技术指标: .
量程:O~4kpa~35MPa .
电源:15~36VDC .
输出:4~20mA .过载:2-3倍满量程.
工作温度:-20~85℃C .
温度漂移:0.02%FS/℃ .
精度:典型0.2%,最大0.25% .
零点调节±5% 量程调节30%, .
测量膜片:316不锈钢.外壳防护:IP65 .
B0501通用型压力变送器 | |||||
| 量程范围 A0 -100~0Kpa A1 0-20~100Kpa A2 0-150~700 Kpa A3 0-0.4~3.5 MPa A4 0-1.2~7 Mpa A5 0-7-35 Mpa A6 其他量程订制 | ||||
| 过程连接方式 C1 M20*1.5 C2 1/2NPT C3 G1/2 C4 用户指定 | ||||
| 防爆方式 D1 不防爆 D2 本安防爆 | ||||
| 输出方式 E1 4-20 Ma E2 用户指定 | ||||
| 电气连接方式 F1 贺斯曼接头 F2 电缆 | ||||
| |||||
B0501 A1 C1 D1 E1 F1 选型举例 |
ZCYA通用型压力变送器 | |
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![]() | 产品信息 |
型号: | ZCYA型 |
规格: | -0.1MPa...0...60MPa |
技术指标: | 应 用:各种恶劣工况条件下气体、液体和蒸汽介 质的压力测量特 点:防爆外壳,两腔结构,本安型电路设计, 可配M1指针表头。量 程:-0.1MPa~0~60MPa供电电源:12~36VDC(本安型为12~30VDC)输出信号:两线制4~20mADC、三线制1~5VDC精度等级:0.2级、0.5级防爆等级:ExiaⅡCT5 |
产品说明: | ZCYA通用型压力变送器采用进口压阻传感器,具有两线制4~20mADC、三线制1~5VDC或三线制0~10mADC输出,可以配装现场模拟指针表头M1。可以现场调节零点和量程。其独特的防爆外壳、二腔结构和本安型电路设计使该产品普遍应用于石化、天然气和矿井等易燃易爆场合,是现场测量理想的通用压力变送器。 |
通用型压力变送器T300系列广泛用于液压及气动控制系统、液位测量与控制、石化、环保、空气压缩、电站运行巡检、机车制动系统、热电机组、轻工、机械、冶金、楼宇自控、恒压供水、其它自动控制和检测系统、工业过程检测与控制 、实验室压力校验、测量蒸汽、热油等高温介质压力。
测量介质 与304、316或316L不锈钢兼容的各种液体、气体或蒸汽
压力类型:表压、绝压、真空压测量范围 表压0~0.01MPa-250MPa 绝压0~0.1MPa-250MPa 真空0~-0.1MPa过载压力 2倍满量程或300MPa(取较小值)输出信号 4~20mADC(两线制) 0~10VDC,0~5VDC,l~5VDC(三线制)供电电压 9~36VDC(两线制),24±5VDC(三线制)介质温度 -30~+85℃环境温度 -20~+85℃
温补范围 -10~70℃储存温度 -40~+90℃相对湿度 ≤ 95%(40℃)准 确 度 1.0级,0.5级,0.25级(包括非线性、重复性及迟滞在内的综合误差) 零点调节 输出量程的±8%量程调节 输出量程的±20%温度漂移 ≤±0.05%FS/℃(温度范围-20~85℃,包括零点和量程的温度影响)稳 定 性 典型:±0.1%FS/年 最大:±0.2%FS/年介质接触材料 304、316或316L外壳材料 304或316不锈钢安装方式 螺纹安装压力连接 M20×1.5、M12×l、Gl/4、Gl/2阳螺纹等,可定制电气连接 四芯屏蔽电缆 (防护等级IP65) 航空插头 DIN接头,可定制
1、 测量介质:液体、气体、蒸汽。根据工况自行选择。
2、 测量精度:压力变送器作为一种传感测量,信号放大处理、标准工作信号输出的仪器,误差是无法避免的。客户可根据具体工况的要求选择,满足工况即可。过分追求高精度,对工况无多大裨益,经济方面确是一笔大开销。
3、 量程选择:建议使用压力变送器量程的75%为工况的最大压力。例如,工况最大压力75Mpa,选择满量程为100MPA的压力变送器。
4、 测量介质的腐蚀性。根据被测介质的腐蚀性大小,选择压力变送器的接触材质。一般的压力变送器的接触介质分的材质采用的是316不锈钢,如果被测介质对316不锈钢没有腐蚀性,那么基本上所有的压力变送器都适合你对介质压力的测量。如果被测介质对316不锈钢有腐蚀性,就需要做化学密封处理,隔离腐蚀介质,延长使用寿命。
5、 测量介质的温度。由于高温会对压力变送器器内的信号有影响,所以在进行高温环境、高温介质选型使用时,要注意选择高温型 并对被测介质管线做些处理,精度要求不高时可通过加装冷凝管进行前期降温处理,精度要求高时,选定制特殊耐高温型压力变送器,其价格较之加装冷凝管要高很多。
6、 输出型号。常见的输出型号有0-20MA 、 4-20MA 、0-10V、 O-5V等,选型订货要求备注,告知厂家。
7、 使用工况。主要是是否需要防爆处理,有本安型、隔爆型。
8、 压力连接接口选择。可定制
9、 其他因素。
本司专业销售液压机械设备,产品有电液比例阀、比例电磁阀、压力变送器、比例阀放大板、液压阀及液压原器件。 变送器/传感器产品:
一 压力变送器 (1)、MC20A小巧型压力变送器 (2)、MC20AS超小型压力变送器 (3)、MC20B经济型压力变送器 (4)、MC20W卫生型(齐平膜)压力变送器 (5)、MC20E压力变送器(E+H外形) (6)、MC20D智能型压力变送器 (7)、MC1151/3351GP压力变送器(电容式) (8)、MC1151/3351AP绝对压力变送器(电容式) (9)、MC1151/3351LT法兰式压力变送器(电容式) (10)、MC1151/3351GP毛细管远传法兰式压力变送器(电容式) 二、 差压变送器 (1)、MC2070A精巧型差压变送器 (2)、MC2070B经济型差压变送器 (3)、MC2070C小巧型差压变送器 (4)、MC1151/3351DP差压变送器 (5)、MC1151/3351LT法兰式差压变送器 (6)、MC1151/3351DP毛细管远传法兰式差压变送器(电容式) (7)、MC1151/3351DP△P差压流量变送器 三、 物位、液位变送器 (1)、MC20C投入式液位变送器(液体静压式,用于普通液体) (2)、MC20CD投入式液位变送器(气体导压式,用于高温、腐蚀性液体等) (3)、ML-8超声波物位(液位)计 (4)、MC1151/3351LT法兰式液位变送器(电容式) (5)、MC1151/3351DP毛细管远传法兰式液位变送器(电容式) (6)、SN-70E射频电容物位计 (7)、SN-70KX射频电容物位开关
★ 典型应用: 液压及气动控制系统、工业过程检测与控制等 ★ 测量介质: 与316不锈钢兼容的各种气体、液体★ 量 程: 0~200MPa★ 过程连接: M20×1.5、M12×1、1/2NPT 或客户定制★ 输出信号: 4~20mA、1~5V、0~5V★ 引线方式: 电缆线(标准长度1m)、航空插头 ★ 工作电压: 12~40V,标准24VDC±5%、纹波小于1%★ 精 度: 0.25%F.S 、0.5%F.S ★ 工作温度: -20℃~+80℃★ 介质温度: -25~85℃★ 储存温度: -40~125℃★ 相对湿度: 0%~100%★ 负载电阻: 电流输出:≥800Ω,电压输出:50KΩ以上★ 绝缘电阻: ≥2000Ω (1000VDC)★ 温度影响: 最大量程±1.0% (补偿温度:-10℃~+70℃ ) ★ 稳 定 性: 最大量程的0.25% /F.S ★ 过载压力: 2倍于满量程★ 防护等级: IP65★ 外壳材质: 304不锈钢★ 重 量: 约0.25Kg
接口尺寸: | M12*1(mm) | 加工定制: | 是 |
防护等级: | IP65 | 测量范围: | 0-6to 0-600bar(kPa) |
类型: | 陶瓷型压力变送器 | 防爆等级: | 无 |
型号: | O-10(T) O-10(5) | 测量介质: | 液体 气体 |
精度等级: | 0.5 | 品牌: | WIKA/威卡 |
输出信号: | 4-20(mA) | 电源电压: | 10-30(V) |
WIKA O-10(T) O-10(5)
通用型压力变送器 用于液压气压泵压缩机
OEM pressure transmitter for general industrial applicationsModels O-10 (T), O-10 (5)
Pressure transmitter model O-10 (T)
Applications Hydraulics and pneumatics Pumps and compressors Machine building Building services
Special features Measuring ranges from 0 … 6 to 0 … 600 bar Non-linearity 0.5 % Standard industrial signals Electrical connection: Angular connector form A and C, circular connector M12 x 1, Metri-Pack series 150, cable outlet 2 m unshielded or shielded Many internationally customary process connections
The model O-10 pressure transmitter has been developed for a wide variety of industrial applications. The large range of process and electrical connections as well as all commonly used pressure ranges and output signals set the model O-10apart.
For applications in which water is used as a medium we recommend a 5-fold overpressure safety in combination with a condensation-tight case.
Due to its specifications, its features and its price, the pressure transmitter is ideally suited to OEM applications, with an annual quantity requirement of more than 1,000 units of each article number. Accordingly, the minimum order quantity is 50 units per article number.
The model O-10 has been designed specifically for the demands of the global market. The pressure transmitter offers international units and the corresponding approvals for the North American and Russian markets.
It goes without saying that the model O-10 can be delivered with customer-specific labelling (e.g. company logo and model designation).
Model O-10 (T) Standard version
Model O-10 (5) With 5-fold overpressure limit and condensation-tight case
For applications with water as a medium we recommend a 5-fold overpressure safety for protection against water hammer effects, and a condensation-tight case.
Measuring ranges
Model O-10 (T)
Output signals
Model O-10 (T)
Voltage supply
Power supply The power supply depends on the selected output signal. 4 ... 20 mA: DC 8 ... 30 V DC 0.5 ... 4.5 V: DC 8 ... 30 V DC 0 ... 5 V: DC 8 ... 30 V DC 1 ... 5 V: DC 8 ... 30 V DC 0 ... 10 V: DC 14 ... 30 V DC 0.5 ... 4.5 V (ratiometric): DC 4.5 ... 5 V
The power supply for the pressure transmitter must be made via an energy-limited electrical circuit in accordance with section 9.4 of UL/EN/IEC 61010-1, or an LPS to UL/EN/IEC 60950-1, or class 2 in accordance with UL1310/UL1585 (NEC or CEC). The power supply must be suitable for operation above 2,000 m should the pressure transmitter be used at this altitude.
Total current consumption Current output: The total current consumption corresponds to the value of the output signal current (4 ... 20 mA), maximum 25 mA
Voltage output: 5 mA
Reference conditions (per IEC 61298-1)
Temperature 15 ... 25 °C
Atmospheric pressure 860 ... 1,060 mbar
Humidity 45 ... 75 % relative
Power supply Current output: DC 14 V Voltage output: DC 24 V Ratiometric output signal: DC 5 V
Nominal position Calibrated in vertical mounting position with pressure connection facing downwards.
Time response
Settling time < 2 ms
Accuracy data
Model O-10 (T)
Non-linearity (per IEC 61298-2) ≤ ±0.5 % of span BFSL A different non-linearity applies to some measuring ranges, see "Measuring ranges O-10 (T)".
Measuring deviation of the zero signal ≤ ±0.5 % of span
A different measuring deviation applies to some measuring ranges, see "Measuring ranges model O-10 (T)".
Accuracy at reference conditions ≤ ±1.2 % of span
Temperature error at 0 ... 80 °C ≤ ±1.5 % of span
Long-term stability ≤ ±0.3 % of span/year
Model O-10 (5)
Non-linearity (per IEC 61298-2) ≤ ±0.5 % of span BFSL
Measuring deviation of the zero signal ≤ ±1 % of span
Accuracy at reference conditions ≤ ±2.0 % of span
Temperature error at 0 ... 80 °C Mean temperature coefficient of zero point: Typical: 0.3 % of span/10 K Maximum: 0.6 % of span/10 K
Mean temperature coefficient of span: ≤ ±0.1 % of span/10 K
Long-term drift ≤ ±0.8 % of span/year
Operating conditions
Model O-10 (T)
Ingress protection (per IEC 60529) For ingress protections see "Electrical connections model O-10 (T)" The stated ingress protection only applies when plugged in using mating connectors that have the appropriate ingress protection.
Vibration resistance (per IEC 60068-2-6) 20 g (20 ... 2,000 Hz, 120 min.)
Shock resistance (per IEC 60068-2-27) 40 g (6 ms), mechanical shock
Service life 10 million load cycles
Free fall test Resistant to an impact onto concrete from 1 m
Permissible temperatures Medium: -30 ... +100 °C Ambient: -30 ... +100 °C Storage: -30 ... +100 °C
Model O-10 (5)
Ingress protection (per IEC 60529) For ingress protections see "Electrical connections model O-10 (5)" The stated ingress protection only applies when plugged in using mating connectors that have the appropriate ingress protection.
Vibration resistance (per IEC 60068-2-6) 20 g (20 ... 2,000 Hz, 120 min)
Shock resistance (per IEC 60068-2-27) 40 g (6 ms), mechanical shock
Service life 10 million load cycles
Free fall test Resistant to an impact onto concrete from 1 m
Permissible temperatures Medium: -40 ... +100 °C Ambient: -25 ... +80 °C Storage: -25 ... +80 °C
Other temperature ranges on request
Process connections
Non-wetted parts Stainless steel 316L PBT GF 30 Cable material (cable outlet) PVC
Wetted parts Stainless steel 316L 13-8 PH For sealing materials see "Process connections" Oil and grease free versions are available on request.
Electrical connections
Model O-10 (T) Available connections
Connection diagrams
Complete instrument
CE conformity
Pressure equipment directive 97/23/EC
EMC directive 2004/108/EC, EN 61326 emission (group 1, class B) and immunity (industrial application)
RoHS conformity Yes
Approvals cULus, safety (e.g. electr. safety, overpressure, ...), USA, Canada GOST-R, import certificate, Russia
Approvals see website
Accessories and spare parts Mating connector
Only use the accessories and spare parts listed above, otherwise it could lead to the loss of theapproval.
Ordering information Model / Measuring range / Output signal / Process connection / Electrical connection
欢迎致电咨询订购WIKA O-10(T) O-10(5) 通用型压力变送器 用于液压气压泵压缩机
电话: 56291930 15910733293
QQ:823377546 1491421115 2636968574
公司官网:http://www.zoriver.cn http://www.zoriver.com.cn
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用于液压、空气、压铸系统、机车制动系统、石化、治金、环保、其它自动控制和检测系统 | ||
.护散硅传感器.全不锈钢结构.零位、量程现场可调.小型化、易安装 技术指标 .量程:O~4kpa~35MPa.电源:15~36VDC.输出:4~20mA.过载:2-3倍满量程.工作温度:-20~85℃C.温度漂移:0.02%FS/℃.精度:典型0.2%,最大0.25%.零点调节±5% 量程调节30%,.稳定性:0.1%FS/年.测量膜片:316不锈钢.外壳防护:IP65.电气连接:电缆式、接插件式、按线盒式可选 |
品名 | Techor通用型压力变送器 |
型号 | DC8702 |
产品优势 | 精度0.25%、抗电磁信号干扰 |
应用行业 | 适用于液压系统、气动系统、空调加热等领域 |
CYB11系列通用型压力变送器 |
◆ 一、产品简介 | |
CYB11系列通用型压力变送器是利用半导体扩散硅压力传感器及专用放大线路组成,是理想的DDZ-Ⅲ型仪表的配套组合单元。具有体积小、精度高、电路调试方便、性高、抗干能力强等产品特点。适用于各种非腐蚀性干燥气体的压力测量和控制,量程范围宽,覆盖面广。 该产品广泛应用于环保、电力、石油、冶金、航空等工业控制领域,是性能优良、长寿命、高性能价格比的工业压力变送器品种。 | ![]() |
◆ 二、技术性能 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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◆ 三、产品产品特点 | |
●高精度、全不锈钢结构 ●抗干扰强、稳定性好 ●性能优良,长寿命 ●小巧精致,安装方便 ●本安防爆 | |
◆ 四、外型结构 | |
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Ⅰ型 | Ⅱ型 |
◆ 五 、选型 | |