VP-ITC等温滴定微量量热仪 MicroCal

The VP series of Isothermal Titration (ITC) and differential Scanning (DSC) Calorimetry systems represent major advances in sensitivity, reproducibility, stability and ease of use as compared to any other commercially available ITC or DSC system. This translates into smaller sample requirements, greater precision, minimal use of bench space and the ability to quickly generate high quality data with less time and effort. Calorimetry is a universal detection system as heat is either generated or absorbed in any chemical process. This permits the study of molecular interactions and conformational energetic using native materials. There is no need to chemically modify your materials, which can lead to erroneous results. Calorimetry is widely used to study biomolecular binding, kinetics, stability in the life science. - 超高灵敏度 - 实验耗时短 - 样品用量少 - 软件控制和数据处理 - 全套热动力学数据, 如 △H, △Cp, △S, △G, Ka , n 等.

VP-DSC差示扫描微量量热仪MicroCal , USA

The VP series of Isothermal Titration (ITC) and differential Scanning (DSC) Calorimetry systems represent major advances in sensitivity, reproducibility, stability and ease of use as compared to any other commercially available ITC or DSC system. This translates into smaller sample requirements, greater precision, minimal use of bench space and the ability to quickly generate high quality data with less time and effort. Calorimetry is a universal detection system as heat is either generated or absorbed in any chemical process. This permits the study of molecular interactions and conformational energetic using native materials. There is no need to chemically modify your materials, which can lead to erroneous results. Calorimetry is widely used to study biomolecular binding, kinetics, stability in the life science. - 超高灵敏度 - 实验耗时短 - 样品用量少 - 软件控制和数据处理 - 全套热动力学数据, 如 △H, △Cp, △S, △G, Ka , n 等.

VP-ITC等温滴定微量量热仪 MicroCal

The VP series of Isothermal Titration (ITC) and differential Scanning (DSC) Calorimetry systems represent major advances in sensitivity, reproducibility, stability and ease of use as compared to any other commercially available ITC or DSC system. This translates into smaller sample requirements, greater precision, minimal use of bench space and the ability to quickly generate high quality data with less time and effort. Calorimetry is a universal detection system as heat is either generated or absorbed in any chemical process. This permits the study of molecular interactions and conformational energetic using native materials. There is no need to chemically modify your materials, which can lead to erroneous results. Calorimetry is widely used to study biomolecular binding, kinetics, stability in the life science. - 超高灵敏度 - 实验耗时短 - 样品用量少 - 软件控制和数据处理 - 全套热动力学数据, 如 △H, △Cp, △S, △G, Ka , n 等.

VP-DSC差示扫描微量量热仪MicroCal , USA

The VP series of Isothermal Titration (ITC) and differential Scanning (DSC) Calorimetry systems represent major advances in sensitivity, reproducibility, stability and ease of use as compared to any other commercially available ITC or DSC system. This translates into smaller sample requirements, greater precision, minimal use of bench space and the ability to quickly generate high quality data with less time and effort. Calorimetry is a universal detection system as heat is either generated or absorbed in any chemical process. This permits the study of molecular interactions and conformational energetic using native materials. There is no need to chemically modify your materials, which can lead to erroneous results. Calorimetry is widely used to study biomolecular binding, kinetics, stability in the life science. - 超高灵敏度 - 实验耗时短 - 样品用量少 - 软件控制和数据处理 - 全套热动力学数据, 如 △H, △Cp, △S, △G, Ka , n 等.

BT2.15  低温微量量热仪


  • 20世纪50年代法国化学家E·Calvet教授设计制作了卡尔维式热检测器,被测样品及参比物置于由几百至几千对热电偶串联组成的环绕型检测器中,环绕型检测器将整个样品池四周及上下部的部分空间“全部包围”起来,样品在实验过程中所产生的总热量有95%以上被检测出来,相对灵敏度(绝对灵敏度/样品容量)非常高,可以测到非常微弱的热量变化(例如细菌活动产生的热变化),并且具有非常高的信号稳定性。参比物用于减弱样品池及外部环境对热效应的干扰。  整个量热仪所形成的“绝热”环境,可保持其恒温稳定性达到±0.001~0.00001℃,可以作为开放体系进行内、外部的固-固、气-固、液-固、液-液等二相间的交换反应实验,这是普通热分析产品所无法达到的。如用微热测量表征混合物组分间相互作用、相容性、液体比热和催化剂的吸附/解吸等。   
  • 技术参数
  • BT2.15的温度范围从–196°C 到+ 200°C。它可以在很低的温度下研究不同物质(石油、聚合物、水合物、建筑材料和超导体)的所有冷冻和结晶现象。 由于BT2.15有灵敏性和可编程温度,它能够用于不同用途的实验容器(见图表)。 BT2.15量热仪也适用于可翻转的机器。
该公司产品分类: 国产Setline TGA 国产Setline STA 国产Setline DSC 差示扫描量热仪


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