2. DS-170 & DS-180 系列之闪频仪,除具备般"内部信号手调同步"功能以外,另增具"外部信号自动同步"之功能. 如由该外部同步信号直接输入,或是藉由检测器或近接开关所捡出之"同步运转信号"输入本机,并切选于EXT模式时,无论被测物之速度为何,该被测物将显现出持久而稳定之同步静止画面. 此功能对于监控直线运作之工作物体,尤其有效.
3. 採用短发光时间之设计,以及亮度之输出,提供了操作者在捕捉同步静止画面时,极致的清晰度. 此外,本机除了配备寿命之德灯管以外,配合了长寿命之闪光电路设计,表现出无与伦比之灯管使用寿命,般而言,具有达3.5亿闪次之使用寿命. 绝非大多数之欧美产品可比拟的.
4. 本机之外部信号输入插座内,已具备了各式检测器或解译器等所需之电源(DC12V,100mA),不必另行製作DC电源. 对于操作者在製作同步运转信号时,极其简便. 以KT5W为例,另请参阅4-1-1.
5. 如单灯设计之PK-DS-170所投射出之照射画面尺寸,不能满足使用者之需求时,多灯组之设计,例如PK-DS-180之系列中,有2灯组,3灯组,更有4灯组,以及极效率之短型3灯组,提供了各式不同之品简机械上,不可或缺的佳选择.

The POKAI Digital Stroboscope is a versatile flashing light source that is used to measure the speed of fast-moving objects or to produce the optical effect of stopping or slowing down high-speed motion for purposes of observation, analysis, or high-speed photography.
Flashes of PK-DS-170 or PK-DS-180 Series not only can be internally controlled by the 10-turn Flash Control Knob, but also can be externally triggered by the external synchronous pulse. In the“EXT”mode, the flashing light is simultaneously triggered by the external synchronous pulse to obtain completely stopped images of moving objects all the way.
Super-bright light and short-duration (≒25usec.) of the flash light provide maximum clarity of stopped images. Besides, the excellent design of flash lighting also provide typically more than 350 million flash life times, longer flash life than most of American or Japanese products.
The power source of proximate switches or sensors (+12Vdc, 100mA) was built in the terminal of Signal Input Socket for operators to generate external synchronous signals easily, for example, SICK KT5W. Please refer to fig.4-1-1
If the flash project-area for PK-DS-170 is not wide enough to obtain stationery images of moving objects for the user, a wide ranges of the Wide-beam Stroboscopes (PK-DS-180 Series:PK-DS-180, Pk-DS-180L, PK-DS-180L4 and PK-DS-180S) will provide you for a proper choice.
2. 除手调内部功能外,兼备自动控制外部功能.
3. 内建标志检测器、各式检测器或解译器等所需之电源(DC12V,100mA),不必另行製作电源,提供使用者连线控制之方便.
4. 採用全范围内都是短发光时间(≒25usec.)之设计,以及亮度(Max.400mJoule)之输出,提供了操作者在捕捉同步静止画面时,极致的清晰度. 绝对是表面观测之锐利工具.
5. 除了配备寿命之德灯管以外,配合了长寿命之闪光电路设计,般而言,具有达3.5亿闪次之使用寿命,绝非大多数欧美产品可比拟.
6. 为求照射画面之均匀亮度,全部採用经殊处理之反射镜,实乃品质管制之佳选择.
7. 免费附送备用灯管,如规格表2-1,藉以提售后服务之品质.
8. 宽照型闪频仪(DS-180系列)两端,装置25mmφ圆管之夹头,架设简便.对于般机械、检品机、分条机或印刷机上之塑胶膜面,品管其印刷或被测物体之品质,裨益颇大.
2.Capable of both internally and externally triggered modes of operation.
3.The power source of proximate switches or sensors (+12Vdc, 100mA) was built in the terminal of Signal Input Socket.
4.Incomparable sharpness (≒25usec. of flash duration in full ranges) and brightness (Max.400mJoule) ensure maximum clarity of stopped images to meet the essential need of surface inspection and measurement.
5.Excellent design provides typically more than 350 million flash life times, longer flash life than most of American or Japanese products.
6.The exceptional reflector mirror is equipped to provide even and wide stopped images.
7.Provide a spare xenon lamp for the considerate after-service.
8.180 series can be easily mounted on a particular machine or apparatus.
SPECIFICATION | Single Lamp Unit | Wide-beam Type | |||
规 格 | 手 提 单 灯 组 | 宽 照 型 多 灯 组 | |||
MODEL | PK-DS-170 | PK-DS-180 | PK-DS-180L | PK-DS-180L4 | PK-DS-180S |
内 部 闪 光 速 率 范 围 | |||||
EXTERNAL SIGNAL RANGE | 0 - 12000 FPM(RPM), +5V ~ +15V PULSE | ||||
外 部 信 号 输 入 范 围 | |||||
DISPLAY 数字幕 | 5 BIG 0.5" HIGH LED'S | ||||
FLASH TUBE | Single 30W Lamp Unit | 2 sets of 30W Lamp Unit | 3 sets of 30W Lamp Unit | 4 sets of 30W Lamp Unit | 3 sets of 30W Lamp Unit |
闪 光 灯 管 | PK-321 (Germany product) | PK-322 (Germany product) | |||
FLASH DURATION | Approx. 25μsec. | ||||
闪 光 时 间 | |||||
FLASH TUBE LIFE (Typical) | 350 million flashes (when operates at the speed of 2400fpm continuously) | ||||
闪光灯管之寿命 | |||||
PROJECTION AREA | 25 x 25 cm. | 40 x 85 cm. | 40 x 130 cm. | 40 x 165 cm. | 40 x 55cm. |
照 射 面 积 | At a distance of 25cm. | At a distance of 20cm. | At a distance of 20cm. | At a distance of 20cm. | At a distance of 20cm. |
POWER SOURCE | AC 220V±10%, 50/60HZ. (AC110V±10% Also available on request.) | ||||
电 源 | |||||
DIMENSIONS & WEIGHT | 19 x 12 x 13 cm.; 1.7Kgs. | 64 x 10 x 14 cm. | 100 x 10 x 14 cm. | 121 x 10 x 14 cm. | 43 x 10 x 14 cm. |
尺 寸 与 重 量 | Exclusive of handle: 3.5cm.(H) | 3.2 Kgs. | 4.4Kgs. | 5.3Kgs. | 2.9 Kgs. |
附 件 | 1 pcs. of Spare Lamps. | 2 pcs. of Spare Lamps. | 3 pcs. of Spare Lamps. | 4 pcs. of Spare Lamps. | 3 pcs. of Spare Lamps. |

1. 按下“功能选择开关”之INT模式.
2. 电源插头插入正确插座后,按下电源开关,本机即刻开始闪光,数字幕上也同时显示其闪光每分钟之速率(FPM).
3. 将闪光之光线照射向被测物体.
4. 由频往低频方向,转动“速率调整钮”,直到被测物体显现出第1个同步静止画面为止.
5. 读出数字幕上所显示之数值,即是该被测物体之每分钟工作次数(或称RPM;或称FPM).
备注: 为确认上述之同步静止画面,可藉由该被测物体之外型、轮廓、标记等等,来确认是否与停止不动时之画面完全相同.
As a characteristic of Digital Strobes, the frozen motion may appear when the displayed RPM is 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 etc. of speed for the rotating shaft, and sub-multiple illusion of frozen motion also may also appear when the displayed RPM is 2, 3, 4, etc. times of speed for the rotating shaft. For references, please see the following fig. 3-2-1 and fig. 3-2-2.
To obtain correct RPM, it is a better way to turn the Control Knob from high speed down to low speed, until the first stationery image appears. At this time, its flash rate displayed on the strobe is exactly at the same speed as the motion. Furthermore, adjust the control knob to twice the displayed flash rate to see whether the double illusion of frozen motion appears or not. If yes, the first stationery image is firmly confirmed.
今以被测物之转轴为例,当本机由频往低频调整,并照向该转轴时,将会出现如图(3-2-2)之各式静止画面. 至于该等画面与该转轴转速之关係,请参考下表(3-2-1):
经由下表得知,调整本机之速率于3000rpm时,静止画面之Images数,仅1个.也就是该转轴之真正速率(RPM). 此时,图(3-2-2)上之“1 time”画面,可称为“同步静止画面”. 换句话说,其他之“静止画面”皆是假象.
A: 测速时,必须由频往低频调整本机,直到显现出(仅1个Image 画面)同步静止画面. 读取数值,即为RPM数.
B: 此时,如希望更确认,则可将调整器调到上列数值之2倍位置,来确认是否出现2个Images? 如是,上述之RPM数值,必定正确了.
Rotating Speed | Flash Rate | Rotating Speed/Flash Rate | Number of Image(s) | ||||
12000rpm | 4 times | 4 | |||||
9000rpm | 3 times | 3 | |||||
Rotating Shaft | 6000rpm | 2 times | 2 | ||||
at 3,000rpm | 3000rpm | 1 times | 1 | ||||
1500rpm | 1/2 times | 1 | |||||
1000rpm | 1/3 times | 1 | |||||
750rpm | 1/4 times | 1 |

1. 假如被测物体之机械上,已内建同步反应之信号,请直接将该信号,依图(4-1-1)所示,接入本机之输入信号插头即可. [备注]:本机之输入模式为PNP,如需改为NPN,则请并联跨接个10K(1/4W)电阻,如图(4-1-1)之标示位置,变换为NPN之输入模式.
2. 如果没有既有之同不信号时,请架设被测转体之信号检测器或标志信号检测器,以SICK KT5W为例,架设于离印刷膜面9m/m.
3. 将SICK KT5W之3条色线,依上图(4-1-1)所示,銲接于正确之耳机插头上(本机之配备):
(a)分别将棕色线銲接于耳机插头之小銲片. (b)黑色线銲接于中銲片. (c)而蓝色线銲接于大銲片. (d)让白色线空接.
4. 将耳机插头插入本机之信号输入插座,并按下功能选择键之“EXT.”后开机. 此后,本机之闪光速率完全由标志检测器下方之印刷图面速率来同步控制闪光,换言之,每印1张图面就产生1次闪光,反之,印刷中之图面永远受闪光同步仪之光线同步而显现出静止画面,如同停止不动.
5. 在本节之操作中,因为功能选择开关选择于EXT.,闪光光线是完全受外部信号输入端之输入信号所控制. 因此,于此模式下,假如调整本机之速率调整器完全无效.
The operation of Stroboscope on Rotating Object or Repetitive Object has been explained in the aforementioned units. However, owing to the unique characteristic for the operation of moving object under repetitive motion, such as that of the Press & Inspecting Machine, this chapter is designed to explain the details of such operation.
Because the application and operation of Stroboscope on Press & Inspecting Machine is not exercised for the purpose of measuring the rotating speed of Print Cylinder or Motor, but to monitor the printing quality by obtaining the Synchronized Static Images of the printed pictures in Printing Film. In other words, if the operator wishes to adjust the flash rate of Stroboscope under INT mode, such adjustment should be based on the frequency of pictures printed per minute, rather than meters printed per minute.
In practice, for example: Assume Press & Inspecting Machine may print 100 meters per minute and the length of the printed pictures is 10 cm, then such Press & Inspecting Machine may print 1,000 pictures per minute. The following is how it is calculated.
1 meter ÷ 10 cm = 10 pictures (meaning 10 pictures is printed in every meter)
10 pictures × 100 meters (per minute) = 1000 pictures (per minute)
Under such circumstances, the operator may easily obtain clear Synchronized Static Images if the flash rate of Stroboscope is adjusted to 1000 FPM. Therefore, under INT mode, the Synchronized Static Images may be easily obtained, if he or she calculates how many pictures may be printed per minute at first. The capacity of press machine may also be easily conversed by such method.
However, the above algorithm is not needed if Stroboscope is linked with Mark Sensor under EXT mode. The reason is that under such circumstances, the flash rate is totally controlled by such Mark Sensor and the pictures in printing process may appear Synchronized Static Images any time. Please refer to chapter 4-1 for detailed description.
闪光同步仪对于圆转体或反覆工作体之操作,已经在前面单元内有所说明,但是对于直线工作之被测物,如印刷机及检品机等之操作,则较显殊. 今另闢本单元来说明.
因为本机在印刷机或检品机之应用操作上,并非是用来测得“印刷滚筒或马达”之转速,而是希望获得“薄膜上被印出图面”之同步静止画面,藉以监控其印刷品质. 换言之,本机如在INT模式下,欲调整闪光速率时,应依据“每分钟拉出多少张图面”之频率来调整,而非依据“每分钟拉出多少米”调整.
假设印刷机或分条机,每分钟印出100Meters,且印出之图面长度为10cm,则该等机械每分钟应是印出1000张图面. 其计算方法如下:
1 米 ÷ 10cm = 10张……………表示每米含括10张图面
10张 × 100米(每分钟) = 1000张……表示每分钟印出1000 张图面.
此时,如将本机之闪光速率调整到1000FPM后,即可轻易获得清晰之同步静止画面. 因此,如拟寻找直线运送中图面之同步静止画面,应预先以上列之计算法,算出每分钟印出多少张图面后,再来调整本机之闪光速率,将可较轻易获得其同步静止画面. 同理,也可轻易地换算出该等机械之产量.

7-1 警告:
(1) 因为即使关闭电源后,危险电压仍存在这些闪频仪的内部电路,因此强烈建议切勿以裸露的手指去碰触任何电路.
(2) 为了安全起见,打开机箱之前,请务必先拔开电源插头,再等待3
The warranty attests the quality of materials and workmanship in our product. When difficulties do occur, our service engineers will assist in any way possible. If the difficulty cannot be eliminated, please contact our Service Department to remedy it. Be sure to mention the type and serial number of the stroboscope.
今保证我们产品的材料,免费保修其质量以及其工艺. 当困难发生时,我们的服务工程师将以任何可能的方式来协助. 如果困难确认无法消除,则请联繫我们的服务部门来解决它,同时,也请务必注明频闪仪的型号及序列号。
(1) 当闪光出现不连续或是不稳定时,请先进行如下步骤:
(A) 首先,请先确认显示闪光速率的数字显示幕,是否正常受频率调整钮的调整而变动. 如果不是,请联络我服务部门寻求维修. 如果是的话,则请继续下列之步骤.
(B) 请检查闪光灯管的年岁是否已经久远了,或是该灯管的玻璃内是否已经出现暗黑现象了. 如果是的话,般而言,依照7-4章节来更换个新灯管,就可以恢复正常了. 反之,如果不是,也依然建议先更换该灯管,来确认是否需要寻求我服务部门来维修.
(2) 如果完成上述之排除步骤了,仍出现故障的情形时,请与我服务部联繫.
- If you found abnormal flash lighting, please proceed the following steps at first:
- First of all, please confirm the Digital Display of flash rates is normally varied whenever Flash Rate Control Knob adjusts the rates. If not, please contact with our serviceman. If yes, please follow next step.
- Check the flash lamp whether it is aged enough or turns to be much dark inside the glass of the Xenon tube. If yes, generally it means the tired flash lamp needs to replace a new one, please refer to Chapter 7-4 to change a new one to resolve the problem. If not, we still suggest to change a new one to assure whether it needs for service or not.
- After these things were accomplished and still out of order, please contact with our Service Department to remedy it.
A. 拔下电源线后,至少必须等待3分钟后,才可以继续。 其次,即使已经拔掉电源了,仍然,切记不可以裸露的手指去碰触任何电路.
B. 转出透明镜片上之4个螺丝后,取下该透明镜片。
C. 抓住它的玻璃外壳,同时,以个摆动向外拉出的力量,将灯泡拉出灯管母座。 (建议: 藉用类似卫生纸或是乾的棉布,来抓住灯管玻璃使力,可以避免热之侵袭。)
D. 反之,以全新的氙气灯之插头对准灯管母座,小心地向前推动,直至其牢固就位。
E. 再将前述之4个螺丝,锁回透明镜片. 好能于4颗螺丝全都锁入螺丝孔后才锁紧,可避免第4颗螺丝,难锁入螺丝孔之现象. 至此,完成灯管更换了.
The xenon lamp should be replaced whenever Pokai stroboscopes fail to flash, flashes erratically or hold over (continuous arcing).
Steps to replace the xenon lamp:
- Unplug the power cord and wait at least 3 minutes before proceeding. Besides, even though the power cord is unplugged already in any step of replacement, never touch circuits with nude fingers.
- Remove the lens by turning out 4 lens screws.
- Pull the lamp out of its socket by grasping it on the glass envelope and pulling outward with a rocking motion. ( Using something like toilet paper to cover on glass to avoid thermal heating is suggested.)
- Insert the new lamp pins into the socket and carefully push the lamp forward until it is seated firmly.
- Replace the lens of the stroboscope back and tighten the screws.