
品名:仪表信号放大器用途:将传感器的微弱信号转换成标准信号,用传感器生产工业标准变送器型号:Ms-DCIA05/Ms-DCIA10/Ms-DCIA20电源:AC10~24v, DC12-30V输入:0-n(n表示0-10V之间的任意数直流电压  )输出0-10V,0-5V或4-20mA,输出:电压0~10v,0~10v,4~20mA(订货选择)特点: 将仪表信号作线性放大,并提供5V或者10V最大100mA传感器基准电源用法1:输入非标准信号,0-nV;输出标准信号0-5v,0-10v或4-20mA(n表示10V以下的大于零的任何数值的电压或电流信号)用法2:将1号传感器数值,减去2号传感器数值,将两者之差放大成0-10v或4-20mA标准信号,用法3:输入传感器数值,减去任意一个数值,将两者之差放大成0-10v或4-20mA标准信号用法4:输入任意一个数值,减去传感器一个数值,将两者之差放大成0-10v或4-20mA标准信号用法5:将0-n(任意数值)或n-0由小到大或由大到小的不规则信号运算在0-10V或4-20mA标准信号用法6: 将0-5V正比例信号转换成5-0V反比例信号,或0-10V正比例信号转换成10-0V反比例信号应用示例:1,湿度传感器的输出信号0.8~1.8v,值为15~95%的非标准信号.要转换一个标准湿度变送器,只需将传感器信号接入信号放大器J2,调节W1使J3电压到0.800(精确到小数点后三位),满量程电压调节W3达到10.000V,一个精密的湿度变送器就生产出来了.2,风速传感器的输出信号80mV~600mV,值为0.01~6m的非标准信号.要转换一个标准空气流量(流速)变送器,只需将传感器信号接入信号放大器J2,调节W1使J3电压到80mV(精确到小数点后三位),满量程电压调节W3达到10.000V,一个精密的湿度变送器就生产出来了.3,压力传感器的输出信号1.2V~3.8V,值为0~10KPa的非标准信号.要转换一个标准压力变送器,只需将一个传感器信号接入信号放大器J2,另一个传感器信号接入信号放大器J3,满量程电压调节W3达到10.000V,一个精密的差压变送器就生产出来了.4,PLC控制器输出0-5v控制信号,要推动一个只能接入4~20mA的变频器或阀门推动器,只需将信号接入J1,调节W3使输出为20mA,将控制信号接入阀门就可以运行了.5,可扩展性:本身不带显示,需要显示实时数据的用户可通过购买扩展连接器实现,也可以通过扩展器将实时数据传送到电脑,通过电脑在国际互联网上发布,或远程管理人员监控.


DH388A0型选频放大器是实验室用测量仪器,主要用于测量微弱低 频交流信号。配合微波测量线可用于测量驻波系数,配合微波检波器可用于测量衰减量等。

DH388A0型选频放大器灵敏度高,稳定性好,适用领域广泛。 1.频率范围: 400Hz — 10KHz 2.输入电压信号动态范围:10μv — 2000mv 3.灵敏 度:  10μv  (满量程)4.输入阻抗:20KΩ(1KHz)

7280/7265/7225  数字锁相放大器

  • Voltage Input Modes A only, -B only or Differential (A-B) Full-scale Sensitivity 0.5 Hz ?/font> F ?/font> 250 kHz 10 nV to 1 V in a 1-2-5 sequence 250 kHz < F ?/font> 2.0 MHz 100 nV to 1 V in a 1-2-5 sequence Max. Dynamic Reserve > 100 dB Impedance 100 MW // 25 pF Maximum Safe Input 20 V pk-pk Voltage Noise 5 nV/?/font>Hz @ 1 kHz C.M.R.R. > 100 dB @ 1 kHz Frequency Response 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Gain Accuracy ?.3% typ, ?.6% max. (full bandwidth) Distortion -90 dB THD (60 dB AC gain, 1 kHz) Line Filter attenuates 50, 60, 100, 120 Hz Grounding BNC shields can be grounded or floated via 1 kW to ground Current Input Mode Low Noise, Normal or Wide Bandwidth Full-scale Sensitivity Low Noise 10 fA to 10 nA in a 1-2-5 sequence Normal 10 fA to 1 礎 in a 1-2-5 sequence Wide Bandwidth F ?/font> 250 kHz 1 pA to 100 礎 in a 1-2-5 sequence F > 250 kHz 10 pA to 100 礎 in a 1-2-5 sequence Max. Dynamic Reserve > 100 dB Frequency Response (-3 dB): Low Noise ?/font> 500 Hz Normal ?/font> 50 kHz Wide Bandwidth ?/font> 1 MHz Impedance Low Noise < 2.5 kW @ 100 Hz Normal < 250 W @ 1 kHz Wide Bandwidth < 25 W @ 10 kHz Noise Low Noise 13 fA/?/font>Hz @ 500 Hz Normal 130 fA/?/font>Hz @ 1 kHz Wide Bandwidth 1.3 pA/?/font>Hz @ 1 kHz Gain Accuracy ? 0.6% typ, midband Line Filter attenuates 50, 60, 100, 120 Hz Grounding BNC shield can be grounded or floated via 1 kW to ground Reference Channel TTL Input Frequency Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Analog Input Impedance 1 MW // 30 pF Sinusoidal Input Level 1.0 V rms* Frequency Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Squarewave Input Level 250 mV rms Frequency Range 2 Hz to 2 MHz *Note: Lower levels can be used with the analog input at the expense of increased phase errors Phase Set Resolution 0.001?/font> increments Phase Noise at 100 ms TC, 12 dB/octave slope: Internal Reference < 0.0001?/font> rms External Reference < 0.01?/font> rms @ 1 kHz Orthogonality 90?/font> ?.0001?/font> Acquisition Time Internal Reference instantaneous acquisition External Reference 2 cycles + 50 ms Reference Frequency Meter Resolution 1 ppm or 1 mHz, whichever is the greater DemodulatorOutput Processing Output Zero Stability Digital Outputs No zero drift on all settings Displays No zero drift on all settings Not Available Analog Outputs < 5 ppm/?/font>C Harmonic Rejection -90 dB Output Filters X, YR outputs only Time Constant 1 祍 to 1 ms in a 1-2-5 sequence,4 ms Slope (roll-off) 612 dB/octave All outputs Time Constant 5 ms to 100 ks in a 1-2-5 sequence Slope 6, 12, 1824 dB/octave Synchronous Filter Available for F < 20 Hz Offset AutoManual on X and/or Y: ?00% full-scale Absolute Phase Measurement Accuracy ?/font> 0.01?/font> Oscillator Frequency Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Setting Resolution 1 mHz Absolute Accuracy ? 50 ppm Distortion (THD) -80 dB @ 1 kHz100 mV rms Amplitude (rms) Range 1 mV to 1 V Setting Resolution 1 mV Accuracy ?.2% Stability 50 ppm/?/font>C Output Impedance 50 W Sweep Amplitude Sweep Output Range 0.000 to 1.000 V rms Law Linear Step Rate 20 Hz maximum (50 ms/step) Frequency Sweep Output Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Law Linear or Logarithmic Step Rate 20 Hz maximum (50 ms/step) Auxiliary Inputs ADC 1, 2, 34 Maximum Input ?0 V Resolution 1 mV Accuracy ?0 mV Input Impedance 1 MW // 30 pF Sample Rate ADC 1 only 40 kHz max. ADC 12 17.8 kHz max. Trigger Mode Internal, External or burst Trigger Input TTL compatible Outputs Main Analog (CH1CH2) Outputs: Function X, Y, R, q, Noise, Ratio, Log RatioUser Equations 1 & 2. Amplitude ?.5 V full-scale; linear to ?00% full-scale Impedance 1 kW Update Rate X, Y or R @ TC ?/font>4 ms 7.5 MHz All outputs @ TC ?/font>5 ms 1 kHz Signal Monitor Amplitude ? V FS Impedance 1 kW Auxiliary D/A Output 12: Maximum Output ?0 V Resolution 1 mV Accuracy ?0 mV Output Impedance 1 kW 8-bit Digital Port 0 to 8 lines can be configured as inputs, with the remainder being outputs. Each output line can be set high or loweach input line read to allow interaction with external equipment. Extra line acts as trigger input Reference Output Waveform 0 to 3 V rectangular wave, active in External Reference Mode only Impedance TTL-compatible Power - Low Voltage ?5 V at 100 mA rear panel 5-pin 180?DIN connector for powering SIGNAL RECOVERY preamplifiers Data Storage Buffer Size 32k ?16-bit data points, may be organized as 1?2k, 2?6k, 3?0.6k, 4?k, etc. Max Storage Rate From LIA up to 1000 16-bit values per second From ADC1 up to 40,000 16-bit values per second User Settings Up to 8 complete instrument settings can be saved or recalled at will from non-volatile memory Not available Interfaces RS232GPIB (IEEE-488). A second RS232 port is provided to allow "daisy-chain" connectioncontrol of up to 16 units from a single RS232 computer port General Power Requirements Voltage 110/120/220/240 VAC Frequency 50/60 Hz Power 200 VA max Dimensions Width 17?quot; (435 mm) Depth 19" (485 mm) Height With feet 6" (150 mm) Without feet 5?quot; (130mm) Weight 25.4 lb (11.5 kg)  
  • 主要特点
  • The model 7280 DSP Lock-in Amplifier is an exceptionally versatile instrument with outstanding performance. With direct digital demodulation over an operating frequency extending up to 2.0 MHz, output filter time constants down to 1 祍a main ADC sampling rate of 7.5 MHz it is ideal for recovering fast changing signals. But unlike some other high frequency lock-ins, it also works in the traditional audio frequency band. In addition to its excellent technical specifications, it is also very easy to use. The front panel is dominated by a large electroluminescent display panel, used both to show the instrument''s outputsfor adjusting its controls via a series of menus. Controls are set by a combination of the use of the keys surrounding the displaythe keypad, while four cursor-movement keys simplify use of the graphic display menus. Users of the SIGNAL RECOVERY (formerly PerkinElmer/EG&G) 72607265 will find switching to the 7280 very easy, since we''ve designed it with a similar menu structure. The only significant changes are in some of the control menus, where the better resolution of the display allows both the controlsthe instrument outputs to be shown simultaneously, for even faster feedback on the effects of control adjustments. Naturally, the instrument includes the extended operating modes like dual reference, dual harmonicvirtual reference made popular by the 72607265, as well as the spectral display mode used to aid reference frequency selection. It also includes GPIBRS232 interfaces for remote computer controla range of auxiliary analogdigital inputsoutputs. Software support is available in the form of a LabVIEW driver supporting all instrument functions,the Acquire™ data acquisition software. The drivera demonstration version of the software, DemoAcquire, are available for download from this site. In summary, if you need a lock-in capable of working beyond the traditional audio frequency band but still want the drift-free performance that only digital demodulation brings, then look no further - you have found it in the SIGNAL RECOVERY Model 7280.
该公司产品分类: 水质分析仪/多参数水质分析仪 其它基础仪表 其它测量/计量仪器 生物显微镜 激光拉曼光谱(RAMAN) 表面阻抗 蠕动泵 电化学工作站、恒电位仪 液体处理工作站(移液工作站) 在线测厚仪 生物芯片、芯片扫描仪、芯片点样仪、芯片检测仪 微波、电、磁学量的测量仪表 微流控芯片 等离子体表面处理仪 椭偏仪 锁相放大器 其它动物实验仪器 白光干涉测厚仪 扫描探针显微镜SPM(原子力显微镜AFM、扫描隧道显微镜STM) 紫外、紫外分光光度计、紫外可见分光光度计、UV



    ZPE型伺服放大器是电动单元组合仪表的重要组成部分,可与以单相或三相电动机驱动的各种角行程、直行程和多转式电动执行机构及电动调节阀配合采用过零触发固态继电器,无触点电子开关使运行安全,并设有执行机构正行、反行和电源保险丝熔断的信号指示及断信号保护功能和对外报警触点。伺服放大器分为普通型和保护型。 (同FC-A/B型)ZPE型伺服放大器技术参数和性能:    输入信号: Ⅱ型0~10mA Ⅲ型4~20mA·DC    输入电阻: Ⅱ型200Q Ⅲ型250Ω    输入通道:4个    最大输出电流:5A 20A    死区可调节范围:1—3%    断信号识别:<2mA(仅III型)    电源电压:220V 50HZ    环境温度:一0~+50~C    环境湿度:10—70%    安装形式:墙挂式,架装式    外型尺寸:如示意图

ZCX-系列电动操作显示器 DFD系列操作器 伺服控制PID调节器 SFD系列电动伺服操作器 SFD-1002J型电动操作器 SWF型位置发送器 ZPE型伺服放大器 QJ型球型铰链机 SM单相伺服电机 电动执行机构 ZKJ型角行程电动执行机构 ZKZ型直行程电动执行机构 ZAJW型电动调节蝶阀

ZAZP型/ZAZN型电动单双座调节阀 ZAZM型电动套筒调节阀 ZAZQ、ZAZX型电动三通调节阀

该公司产品分类: 其他 智能空气净化装置 气体检测报警器 仪表保护保温箱系列 无纸记录仪 分析仪器传感器电极系列 电化学水分析测量仪表 工业自动化仪表盘 智能数据采集装置 汽轮机相关仪表及传感器 校验仪系列 电动操作显示器 节流装置及平衡容器 变送器系列 闪光报警器及音响器 智能通用数显仪系列 氧化锆氧量分析仪系列 流量仪、流量计、变送器 智能温度巡测与记录仪 指示仪,监控仪,物位仪



振动台伺服功率放大器特点:系统伺服保护器 Servo System Protection 具过位移、过电流、音圈异常温度指示、功率放大器异常温度指示、抽风异常指示、放大器之N.TR/P.TR异常指示及紧急停止指示共10个异常数位指示灯。

振动台伺服功率放大器 Power Amplifier 功率效益:96%(一年可省下数十万电费及减少產生大量废热气节省冷气支出,改善工作环境。 失真率:≦0.2%THD。 精确度设定0.1%。 具有过电流、过电压、杂讯侦测保护及多项输出极限值设定。

振动台伺服功率放大器   |   振动台功率放大器











l DFDA5000自动转手动时,以当时的实际阀位反馈值作为初始值,开始手动调节控制,因此自动转手动是无扰的。

l DFDA5000手动转自动操作







l 阀位给定:0-10mA/4-20mA/0-5V/1-5V输入通用。

l 实际阀位反馈信号输入:0-10mA/4-20mA/0-5V/1-5V通用。

l 阀位反馈输出:0-10mA/4-20mA/0-5V/1-5V可设定。

l 正转、反转输出信号:41A/600V双向可控硅控制,容量大,寿命长可驱动各种规格的电动调节阀门。

l 4DI输入:只接受干触点信号。

l 手动状态继电器输出。


可带RS485/ RS232隔离通讯接口。



型 谱

说 明










类 型






































































类 型









类 型











l        电源:220VAC24VDC

l        阀位给定输入:010mA420mA05V15V通用。

l        阀位反馈输入:010mA420mA05V15V通用。

l        阀位控制正反转输出:220VAC/15A

l        阀位反馈输出:010mA420mA05V15V通用。

l        手自动状态输出:继电器触点220VAC/3A24VDC/3A

l        报警状态输出:继电器触点220VAC/3A24VDC/3A

l        通讯接口:RS485RS232输入输出光电隔离。

l        远程手/自动信号:干触点输入。

l        远程开阀门信号:干触点输入。

l        远程关阀门信号:干触点输入。

该公司产品分类: 压力计 数显表 记录仪 电线电缆 显示仪表 料位仪 物位仪 液位计 物位仪表 流量计 流量仪表 温度计 热电阻 热电偶 温度仪表 压力表 变送器 压力仪表 压力发生装置 校验仪


DFDA5000是伺服放大器、手动操作器和后备功能一体化智能产品,接收0-10MA/4-20MA/0-5V/1-5V阀位给定信号,输出正反控制信号。适合于作为DCS系统回路调节控制输出和智能调节器控制输出的后备使用。  功能特点:  1 实际阀位反馈输出信号  2 手自动无扰切换  3 手自动运程控制  4 运程强制手动  5 智能单片机设计,全部参数按键设定,双数显、双光柱  6 可带RS485/RS232隔离通讯接口


DH388A0型选频放大器是实验室用测量仪器,主要用于测量微弱低 频交流信号。配合微波测量线可用于测量驻波系数,配合微波检波器可用于测量衰减量等。

DH388A0型选频放大器灵敏度高,稳定性好,适用领域广泛。 1.频率范围: 400Hz — 10KHz 2.输入电压信号动态范围:10μv — 2000mv 3.灵敏 度:  10μv  (满量程)4.输入阻抗:20KΩ(1KHz)

7280/7265/7225  数字锁相放大器

  • Voltage Input Modes A only, -B only or Differential (A-B) Full-scale Sensitivity 0.5 Hz ?/font> F ?/font> 250 kHz 10 nV to 1 V in a 1-2-5 sequence 250 kHz < F ?/font> 2.0 MHz 100 nV to 1 V in a 1-2-5 sequence Max. Dynamic Reserve > 100 dB Impedance 100 MW // 25 pF Maximum Safe Input 20 V pk-pk Voltage Noise 5 nV/?/font>Hz @ 1 kHz C.M.R.R. > 100 dB @ 1 kHz Frequency Response 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Gain Accuracy ?.3% typ, ?.6% max. (full bandwidth) Distortion -90 dB THD (60 dB AC gain, 1 kHz) Line Filter attenuates 50, 60, 100, 120 Hz Grounding BNC shields can be grounded or floated via 1 kW to ground Current Input Mode Low Noise, Normal or Wide Bandwidth Full-scale Sensitivity Low Noise 10 fA to 10 nA in a 1-2-5 sequence Normal 10 fA to 1 礎 in a 1-2-5 sequence Wide Bandwidth F ?/font> 250 kHz 1 pA to 100 礎 in a 1-2-5 sequence F > 250 kHz 10 pA to 100 礎 in a 1-2-5 sequence Max. Dynamic Reserve > 100 dB Frequency Response (-3 dB): Low Noise ?/font> 500 Hz Normal ?/font> 50 kHz Wide Bandwidth ?/font> 1 MHz Impedance Low Noise < 2.5 kW @ 100 Hz Normal < 250 W @ 1 kHz Wide Bandwidth < 25 W @ 10 kHz Noise Low Noise 13 fA/?/font>Hz @ 500 Hz Normal 130 fA/?/font>Hz @ 1 kHz Wide Bandwidth 1.3 pA/?/font>Hz @ 1 kHz Gain Accuracy ? 0.6% typ, midband Line Filter attenuates 50, 60, 100, 120 Hz Grounding BNC shield can be grounded or floated via 1 kW to ground Reference Channel TTL Input Frequency Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Analog Input Impedance 1 MW // 30 pF Sinusoidal Input Level 1.0 V rms* Frequency Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Squarewave Input Level 250 mV rms Frequency Range 2 Hz to 2 MHz *Note: Lower levels can be used with the analog input at the expense of increased phase errors Phase Set Resolution 0.001?/font> increments Phase Noise at 100 ms TC, 12 dB/octave slope: Internal Reference < 0.0001?/font> rms External Reference < 0.01?/font> rms @ 1 kHz Orthogonality 90?/font> ?.0001?/font> Acquisition Time Internal Reference instantaneous acquisition External Reference 2 cycles + 50 ms Reference Frequency Meter Resolution 1 ppm or 1 mHz, whichever is the greater DemodulatorOutput Processing Output Zero Stability Digital Outputs No zero drift on all settings Displays No zero drift on all settings Not Available Analog Outputs < 5 ppm/?/font>C Harmonic Rejection -90 dB Output Filters X, YR outputs only Time Constant 1 祍 to 1 ms in a 1-2-5 sequence,4 ms Slope (roll-off) 612 dB/octave All outputs Time Constant 5 ms to 100 ks in a 1-2-5 sequence Slope 6, 12, 1824 dB/octave Synchronous Filter Available for F < 20 Hz Offset AutoManual on X and/or Y: ?00% full-scale Absolute Phase Measurement Accuracy ?/font> 0.01?/font> Oscillator Frequency Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Setting Resolution 1 mHz Absolute Accuracy ? 50 ppm Distortion (THD) -80 dB @ 1 kHz100 mV rms Amplitude (rms) Range 1 mV to 1 V Setting Resolution 1 mV Accuracy ?.2% Stability 50 ppm/?/font>C Output Impedance 50 W Sweep Amplitude Sweep Output Range 0.000 to 1.000 V rms Law Linear Step Rate 20 Hz maximum (50 ms/step) Frequency Sweep Output Range 0.5 Hz to 2.0 MHz Law Linear or Logarithmic Step Rate 20 Hz maximum (50 ms/step) Auxiliary Inputs ADC 1, 2, 34 Maximum Input ?0 V Resolution 1 mV Accuracy ?0 mV Input Impedance 1 MW // 30 pF Sample Rate ADC 1 only 40 kHz max. ADC 12 17.8 kHz max. Trigger Mode Internal, External or burst Trigger Input TTL compatible Outputs Main Analog (CH1CH2) Outputs: Function X, Y, R, q, Noise, Ratio, Log RatioUser Equations 1 & 2. Amplitude ?.5 V full-scale; linear to ?00% full-scale Impedance 1 kW Update Rate X, Y or R @ TC ?/font>4 ms 7.5 MHz All outputs @ TC ?/font>5 ms 1 kHz Signal Monitor Amplitude ? V FS Impedance 1 kW Auxiliary D/A Output 12: Maximum Output ?0 V Resolution 1 mV Accuracy ?0 mV Output Impedance 1 kW 8-bit Digital Port 0 to 8 lines can be configured as inputs, with the remainder being outputs. Each output line can be set high or loweach input line read to allow interaction with external equipment. Extra line acts as trigger input Reference Output Waveform 0 to 3 V rectangular wave, active in External Reference Mode only Impedance TTL-compatible Power - Low Voltage ?5 V at 100 mA rear panel 5-pin 180?DIN connector for powering SIGNAL RECOVERY preamplifiers Data Storage Buffer Size 32k ?16-bit data points, may be organized as 1?2k, 2?6k, 3?0.6k, 4?k, etc. Max Storage Rate From LIA up to 1000 16-bit values per second From ADC1 up to 40,000 16-bit values per second User Settings Up to 8 complete instrument settings can be saved or recalled at will from non-volatile memory Not available Interfaces RS232GPIB (IEEE-488). A second RS232 port is provided to allow "daisy-chain" connectioncontrol of up to 16 units from a single RS232 computer port General Power Requirements Voltage 110/120/220/240 VAC Frequency 50/60 Hz Power 200 VA max Dimensions Width 17?quot; (435 mm) Depth 19" (485 mm) Height With feet 6" (150 mm) Without feet 5?quot; (130mm) Weight 25.4 lb (11.5 kg)  
  • 主要特点
  • The model 7280 DSP Lock-in Amplifier is an exceptionally versatile instrument with outstanding performance. With direct digital demodulation over an operating frequency extending up to 2.0 MHz, output filter time constants down to 1 祍a main ADC sampling rate of 7.5 MHz it is ideal for recovering fast changing signals. But unlike some other high frequency lock-ins, it also works in the traditional audio frequency band. In addition to its excellent technical specifications, it is also very easy to use. The front panel is dominated by a large electroluminescent display panel, used both to show the instrument''s outputsfor adjusting its controls via a series of menus. Controls are set by a combination of the use of the keys surrounding the displaythe keypad, while four cursor-movement keys simplify use of the graphic display menus. Users of the SIGNAL RECOVERY (formerly PerkinElmer/EG&G) 72607265 will find switching to the 7280 very easy, since we''ve designed it with a similar menu structure. The only significant changes are in some of the control menus, where the better resolution of the display allows both the controlsthe instrument outputs to be shown simultaneously, for even faster feedback on the effects of control adjustments. Naturally, the instrument includes the extended operating modes like dual reference, dual harmonicvirtual reference made popular by the 72607265, as well as the spectral display mode used to aid reference frequency selection. It also includes GPIBRS232 interfaces for remote computer controla range of auxiliary analogdigital inputsoutputs. Software support is available in the form of a LabVIEW driver supporting all instrument functions,the Acquire™ data acquisition software. The drivera demonstration version of the software, DemoAcquire, are available for download from this site. In summary, if you need a lock-in capable of working beyond the traditional audio frequency band but still want the drift-free performance that only digital demodulation brings, then look no further - you have found it in the SIGNAL RECOVERY Model 7280.
该公司产品分类: 恒流泵 恒压恒流进样泵 微流控


此定位器可接受来自上位仪表的DC4—20mA的调节信号和下位电动执行机构电位器的“三线”信号,输出“开”和“关”信号,实现对阀门开度的控制与调节。 广泛使用在与单相交流电机的执行器配用(如阀角执行器与直行程电动执行机构)。 1、控制精度:1%-3.0%(可调); 2、可接电动执行器反馈信号:电位器0-5kΩ; 3、接收工业仪表或计算机等输出的控制信号:4-20 mA DC或1-5V DC (其他订货时,须注明); 4、输出执行器位置信号:4-20mA DC对应执行器全闭至全开; 5、可控硅触点容量:25A/600V AC ; 6、智能定位装置采用2个按键操作,8个LED直接显示定位器的模态,操作方便; 7、电动执行器全开、全闭位置自动定位标定; 8、按输入信号和执行器转角位置进行智能步距调整、自动定位; 9、增加了手动及面板灯示阀位开度功能; 10、与电动执行器(带电位器反馈)配套,可直接安装在电动执行器接线盒内; 11、可内置多数电动执行器内


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