●测量范围:-45°~+45°●最小读数值:0.01°●度:±(0.01°+测量值×0.05%)●重复性(最大偏差)≤0.01°●可测样品透过率10% ●温度:5℃~35℃●相对湿度:不大于85%●电源:AC 220V±22V,50Hz±1Hz
hp stands for high precision high precision means not only a high resolution of 0.001° optical rotation. it also means a very good linearity of <0.003° over the entire range of measurement. thus, the gyromai-hp guarantees excellent absolute accuracy. displayed results are averages of multiple measurements. the sampling rate is 8/s and by se-lecting a proper integration time within the range of 1-99 s,even samples of lowest light transmittance down to 0.1 % (od 3) can be measured accurately. moreover, microbore cells for sample volumes of less than 1 ml can be used without problems. versatile and easy to operate a well designed water-proof keyboard and a 40-column alphanumeric display are provided for communication between operator and instrument. all instrument functions are displayed as easily understandable menu items: - range se-lection. - se-lection of light source, wavelength (multiple light source/ wavelength models only). - parameter input, such as cell length, specific rotation or standard concentration. - integration time se-lection to define the number of measurements averaged. - sample identification mode se-lection, either for individually entered or automatically advanced sample numbers. - setting of calendar date and time. 高精度数字式旋光仪技术指标
seven measuring ranges optical rotation specific rotation concentration... -by measuring optical rotation,while specific rotation and cell态万方length are entered manually. -after calibration by a standard. -sucrose -glucose -°z international sugar scale,icumsa 1988. a choice of light sources and wavelengths eight models of gyromat-hp are offered to meet individual requirements ranging from a budget priced single light source single wavelength polarimeter up to the most versatile model with three lamps (sodium, mercury,tungsten-halogen) and six wavelengths. digital display of temperature the optical rotation of all substances is influenced by temperature. sample cells with builtin pt-100 platinum resistance thermometer permit sample temperature measurements to 0.1 °c accuracy. two data output ports a centronics type parallel printer interface port allows data recording by any low cost standard printer. the second data output port is an rs-232c serial interface for communication with a computer.data transmitted to printer or computer are sample identification number, measured value,sample temperature (optional), date and time of measurement,and measuring range label.
【性能参数】 | |
Model: AP-300 ,型号: 5291 测量标度 :旋光度, 国际标准糖度 无温度补偿 , 国际标准糖度 自动温度补偿 测量读数:旋光度,国际标准糖度 无温度补偿 ,国际标准糖度 自动温度补偿 ,比旋光度, 浓度, 纯度测量范围 :旋光度,-89.99 至 +89.99°,国际标准糖度 ,-130.00 至 +130.00°Z 最小指示值: 旋光度: 0.01°中,国际标准糖度: 0.01°Z 测量精确值: 旋光度 : 0.01°,国际标准糖度±0.03°Z, 采用标准石英片测量 国际标准糖度温度校正: 18.0 至 30.0° C 波长测量 :589nmD-line 显示板: 带背景光LCD显示 电源 :AC100V 至 240V丂50/60Hz 电力:耗损 50VA 输出 :数字打印机 DP-63, DP-AD 选件 自选项目 •RS-232C接口 尺寸重量: 48.5×28.5×17.5公分, 11.5公克,不含零件的重量 配件: 100mm 5ml , 200mm 10ml 旋光管 各1 选件 •制糖业适用的特殊配置 A型为温度控制型 : 型号 5296•制糖业适用的特殊配置 B型为温度补偿型 : 型号 5297•数字打印机 DP-63 : 型号 3118•数字打印机 DP-AD : 型号 3123•旋光管 100mm long OT-100 A: RE-72001•旋光管 200mm long OT-200 A: RE-72002•带水浴夹套式的旋光管 100mm : RE-72034•带水浴夹套式的旋光管 200mm : RE-72035•带水浴夹套式的旋光管 50mm : RE-72036•带水浴夹套式的旋光管,配装样漏斗套装 100mm : RE-72033•带水浴夹套式的旋光管,配装样漏斗套装 200mm : RE-72032•石英玻璃片 34° : RE-72013•石英玻璃片 17° : RE-72014•石英玻璃片 8.5° : RE-72015 •石英玻璃片 ISS 25°Z : RE-72016•石英玻璃片 ISS 50°Z : RE-72017•石英玻璃片 ISS 99°Z : RE-72018 消耗品/零件:•旋光管用玻璃板 : RE-6712•旋光管的胶套 : RE-6713•旋光管的螺母 : RE-6714•光源灯泡组套 : RE-74802•DP-RX用打印紙 : RE-8412•DP-RX用使用打印紙 : RE-8414•DP-AD用打印紙 : RE-89403 •DP-AD用墨盒 : RE-89402 自动旋光仪AP-300制糖业适用的特殊配置自动旋光仪AP-300制糖业适用的特殊配置包括主机,只有15毫升的糖液就可测量的旋光管及装样漏斗套装.我们有2种配置.A型为温度控制型而B型为温度补偿型.A. 使用恒温循环水浴循环水在带装样漏斗旋光管里以20℃测量时可使用B. 不使用恒温循环水浴并选择国际标准糖度标度(自动温度补偿18-30度)或在20℃的恒温室内测量时可使用.Model :A型为温度控制型, B型为温度补偿型 型号:5296配置内容: •AP-300主机(含附件)•水浴夹套式旋光管及装样漏斗套装 200mm - 容量大约15毫升 •温度探头200mm用 *循环恒温水浴箱60-C3 型号1921 选配 型号:5297 配置内容:•AP-300主机(含附件)•旋光管及装样漏斗套装200mm - 容量大约15毫升 |