
● 第一款体积最小的掌上式数字超声波探伤仪,仅250g(含电池),双电池配置,电池更换像手机,方便快捷。
● 触摸屏与按键两种方式操作。使用其中任意一种都可以独立完成操作,也可以两种方式交互使用
● 领先的半反半透、高对比度TFT彩色液晶显示器,不管是在强光还是光线不足的环境下,探伤画面始终清晰可见,适应各种操作环境。
● 多种颜色任意调节符合个性化的操作设计
● 采用通用型C9探头接口,通用性强。



项目 指标 项目 指标
频带宽度 0.4~15.0MHz 增益范围 110dB
动态范围 ≥30dB 垂直线性 ≤4%
水平线性 ≤0.5% 检测范围 0~5000mm(钢中纵波)
分 辨 力 ≥30dB 灵敏度余量 ≥50dB   (200mm—Φ2平底孔,2.5PΦ20)
探头类型 单晶、双晶、穿透 声程位移 0~4800mm(钢中纵波)
闸    门 进波门 显   像 器 3.5”TFT触摸显示器
电    源 9V  DC,220V AC 外形尺寸(mm) 140(高)×82(宽)×26(厚)
工作时间 ≥4小时 整机重量 250g(含锂电池)  
该公司产品分类: 金相显微镜 无损检测 硬度计 金相制备 三坐标测量机 光谱仪


TS-2007L型数字式超声探伤仪体现了的超声探伤仪设计和制造技术。它是一款功能实用、性能的数字式超声探伤仪,其质量水平不仅符合,而且还超过了国标(JB/T10061-1999)要求。采用国内首创的一体化电路,免维护设计;便于仪器升级!功能和特点:※ 采用国际进(国内首创)的工控型CPU系统,双CPU协同工作,仪器控制部分与数据处理独立工作,系统运行高速,现场性能。※ 全中文触摸式键盘,直观易记;全中文操作提示,容易掌握,使用方便。※ 自动测定仪器和探头性能,仪器校准自动化,可测量材料厚度和材料声速。日历时钟,仪器能自动记录工作日期和时间。※ 16个独立探伤频道(可扩展至500个频道),多种探伤工艺和探伤标准自动生成,可自由设置各行业探伤工艺标准,现场探伤无需携带试块。※ 回波抑制1~90%任意可调,不影响仪器增益和线性。※ DAC、AVG曲线自动生成并能分段制作,取样点不受限制,并可进行补偿与修正。DAC曲线随增益自动浮动随声程自动扩展。可实现指定回波的距离波幅补偿。※ 缺陷回波参数(距离、水平、垂直、波幅、dB当量、孔径Φ值)实时显示。※ 具有峰值记忆、回波包络、波形冻结、焊缝截面示意等功能。※ 进波报警功能,门位、门宽、门高任意可调。※ 500组探伤工艺和数据存贮,FLASH RAM存储器技术(同黑匣子),离电保存。※ 数据处理能力强,可按日期和序号进行检索和处理,可与计算机实现数据通讯。打印报告无需专配打印机。※ 锂电池供电,低功耗设计,可连续工作6小时以上。低电压工作报警和自动保护关机。※ 真彩显示,大屏幕、高清晰、宽视角,不受电磁场干扰。在强阳光下无需遮光罩,就能获得满意的观察效果。※ 超薄(厚仅50mm)、超轻(含电池1.28Kg),单手把握的扶手和设计合理的背带,使您在探伤时轻松自如,尤其适宜高空作业和移动性大的场合。※ ......主要技术指标:探头方式:直、斜、双晶、窜透增益范围:0~110dB (0.1,2.0,6.0dB步进)探测范围:0.0~5000.0mm频带宽度:0.4~15.0MHz水平线性:<0.1%垂直线性:<3.0%分 辨 率:>30dB动态范围:>30dB灵敏度余量(2.5MHz Φ20):>52dB闸 门:门位、门宽、门高连续可调DAC、AVG曲线:任意点,可选择打印输出:存储波形和数据显 示 器:真彩显示320×240电池工作时间:>6小时工作温度:-20℃~50℃电 源:7.2VDC,220VAC外形尺寸:235(高)×140(宽)×50(厚)(mm)整机重量:1.28Kg(含电池)  





























该公司产品分类: 其他理化检测 气体检测仪 光谱仪 看谱镜 显微镜 便携式硬度计 X射线探伤附件 磁粉、渗透探伤耗材 超声波试块 X射线剂量检测仪 工业X射线胶片 磁粉探伤仪 涂层测厚仪 超声波测厚仪 磁粉探伤耗材 X射线探伤耗材 磁粉探伤机 X射线探伤机 超声波探伤仪 超声波侧厚仪

美国奥林巴斯Olympus EPOCH 600超声探伤仪

美国奥林巴斯Olympus EPOCH 600超声探伤仪
规格型号:EPOCH 600
EPOCH 600型仪器的旋转飞梭与确定键和返回键一起使用,可以对参数值进行粗略和细微调节。在检测过程中,操作人员可以锁住旋转飞梭,以避免参数值被意外修改。这种硬件配置可以快速切换参数值,满足了那些偏好使用飞梭调整参数的用户的要求。旋转飞梭配置的设计符合IP66要求。
EPOCH 600型仪器的浏览键区是EPOCH探伤仪的标志性特色。浏览键区的向上、向下箭头键用于参数的粗略调节,向左和向右箭头键用于参数的细微调节。浏览键区还包含其他几个功能及常用参数,如:增益、保存、确定键及返回键。浏览键区硬件配置的设计符合IP67的要求。
动态DAC/TVG:对比DAC曲线或对比根据时变增益确定的参考回波波幅,以百分比或以分贝水平计算信号波幅。DAC版本包括ASME、ASME 3、JIS和自定义。此外,还包括以下主要特性:动态可调DAC曲线、DAC和TVG视图切换、自定义DAC报警曲线。 DGS/AVG:这是一种利用与特定类型探头和材料相关的DGS/AVG图形,评估回波信号的缺陷定量技术。DGS/AVG图形表明回波高度、缺陷尺寸以及到探头的距离这些参数之间的关系。 曲面校正:在进行管材或棒材检测,使用角度声束探头沿着曲面进行周向检测时,曲面校正功能可校正声程信息。
AWS D1.1和D1.5:为各种不同的AWS(美国焊接协会)焊缝检测应用提供一个动态反射体缺陷指示定级。这个功能省去了手工计算的步骤,从而提高了检测效率。
模板存储:可在屏幕上将实时波形与所保存的参考波形对比。只需按下相关的一个按钮,即可随时切换保存模板的开启或关闭状态,进行快速波形对比。在需要不同灵敏度水平的检测中,增益调整功能可以为每个保存的模板提供一个不同的基本增益。对于点焊分析及其他应用,这个功能非常实用。 API 5UE:可按照API建议的程序5UE进行缺陷定量。在OCTG管材的验证过程中使用波幅距离差分技术(ADDT)测量潜在的缺陷尺寸。由于所有ADDT变量都采集于峰值记忆包络,因此测量过程既简单又可重复。 波形平均:这个功能可利用一个实时A扫描图像代表持续采集到的A扫描的平均值。在探测到静态缺陷时,波形平均功能可改进信噪比。平均除数为2、4、8、16、32。
EPOCH 600型仪器提供多种存储、归档、报告检测数据和校准数据的方法。仪器的机载存储容量多达50000点。此外,移动存储卡可为仪器增加2 GB的存储量。仪器还与Olympus NDT的PC机接口程序GageView Pro完全兼容。快速的文件设置功能和灵活的数据管理功能使得仪器对检测数据的记录及报告变得简单有效。
GageView Pro
EPOCH 600型仪器有一个用于存储校准文件和检测文件的机载数据记录器。仪器的标准配置有两个主要文件类型:校准(CAL)类型文件和增量(INC)类型文件。CAL文件可以保存几乎无限的参数设置。所保存的设置可被快速方便地调用到当前设置。INC文件可在单一文件名称下保存多组检测数据,检测过程中可以下载和报告这些数据。
扩展的数据记录器软件选项增强了机载数据记录器的性能:拥有腐蚀型数据记录器文件的全部类型。这个选项包含以下数据文件类型:序列型、带自定义点的序列型、2-D栅格型、带自定义点的2-D栅格型、3-D栅格型、锅炉型、2-D EPRI型。
EPOCH 600型仪器使用2 GB MicroSD存储卡作为机载和移动存储设备。操作人员可以使用移动存储设备,以位图格式存储屏幕图像,用于制作报告,还可以.csv格式导出当前的或保存的测量值和校准数据。第二个2 GB MicroSD卡安装在仪器中的PC板上,用于所有机载数据的存储。在仪器被损坏无法修复时,可到授权的服务中心将仪器中的MicroSD卡取出,从损坏的仪器中拯救出关键性的数据。
EPOCH 600型仪器除了具有可移动存储装置,还可与PCL5 USB打印机兼容。因此,操作人员可以在现场直接从仪器打印检测报告,而不需要PC机或外置存储卡读卡器。
EPOCH 600型仪器是一款重量轻、易携带的探伤仪,其坚固、灵活的特点使其可用于几乎所有检测环境中。该款仪器的一些外观特性如下: • 宽屏、全VGA分辨率、透反显示,无论在室内光线还是直射的阳光下都可显示明亮清晰的图像。 • 仪器的4个角装有外膜为橡胶的保护套,起到防撞击、抗磨损的作用。 • 4个拴系胸挂带的位置。 • 无需使用工具即可打开的电池舱和侧边的I/O盖。 • 用于稳固放置仪器的支架,带有直角弯钩,可在0度到180度之间变换直立的角度。 • 仪器侧面用于封住USB OTG接口及移动存储卡接口的带密封垫的盖。 • 标准内置充电锂离子电池。 • 标准AA碱性电池盒,提高了仪器的便携性。 • 重量轻,设计符合人体工程学,增加了仪器的便携性和使用的方便性。
美国奥林巴斯Olympus EPOCH 600超声探伤仪标准配件 • EPOCH 600数字式超声探伤仪,AC电源操作或电池操作。 • 充电器/AC适配器(100 VAC、115 VAC、230 VAC,50 Hz或60 Hz) • 充电锂离子电池 • 碱性电池盒 • 储运箱 • 基本操作用户手册 • 简易入门说明书 • 信息全面的操作手册(CD)
1个模拟输出(可选),可选的1 V/10 V全标度,最大4 mA 
3个报警输出,5V TTL10 mA 
根据IEC 60529-2004(外壳防护等级- IP规范)标准,浏览键区硬件设计符合IP67侵入保护标准,旋转飞速硬件设计符合IP66侵入保护标准。  在新开发的产品正式投入生产以前,Olympus NDT要对产品的设计进行内部检验。该款仪器经测试证明符合IP评级标准。 
通过美军标准MIL-STD-810F方法511.4程序I中规定的测试,可在国家防火协会规范(NFPA 70500I2分段D组中定义的爆炸性气氛中安全操作。 
通过了美军标准MIL-STD-810F方法516.5程序I中规定的测试,每个轴6个循环,15g11 ms半弦波。 
-10 °50°C
0 °50°C
该公司产品分类: 拉拔仪 混凝土表面轮廓仪 扭力扳手 扭力螺丝刀(扭力批) 泵油 沥青密度仪 金属探测仪 低温真空油脂 真空润滑脂 混凝土探伤仪 声级计 电子天平 离心机 工业管道内窥镜 推拉力计 测振仪 气象仪 涂布刮墨棒 刹车盘磨损测试仪 瓶壁测厚仪


技术特点:最新推出的GH-6900是一种先进的数字式超声探伤仪,符合JJG746-2004规程,彩色显示,鲜明亮丽采用嵌入式计算机系统和超大规模现场可编程集成电路设计,具有多颜色的TFT显示和许多新特点,承袭和改进了HY系列超声波探伤仪所有经过实践验证的先进信号处理和实用探伤功能及测量能力;通过LAN以太网接口可实现与计算机的实时通讯,大容量数据库存储,高速USB2.0接口和SD存储卡将详细的检测数据输出到计算机等,可满足各种挑战性的探伤应用需求。该仪器用于检测各种材料内部的缺陷(钢、不锈钢、铜、铝、硬质合金、铸件、复合材料、和焊缝等等),可有效检测出气孔、裂纹、疏松、夹杂、未焊透等缺陷,功能全面实用,是真正的笔记本式数字超声波探伤仪,广泛应用在压力容器制造、金属钢结构、船舶制造、机械制造、电力、化工、石油机械、汽车、冶金、高校等行业。 功能特点:90个独立探伤通道,各通道探伤参数可存储在SD卡上(也可转存至电脑PC机上),永久不丢数据;中文触摸式键盘,操作过程亦有中文提示。仪器内存有JB4730、GB11345、DL/T820、ASM/API/Other等标准,DAC曲线自动生成,也可根据实际工件(如焊缝、锻件、铸件、管材、板材、车轴、车轮、小径管等)生成自定义探伤工艺,现场探伤无需携带试块。内置有大平底、平底孔锻件探伤方法,AVG曲线自动生成,自动计算锻件探伤灵敏度,可实时显示缺陷孔径Φ值。手动、自动校验探测功能两种模式;只需找准最高波,可实现探头自动校准(始偏、K值),亦可测试材料声速。 三角声程测量数据和SL值(DAC)、缺陷孔径Φ值(AVG)实时显示,声程数据可用毫米和微秒(声波传输飞行时间)显示。屏幕冻结定量功能,随时捕捉波形,包括峰值记忆和包络波形。仪器具有动态记录功能,实时记录探伤波形动态变化,真实还原探伤过程,支持主机和电脑播放,能做到逐帧数据回放打印。报警功能包括进波门、DAC门、AVG门定位声光报警,门位、门宽和门高可任意调节;另有一路模拟音频报警信号输出(可接头戴式耳机,用于环境噪声大的场合,也可接驳外置报警装置);彩色TFT液晶屏显示动态变化颜色的波形,可以在从明亮、阳光直射到完全黑暗的环境中高对比度地观察波形。液晶屏快速的响应时间(60Hz刷新率)能够保证在快速扫查时回波也显示无遗;确保无漏检之憾。 扩展软件功能:焊缝剖面缺陷定位显示;RF 射频模式下的回波-回波功能。数据输出包括一个 USB 接口、一个LAN以太网接口、一个SD卡插槽,存储器的容量扩充至10万个波形数据/通道探伤参数(1G SD卡);体积小(外形尺寸220X185X55 mm),重量轻,带电池仅1.6Kg;使用进口高能锂离子充电电池,工作时间达5小时。性能指标:120Mhz采样,60Hz屏幕刷新率,工作频率范围0.1-40MHz,显示屏:6.5〞高亮度、高分辨率彩色TFT液晶显示屏增益:110dB(0.1、2、6、步距调节,亦可直接输入增益值)声程最小显示范围0.1-7.5mm(钢纵波)探测范围:0.1-8000mm(钢 纵波)声速范围:1m/s~9999m/s(1mm步距调节,亦可直接输入声速值)动态范围:> 36dB垂直线性误差:< 3 % 水平线性误差:< 0.1% 噪声电平:< 8%灵敏度余量:> 62dB(探头2.5P Φ20,试块 200mm Φ2平底孔) 脉冲移位:0.0~3000mm 探头延时:0.00us~50.00us,分辨率0.01us 扫描分辨率:0.1mm (0~100mm);1mm (100~1000mm);10mm (1000~8000mm) 探头类型:单探头、双晶探头、穿透探头闸 门:进波门、失波门读数标准配置:主机:一台(不含电池)。电源:一套(5000mHA锂离子电池一块,充电器一只)。探头:直探头2.5P Φ20,一个;斜探头2.5P 13X13 K2,一个)。探头线:C9-Q9两根。读卡器:一个;SD卡:一个(容量随机)。文件资料:说明书一份,合格证一张,保修卡一张,装箱单一份。技术资料:拷贝在SD卡内,含探伤仪电子文档说明书、常用探伤标准、超声波探伤常识。探伤数据处理软件一套。铝合金专用仪器箱一只 。

该公司产品分类: 电力测量仪器 水分测定仪系列 光学测量仪器 力学测量仪器 电子秤/电子天平 无损检测仪器 硬度计 环境气候试验箱 实验室专用仪器 工程测绘器 便携式测量仪器


 RBFD435 超声波探伤仪是一款增强型场致高亮全数字式超声波探伤仪,它能够快速便捷、无损伤、精确地进行工件内部多种缺陷(裂纹、夹杂、气孔等)的检测、定位、评估和诊断。既用于实验室,也用于工程现场检测。本仪器广泛应用在各地特检院、建设工程质量检测站、锅炉压力容器制造、工程机械制造业、钢铁冶金业、钢结构制造、船舶制造、石油天然气装备制造等需要缺陷检测和质量控制的领域,也广泛应用于航空航天、铁路交通、锅炉压力容器等领域的在役安全检查与寿命评估。


1、   全中文操作键膜,简捷易懂;2、全中文显示,主从式菜单,并设计有快捷按键和数码飞梭旋轮,操作便捷,技术领先;3、全数字场致发光高亮显示器(EL屏),高性能安保电池模块,便于拆装,可以脱机独立充电,大容量高性能锂离子电池模块使仪器连续工作时间延长到八小时以上;4、仪器轻小便携,单手即可以把持,经久耐用,引导行业潮流。

该公司产品分类: 流量计


TUD210 数字超声探伤仪简介:

·EL高亮度图形点阵显示,可以满足强日光下、涵洞内使用的要求;·DAC曲线偏置可调,满足了任何标准的要求;·超高采样率;·整机全部软件可以通过通讯口在线升级;·超薄超轻(厚度53mm 含电池重1.2kg)。

TUD210 数字超声探伤仪主要特点:

技术指标: 1.测量范围(mm):2.5~5000(钢纵波)2.工作频率(MHz):0.2~103.增益调节:0~110dB; 4.垂直线性误差:≤3%5.动态范围:≥32dB6.水平线性误差:≤0.2%7.波形显示: 正半波、负半波、全波和射频8.探伤灵敏度余量:≥50dB9.脉冲移位:-20~+3400 us10.探头延时:0us~99.99us,分辨率0.0111.扫描分辨率:0.1mm (2.5~100mm);       1mm(100~1000mm);       10mm(1000~5000mm)12.声速:1000m/s~9999m/s13.外形尺寸(mm):230×184×5314.重量(含电池):1.2KgTUD210 数字超声探伤仪功能特点:·超高采样速率,射频波形细节尽现,最小显示范围2.5mm。·同时具备USB和RS232串行通讯口。·整机全部软件可以通过通讯口在线升级。用户可以在时代网站下载本机嵌入式软件,自行升级,方便快捷。·拥有电子时钟日历。·大容量存储器可存储高达400幅A扫图形及参数和40000个厚度值。·400个独立探伤通道。·使用大容量锂离子电池,无记忆性,连续工作时间约6小时。·具有三条可调偏置的DAC曲线,可以适应不同行业中DAC曲线的绘制标准。· EL高亮度图形点阵显示屏,无视角限制、不受温度、阳光影响。·具有双闸门设置和报警功能。能够在屏幕上任意设置闸门的位置和宽度,有进波、 失波和自动三种报警方式。·可以在单探头和双探头两种探伤工作方式之间任意切换。·探头阻尼通过菜单选择在50、150、400之间切换。·可以利用标准试块自动生成DAC曲线。·具有线性抑制功能,屏高的0~80%,步距:1%。·具有打印功能,通过串行打印机打印厚度报告与波幅曲线。·可以进行屏幕硬拷贝,将当前屏幕上的图形和菜单拷贝并打印。·能够跟PC机通讯,拥有功能强大的windows数据处理软件。标准配置:1.主机 1个2.直探头  F20  2.5MHz (1支)3.斜探头 8×9K2  5MHz (1支)4.LEMO探头连电缆 2根选配件:1.行式热敏打印机(TPUP-NH)2.串行通讯电缆3.PC通讯软件4.笔记本电脑



Phasor系列超声波探伤仪提供4款不同型号,具有可升级的特点和优势。Phasor CV是编码兼容的传统超声波探伤仪,可升级为Phasor 16/16 Weld或16/64 Phasor XS。可通过快速简便的软件升级至相控阵Phasor 16/16 Weld或相控阵Phasor XS.无需更换主基板硬件,利用相同的简单菜单驱动的界面作为Phasor CV模型,不需要培训。与相控阵传感器相结合,两个平台都可以在更短的时间内,以合理的价格解决您最苛刻的检测应用要求。

Phasor 16/16 Weld和Phasor XS可以迅速切换到常规UT,这样检测员可以使用任何标准的传感器,评估检测到的缺陷(定位和尺寸)是否符合指定标准或测试规范的要求。

Phasor CV/DM集相控阵成像设备和传统的探伤仪于一体,具有相控阵探头,可以显著提高腐蚀检测数据的性。






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NOTICE – READ THIS  CAREFULLY: THIS IS A LEGAL AND BINDING  AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND LICENSOR. BY INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE, YOU AGREE TO  ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS SOFTWARE LICENSE (“LICENSE”). IF YOU DO  NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS, DO NOT DOWNLOAD OR INSTALL THE SOFTWARE. 1. Definitions Unless otherwise agreed to by Licensor, the following terms shall mean: “Documentation” means all material, including all printed material and on-line or electronic documentation (excluding training materials), referencing the Software and Third-Party Software provided hereunder. “Software” means Licensor’s proprietary computer software and software security devices provided by Licensor under this License. “Third-Party Software” means any proprietary computer software owned by a third party that Licensor may provide to you hereunder. 2. License Grant 2.1 Subject to the terms of this License, Licensor hereby grants to you a non-transferrable and nonexclusive license to use the Software and Documentation, including upgraded, modified or enhanced versions provided by Licensor and to use the Third-Party Software, all for your internal business purposes only 2.2 You have no right to (i) lease, rent, transfer, distribute, sublicense, timeshare or allow third parties to access the Software, Documentation or Third-Party Software, nor assign any rights hereunder to a third party without Licensor’s prior, written agreement; (ii) disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or otherwise attempt to reconstruct or discover the source code of the Software or Third-Party Software; (iii) pledge the Software or Third-Party Software as collateral or otherwise or encumber such Software or Third-Party Software with any lien or security interest; or (iv) remove any product identification, copyright, trademark or other notice from the Software, Documentation or Third-Party Software. If you  believe that you are entitled to reverse engineer the Software as a matter of local law (e.g., the Council Directive of May 14, 1991, of the Council of the European Communities, as amended), you agree that you shall first request technical information from Licensor. You shall use any technical information delivered by Licensor only for purposes of ensuring “interoperability” and compatibility and shall treat such technical information as Proprietary Information (defined below). Any reverse engineering of the Software shall void any warranties or indemnification obligations of Licensor and shall automatically release Licensor from any obligation to provide support services under this or any separate agreement. 2.3  Certain software Licensor provides to you may contain Third-Party Software, including but not limited to “open source” software. Use of the Third-Party Software and its source code may be governed by separate copyright notices and license provisions, which may be found or identified in the Documentation or on the media delivered with the Software and which are incorporated by reference into this License. You shall not modify or combine the Software and/or any Third-Party Software in any manner that could cause, or could be interpreted or asserted to cause, the Software or any modifications thereto to become subject to the terms of any license applicable to Third Party Software. 2.4  Unless otherwise agreed to by Licensor or specified on your accepted Purchase Order, you shall only have the right to install and use a single copy of the Software and Third-Party Software on a single computer workstation for use by a single user, which may be referred to as a “CPU License.” If “Local Area Network License” rights were purchased, you are authorized to install and use by the designated maximum number of concurrent users on any number of I/O access stations for a designated Local Area Network (LAN). LAN is defined as a hard-wired computer network system which inter-connects computers within a building, facility or site. A facility or site is defined as a production factory or plant producing a product or multiple products at a single location. Concurrent users are defined as your employees logged onto the software application at the same time regardless of activity. Use over a Wide Area Network (WAN) is strictly prohibited, except as may be provided by separate agreement resulting from special license negotiations. WAN is defined as any computer network system that inter-connects one or more computers within a building, facility or site to one or more computers residing outside the same building, facility or site. 2.5 You may make one (1) copy of the Software, Documentation and Third-Party Software for backup purposes only. You must reproduce and include all proprietary rights and copyright notices on any backup copies. Except as authorized under this License, no copies of the Software, Documentation or Third-Party Software may be made by you or any third party; provided, however, you may print online Software documentation for its own internal use, provided the maximum number of copies may not exceed the number of users  licensed hereunder. 3. Support Services; Upgrades This License does not obligate Licensor to provide maintenance and support on any  Software or Third-Party Software licensed hereunder. Support services are available under separate agreement. If the Software is an upgrade of a previous version (provided such upgrade was obtained under a separate support services agreement with Licensor or a Licensor authorized distributor), you may use the upgraded Software only in accordance with this License. Licensor will use commercially reasonable attempts to answer your technical support requests concerning the Software during Licensor’s normal business hours; however, this service is offered as a convenience to you, and Licensor may not be able to resolve every support request. For technical support requests, you may contact Licensor, as indicated in the Documentation or Help section of the Software. Licensor reserves the right to charge for customer support services, provided you receives advance notice of all applicable charges. IN NO EVENT WILL GE OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONTINGENT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR SIMILAR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND RESULTING FROM THE DELIVERY OR NON-DELIVERY OF TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICES OF ANY  KIND. THIS INCLUDES, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, DAMAGE TO ANY PARTY\\\\\\\\'S COMPUTER OR OTHER EQUIPMENT AND THE LOSS OF ANY DATA. 4. Verification During the term of this License and for 3 years thereafter, Licensor may upon reasonable notice require that an independent audit of the use of the Software and Third-Party Software be conducted during your normal business hours. Upon such notice, you shall provide Licensor’s independent auditor site access and  the right to inspect relevant portions of your computer system on which the Software and Third-Party Software resides. 5. Term and Termination 5.1 The Software, Documentation and Third-Party Software shall be considered accepted by you upon receipt. 5.2 This License is effective until terminated. Licensor may terminate this License immediately if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions herein. Upon termination, you shall (a) cease using the Software, Documentation and Third-Party Software and (b) certify to Licensor within one (1) month of termination that you have destroyed or returned to Licensor the Software, Documentation and Third-Party Software, and all copies thereof. 6. Ownership 6.1 All Software, Documentation and Third-Party Software are licensed and not sold. You agree that Licensor and its suppliers own all proprietary rights, including, but not limited to any patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark and other proprietary rights in and to the Software, Documentation and Third-Party Software, including any Derivative  Works thereof, and any corrections, bug fixes and updates to such Software, Documentation, Third-Party Software or Derivative Works. For purposes hereof, “Derivative Works” shall mean (i) any work that is based upon one or more pre-existing works, such as a revision, enhancement, modification, translation, abridgement, condensation, expansion, extension or any other form in which such pre-existing works may be recast, transformed or adapted, and that, if prepared without the authorization of the owner of the copyright to such pre-existing works would constitute a copyright infringement and (ii) any compilation that incorporates such a pre-existing work. You shall have only a “right to use” license to any Derivative Works in accordance with the terms of this License. 6.2 For the purposes of this Article, the term “Licensor” shall mean Licensor, its  affiliates and their successors or assigns. 7. Limited Warranties 7.1 Licensor warrants, for your benefit alone, that under normal use the media in which the Software is embedded shall be free from defects in material and  workmanship, for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery of the initial Software (“Warranty Period”). 7.2 Licensor warrants, for your benefit alone, that during the Warranty Period, the  Software will perform substantially in accordance with its Documentation. If, during the Warranty Period, an Error occurs (where “Error” is defined as a problem caused by an incorrect operation of the unmodified computer code in the Software or an incorrect statement or diagram in the Documentation that produces incorrect results), Licensor will use commercially reasonable efforts to correct such Error, provided you furnish Licensor with the following: (a) written notice of the warranty claim,  including a description of the failure to perform in accordance with the Documentation and a specific description of the operating conditions (including the specific software/hardware configuration) under which the failure occurred and (b) to the extent feasible, a representative sample of inputs for repeating and analysing the failure. If Licensor is unable, after commercially reasonable efforts, to correct the Error, your sole remedy shall be termination of this License and a refund of the license fees allocable to the specific nonconforming Software that have been paid by you to Licensor hereunder. 7.3 This Article sets forth the exclusive remedies for all claims based on failure of or defect in the Software and Documentation, whether the failure or defect arises before or during the Warranty Period and whether a claim, however instituted, is based on contract, indemnity, warranty, tort (including negligence) or civil liability, strict liability or otherwise. The warranties provided herein are  exclusive and are in lieu of all other warranties and guarantees whether written, oral, implied or statutory. NO IMPLIED STATUTORY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE SHALL APPLY. Without limiting the foregoing, Licensor does not warrant that the Software or Documentation (or YOUR use thereof) will be free from all errors or its use will be uninterrupted. 7.4 Any remedial steps taken by Licensor hereunder shall not extend the applicable Warranty Period. 7.5 Except as expressly authorized by Licensor in writing, all Third-Party Software shall carry only the warranties provided by the owners thereof and Licensor gives no warranties for such Third-Party Software. 8. Proprietary Information; Equitable Relief 8.1 All information concerning or embedded in the Software (including but not limited to source code and training materials), Documentation and Third-Party Software is confidential and shall be considered Licensor’s (or its suppliers’) proprietary information (“Proprietary Information”) whether or not the information is marked as Proprietary Information. The Proprietary Information includes commercially valuable, substantial trade secrets, the design and development of which reflect the effort of skilled development experts and investment of considerable amounts of time and money. 8.2 You acknowledge: (a) any use of the Software, Documentation or Third-Party Software in a manner inconsistent with this License or (b) any other misuse of the Proprietary Information of Licensor (or its suppliers), will cause immediate irreparable harm to Licensor (or its suppliers) for which there is no adequate remedy at law. You agree that Licensor (or its suppliers) shall be entitled to immediate and permanent injunctive relief from a court of competent jurisdiction in the event of any such misuse or threatened misuse by you. The parties agree and stipulate that Licensor shall be entitled to such injunctive relief without posting of a bond or other security; provided, however, that if the posting of a bond is a prerequisite to obtaining injunctive relief, then a bond in an amount equivalent to U.S. $1,000 shall be sufficient. Nothing contained herein shall limit Licensor’s right to any remedies at law, including the recovery of damages from you for breach of this License. 9. Compliance With Laws You understand and recognize that the Software, Documentation and Third-Party Software made available to you hereunder are subject to all applicable trade control laws and regulations. You hereby agree that you will not tranship, re-export, divert or direct the Software, Documentation or Third-Party Software, other than in and to the ultimate country of destination specified on your order or declared as the country of ultimate destination on Licensor’s invoice, except as permitted by applicable laws and regulations. 10. Limitation  of Liability 10.1 The total liability of Licensor, on all claims of any kind (excluding claims for death or bodily injury), whether in contract, warranty, indemnity, tort/extracontractual liability (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, arising out of the performance or breach of this License or use of any Software, Documentation and Third-Party Software, shall not exceed the price of the specific Software, Documentation or Third-Party Software giving rise to the claim. All Licensor’s liability under this License shall terminate upon the expiration of the Warranty Period, provided that you may enforce a claim of such liability accruing during the Warranty Period by an action timely commenced in accordance with the applicable statute of limitations or statute of repose, but in no event greater than one (1) year after the expiration of such Warranty Period. 10.2 In no event, whether as a result of breach of contract, warranty,  tort/extracontractual liability (including negligence), strict liability, indemnity or otherwise, shall Licensor be liable for loss of profits or revenues, loss of use of the Software, Documentation or Third-Party Software or any associated equipment, interruption of business, cost of capital, cost of cover, downtime costs, claims of your customers for such damages or for any special, consequential, incidental, indirect, punitive or exemplary damages. 10.3 If Licensor furnishes you with advice or assistance that is not required under this License, the furnishing of such advice or assistance will not subject Licensor to any liability, whether in contract, indemnity, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise. 10.4 For the purposes of this Section 10, the term “Licensor” shall mean Licensor, its affiliates, subcontractors and suppliers of any tier and their respective agents and employees, whether individually or collectively. 11. Dispute Resolution, Governing Law 11.1 If you have your pertinent place of business in a country other than the U.S.,  Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia or the Philippines, any dispute arising out of or in connection with this License, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA”) Rules, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one unless the amount in dispute exceeds the equivalent of $1,000,000, in which event it shall be three. When three arbitrators are involved, each party shall appoint one arbitrator, and those two shall appoint the third, who shall be the Chairma. None of the arbitrators may be a national or resident of the countries in which either party is organized or has its principal place of business. The seat, or legal place, of arbitration shall be London, England. The arbitration shall be conducted in the English language. In reaching their decision, the arbitrators shall give full force and effect to the intent of the parties as expressed in this License, and if a solution is not found herein, shall apply the governing law of this License. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding upon both parties, and neither party shall seek recourse to a law court or other authority to appeal for revisions of such decision. 11.2 If you have your pertinent place of business in the U.S., Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia or the  Philippines, any dispute arising out of or in connection with this License, shall be brought in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York, or in the event that court lacks jurisdiction to hear the claim, in the appropriate state courts of Onondaga County, New York, and the parties irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts in respect of all such claims. Each party hereby submits to and accepts generally and unconditionally the jurisdiction of those courts with respect to its respective person and property, and irrevocably consents to the service of process in connection with any such action or proceeding by personal delivery to the party or by the mailing thereof by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid to the other party at the address for the party. 11.3 The validity, performance and all matters relating to the interpretation and effect of this License and all further documents executed pursuant to it shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of (i) the State of  New York, U.S., if you have your pertinent place of business in the U.S. or (ii) England and Wales if you have your pertinent place of business outside of the U.S., excluding its rules on the conflict or choice of laws. If you have your pertinent place of business outside of the U.S., the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods shall not apply. 12. Patent Indemnification 12.1 Subject to the terms of this License, Licensor shall indemnify you against any damages, costs and expenses arising out of any suit, claim or proceeding (a “Claim”) alleging that the Software or Documentation infringes a patent in effect in the U.S., an EU member state or country of delivery (provided there is a corresponding patent issued by the U.S. or an EU member state) or U.S. copyright or copyright registered in the country of delivery; provided that: (a) you promptly notify Licensor in writing of any such Claim; (b) you make no admission of liability and gives Licensor sole authority, at Licensor’s expense, to direct and control all defense, settlement and compromise negotiations; and (c) you provide Licensor with full disclosure and assistance that may be reasonably required to defend any such Claim. 12.2 Licensor shall  have no obligation or liability with respect to any Claim based upon: (a) any Software or Documentation that has been altered, modified or revised; (b) the combination, operation or use of any Software or Documentation with other products when such combination is part of any allegedly infringing process; (c) failure of you to implement any update provided by Licensor that would have prevented the Claim; or (d) unauthorized use of Software or Documentation, including, without limitation, a breach of the provisions of this License. 12.3 Should any Software or Documentation or any portion thereof, become the subject of a Claim, Licensor may at its option (a) procure for you the right to continue using the Software or Documentation or portion thereof, (b) modify or replace it in whole or in part to make it non-infringing or (c) failing (a) or (b), take back the Software or Documentation and refund any fees received by Licensor attributable to the infringing Software or Documentation. 12.4 This states Licensor’s entire liability for indemnification for patent, trademark, copyright and trade secret infringement for the Software or Documentation. 12.5 Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to any Third-Party Software or portions thereof, only the indemnity of the manufacturer/developer, if any, shall apply. 13. General Clauses 13.1 Software and Third-Party Software licensed hereunder are not intended for use in connection with any nuclear facility or activity without the written consent of Licensor. You warrant that you shall not use or permit others to use Software or Third-Party Software for such purposes, unless Licensor agrees to such use in writing. If, in breach of the foregoing, any such use occurs, Licensor disclaims all liability for any nuclear or other damages, injury or ontamination and in addition to any other legal or equitable rights of Licensor, you shall indemnify and hold Licensor harmless against any such liability. If Licensor agrees in writing to any such nuclear use, Licensor’s special terms and conditions for nuclear applications and protections against nuclear liability shall be attached and incorporated fully herein by reference. 13.2 Licensor may assign or novate its rights and obligations under this License, in part or in whole, to any entity directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with Licensor without your consent. You agree to execute such documents as may be necessary to effect the assignment or novation. The delegation or assignment by you of any or all of your duties or rights under this License without Licensor’s prior written consent shall be void. 13.3 If any provision of this License is found to be void or unenforceable the remainder of this License shall not be affected and the parties hereby agree that they will replace any such void or unenforceable provision with a new provision that achieves substantially the same practical or economic effect and which is valid and enforceable. 13.4 This License represents the entire agreement between the parties, and no  modification, amendment or waiver shall be binding on either party unless agreed in writing by the parties’ authorized representatives. 13.5 For direct and indirect U.S. government contracts only, all Software,  Documentation and Third-Party Software provided hereunder shall be considered “commercial items” as defined in FAR Part 2, 2.101 and in accordance with FAR 52.244-6. If the reasonableness of the price cannot be established, if cost or pricing data is required for any other reason, or if the Software,  Documentation or Third-Party Software cannot be considered “commercial items,” Licensor may withdraw the proposal or cancel this License without penalty or other liability. 13.6 Upon request you agree to provide Licensor with a signed copy of this License.
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特级代理:美国GE/德国KK 超声波探伤仪 欢迎订购!
1.         Phasor XS便携式相控阵超声波探伤仪
2.         USM Vision超声焊缝检测探伤仪
3.         USM35X 支柱瓷绝缘子及瓷套专用超声波探伤仪
4.         USM35XS 超声波探伤仪
5.         USM GO Advanced型超声波探伤仪
6.         USM GO DAC超声波探伤仪
7.         USM GO AWS超声波探伤仪
8.         USM GO Basic超声波探伤
9.         USM35XDAC 超声波探伤仪
10.     USN58L/R 超声波探伤仪
11.     USN60 超声波探伤仪

检测范围 声速范围 显示延迟 探头延迟 阻尼 测试模式 脉冲发生器 脉冲电压(方波脉冲模式) 脉冲宽度(方波脉冲模式) 脉冲能量(方波脉冲模式) 脉冲重复频率 增益 频率范围 闸门监视器 声程测量 整流 抑制 单位 输出 显示屏 A扫描尺寸 A扫描刷新频率 数据存储 厚度值存储 语言 探头连接 键盘 电源 工作温度 存储温度 尺寸和重量

1~27940mm(铁)连续可调或在预置范围内可调 250~16000m/s,连续可调,1m/s步进,65种材料声速可选 -20~3498us 0~999.9us 50、75、150、1000Ω 脉冲回波法,双晶法和穿透法 方波脉冲 50~450v,步进为10v 50~1000ns,步进为10ns 低、高 15~6000Hz,自动低、自动高和手动调节 110dB,以0.1/0.5/1/2/6dB为单位分级调节;用户可自己定义,可锁定 0.25~25MHz,有10种设置可供选择 两个独立的闸门 始波至回波,可选择前沿或峰值多回波 RF/全波/正/负半波整流 0~80%,线性 公英制可选 TTL报警信号/模拟输出/RS232输出 98x113mm,640x480象素VGA,4种颜色可选,8种A扫描颜色可选,带背光,可调节明暗度 标准440x401象素,或440x201象素 60Hz 最少200组数据,包括仪器的操作参数和A扫描,可保存2年 最多99999个厚度值 德语、英语、法语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、西班牙语、丹麦语、瑞典语、挪威语、芬兰语、荷兰语、罗马尼亚、捷克、斯洛文尼亚 Lemo或BNC接口 国际标准键盘 6个NiMH(9Ah)电池,可工作6小时 0~55℃ -25~70℃(不带电池) 282x150x159mm,3kg
该公司产品分类: 转速表 测振仪


特点及用途:。CYE-3Z型除有CYE-3A的一切功能外,根据用户需求随机配置磁钳形探头,环形探头,达到一机多用目的。主要技术指标:1.提升力:交流磁轭98N(10Kg);带活动关节时69N(7 Kg);旋转磁场98N(10 Kg)(被探工件表面与探头端面气隙1.5mm。2.探头极距:交流磁轭探头,固定式为155mm,带活关节时为50-200mm;旋转磁场两相邻探头铁芯中心距为125mm;。探头工作电压36V。3.灵敏度:磁轭,旋转磁场探伤时均可清晰显示30/100A型标准试片上的人工刻槽。4.电源电压:交流220V、50Hz。5.重量:电磁轭探头2 Kg,旋转磁场探头4 Kg。6.探头配置A/D,  D/E,  A/O,A/E. 

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热门仪器: 液相色谱仪 气相色谱仪 原子荧光光谱仪 可见分光光度计 液质联用仪 压力试验机 酸度计(PH计) 离心机 高速离心机 冷冻离心机 生物显微镜 金相显微镜 标准物质 生物试剂