event. ZTE's main operating activities can not be caused by the loss. ZTE has paid a huge price for its mistakes. Some points of view are not as good as giving up. This is no doubt about the indifference.
The persistence of 80000 people is only to live up to it
In the 51 days of the incident, ZTE has been sticking to compliance and sticking to the company's credit. Meanwhile, the company's management and all 80 thousand employees are still sticking to the company's main business activities because of the failure of the United States compliance requirements. Under the guidelines of compliance, R & D personnel continue to carry out technological innovations that can be carried out; market salesmen take the opportunity to strengthen their learning, improve their abilities and communicate with customers on the premise of compliance. Negative!
Live up to the choice and always support ZTE's global customers. With the efforts of 300 thousand people successively, after 33 years of development, ZTE has become a global high-tech company with branches in 107 countries, providing equipment for more than 500 operators in more than 160 countries and providing products and services for nearly 2 billion users worldwide. At this time of crisis, many customers came to support the company. "We don't know what impact this event will have on ZTE, but we still believe that choosing ZTE as our partner is one of the right choices in our company's development process," the chairman of a country's largest mobile operator Board sent to ZTE. So far, events have not been completely resolved, but at this dark hour, we are willing to do our best to welcome dawn with ZTE. " Other customers also sent many similar support mail. For example, one company said in an email, "when a lot of large communication devices do not support us, only ZTE does not abandon it, supports the growth of our company, and provides sincere service to millions of users." There is no doubt that only by adhering to it can we live up to the global customers of ZTE and are also most responsible for their interests.
To live up to the close cooperation of the industry partners. In the course of the development of ZTE, it has been supported by more than 3000 partners around the world, and together with these partners, the global competitiveness of ZTE's communication has been built together. At this time, ZTE also gained support from a large number of partners, and expressed the hope that ZTE would be able to overcome the difficulties, and said that after the resurgence of the business, it would arrange to meet the needs of ZTE in order to help ZTE get on the right track as soon as possible. This is related to ZTE's commitment to the company's credit and the support of its partners. Only by sticking to it will we not fail to live up to these partners and achieve common development with greater partners.
Live up to the efforts and struggles of 300 thousand ZTE correspondents. In its 33 year development history, ZTE has joined the company by 300 thousand correspondents. It is these people who have made great efforts and forge ahead to become a world-class communications company. During the event, it is still on the job, leaving the company to express the support to ZTE through various channels, and put forward constructive suggestions to the development of the company. Only by sticking to it is the responsibility of the 300 thousand ZTE colleagues who have worked together and struggled together, and are also responsible for the company.
Not to live up to the family and friends who always stand behind. ZTE was widely supported during the incident. Competitors in the industry recollected the contribution of the Chinese communications companies to the communications undertakings of various countries in developing the global market, and expressed support for ZTE. There are restaurants and ordinary people playing slogans to support ZTE. And the family members of ZTE, who are standing behind them, including their children, are the 80 thousand strong rear sides of ZTE's employees who never fail to abandon their duties and abide by their duties. The industry experts put forward constructive suggestions to ZTE on how to build compliance and how to achieve greater development. Only persevering is the best reward for those who support ZTE.
Outside the law enforcement: the purpose of the United States
Back to the beginning of the ZTE event, the US Commerce Department decided that ZTE had deliberately deceived the United States government and violated American law, thus making a decision to activate the refusal order because of the failure of several cadres and staff and the lack of management process. However, in a report submitted by ZTE to the US Department of Commerce, a report by the third party law independent survey showed that ZTE found the problem in its self-examination process and immediately corrected it, and reported to the relevant government departments of the United States, not deliberately deceiving.
In spite of the beauty
E+H(恩德斯豪斯)公司最开始是销售一种英国产的新型电容式物位传感器,我们可以称之为“车库公司”,尽管它当初的办公室只是由一间卧室改建的。 这种新型传感器很快取得了成功,公司的两位创始人迅速地开始构建他们自己的生产设施,从此,销售额持续增长。这时的销售范围,已经由早期主要集中在德国南部扩展到整个德国以及周边国家。他们开始经营电容式以外的其他不同原理的物位传感器产品。后来,其他测量领域的产品也开始研发、生产和销售,比如压力、流量、温度等等。销售和服务开始遍及整个西欧,并于20世纪70年代在美国和日本成立了首批海外办事处。
ABB变频器 通用机械传动在设计上是安装、设置参数和调试最快的传动。结构极其紧凑,成本低廉。该传动装备了先进的智能化功能和安全功能,是为满足系统集成商、原始设备制造商和盘柜制造商的生产和性能要求及其他各种应用而专门开发的产品。应用:ABB 通用机械传动是为满足广泛的机械应用要求而设计的。该传动是食品、饮料、物料输送、纺织、印刷、橡胶塑料和木工机械行业的理想选择。
内置Modbus RS-485现场总线接口
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公司主机: 80898202
邮编 :转10070
传真 :8009
Q :2403222657
号码 :13581750306
联系人 :付艳芳
下设唐山/石家庄/ 拥有自己的工程队伍拥有配套工厂承接各类工控自动化系统集成以及改造工程. 承接各大企业自动化设备顶极维护及精修业务. 通过各类认证体系,详情请致电咨询.ACS800-01-0003-3 ACS800-01-0004-3 ACS800-01-0005-3 ACS800-01-0006-3ACS800-01-0009-3ACS800-01-0011-3ACS800-01-0016-3 ACS800-01-0020-3ACS800-01-0025-3ACS800-01-0030-3ACS800-01-0040-3ACS800-01-0050-3ACS800-01-0060-3ACS800-01-0070-3ACS800-01-0100-3ACS800-01-0120-3 ACS800-04-0140-3ACS800-04-0170-3ACS800-04-0210-3ACS800-04-0260-3ACS800-04-0320-3ACS800-04-0400-3ACS800-04-0440-3ACS800-04-0490-3ACS800-07-0070-3ACS800-07-0100-3ACS800-07-0120-3 ACS800-07-0140-3ACS800-07-0170-3ACS800-07-0210-3ACS800-07-0260-3ACS800-07-0320-3ACS800-07-0400-3ACS800-07-0440-3ACS800-07-0490-3ACS800-07-0610-3ACS800-07-0770-3ACS800-07-0870-3ACS800-07-1030-3ACS800-07-1230-3ACS800-07-1540-3ACS800-07-1850-3
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现货供应:Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG, Biotin Conjugated,(min X Bov,Ck,Gt,GP,Hms,Hrs,Hu,Ms,Rat,Shp Sr Prot)
我们承诺,如果您购买的产品【Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG, Biotin Conjugated,(min X Bov,Ck,Gt,GP,Hms,Hrs,Hu,Ms,Rat,Shp Sr Prot)】有任何质量问题,我们无条件包退、包换、包运费!
Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG, Biotin Conjugated,(min X Bov,Ck,Gt,GP,Hms,Hrs,Hu,Ms,Rat,Shp Sr Prot) 不同类公司其它产品:
CAS:7803-58-9,磺酰胺,纯度:98+%,规格:5gCAS:859-18-7,林可霉素,分析标准品价格|现货,Lincomycin hydrochlorid,分析标准品CAS:1765-40-8,2,3,4,5,6-五氟溴苄,英文名称:2,3,4,5,6-Pentafluorobenzylbromide血栓素B2,TXB2,标本量(μl):200,测量范围:12.5-400,反应条件:过夜CAS:66493-39-8,N-Boc-4-氨基苯甲酸,纯度:97%,规格:1g明胶(BR)价格,500g,人TFPI低价格Elisa试剂盒说明书,96T/48T,HumanTissuefactorpathwayinhibitor,TFPIELISA试剂盒CAS:13530-67-1价格,重铬酸铯价格,25g现GMS80045.3,细胞冯库萨(VON KOSSA)钙染色试剂盒,50次CAS:50-89-5,胸苷,纯度:99+%,规格:1gSeptum16mm(15.9mmreal),siliconerubber100EA1,规格:CAS:1344-28-1,氧化铝刚玉,纯度:100%,规格:5gCAS:2448-45-5,N-CBZ-D-苯丙氨酸,英文名称:Z-D-Phe-OHMouseLiver,产品规格:20ReactionsCAS:0.97,β-(4-吡啶基)丙稀醛乙二酸盐,规格:1gCAS:1117-71-1,4-溴巴豆酸甲酯,纯度:85%,规格:25gMag-Bind Poly-Gel DNA Extraction Kit(200),M2563-02CAS:5678-48-8价格,3-氨基-3-(2-硝基苯基)丙酸价格,5gEDTA,产地:Amresco,规格:100gCAS:hydride价格,Lithium价格,0.98CAS:3132-99-8,间溴苯甲醛,纯度:96%,规格:25mlCAS:354-41-6,1,1,2,2-四氟碘乙烷,纯度:97%,规格:1g1,1-二-2-苯基环丙烷CAS:2415-80-7,Dichlorocyclopropyl)benzen,97%DNTPS价格,产地:Roche,规格:500ul101001,聚甲酚磺醛杂质D,标准品,检查用,常温,避光,39830-66-5|吲哚-4-甲酸甲酯,产品名称:吲哚-4-甲酸甲酯CasNo.:39830-66-5含量:98%甘露醇卵黄多粘菌素琼脂基础(MYP),BR,CAS:538-09-0,去甲托品醇,英文名称:NortropineCAS:1460-57-7价格,反-1,2-环己二醇价格,50gCAS:7440-47-3,铬,纯度:99.99%(metalsbasis),规格:50g96T/48T,小鼠红细胞生成素ELISA试剂盒,(EPO)Elisa试剂盒MouseErythropoietin,EPOELISA试剂盒大鼠水通道蛋白4 AQP-4价格Elisa试剂盒现货,Rat Aquaporin 4,AQP-4 ELISA试剂盒,96T/48T乙氧基铌锂,纯度:99%,规格:25ml3-氯丙酸,规格型号:CP100gCAS:3029-79-6,3-甲基肉桂酸,英文名称:3-MethylcinnamicAcidCAS:499-80-9价格,吡啶-2,4-二羧酸单水合物价格,5gBL21(DE3)感受态细胞,产品规格:10x100μl60168-88-9,苯嘧啶醇,标准品,Fenarimol,玻璃安瓿瓶包装,冷藏和避光条件下保存。用作农用杀菌剂。CAS:608-25-3,2-甲基间苯二酚醇,纯度:98%,规格:50gCAS:5293-83-4价格,(羟基甲基)三苯基氯化价格,10g芸香柚皮苷CAS:14259-46-2,Narirutin,分析标准品,≥98%葡聚糖凝胶G-100价格,SephadexG-100,产地:pharmacia17-0061-02,规格:25gCAS:1193-65-3价格,3-奎宁环酮盐价格,25g