WEALTH1086SHINREIN 高精密三坐标测量机 厂家直销三次元测量仪

三坐标测量机又名三次元测量仪.   三坐标测量机 三次元 厂家直销 SHINREIN  三坐标测量机 三次元 厂家直销 SHINREIN 三坐标测量机  三次元 厂家直销 公司介绍鑫瑞成长背景深圳市鑫瑞仪器有限公司致力于研发生产先进的精密测量设备和精密智能装备。为国内制造业及院校、研究所提供先进测量技术及智能装备。公司秉着“立足于高科技,服务于企业”的宗旨,为客户提供“专业、及时、高效、优质”的服务。公司目前已经建立起了扎实、稳定的以博士、硕士为主的研发队伍,其中博士后1人,博士3人,硕士3名。公司目前与西安交通大学和哈尔滨工业大学建立了广泛的合作关系,并与哈尔滨工业大学合作建立了哈工大深圳研究生培养基地,首批在读的硕士研究生已进入公司培养。                                                                                  


鑫瑞仪器产品和服务◆三坐标测量机系列产品(龙门及桥式),三坐标产品测量,服务,升级,改造,技术服务及培训。◆三维(3D)扫描机系列产品(光学抄数机),逆向工程服务;3D打印机系列产品,3D打印服务。◆二维影像测量机,全自动影像测量仪 大行程全自动龙门影像测量仪。◆智能装备机器人,在线测量机,视觉自动化测量,产品筛选,非标功能定制服务。◆尖端数码科技产品,电脑周边数码科技产品。◆国家高端技术项目承接,生产,研发,定制,人才培训服务。


相关专业重点专家和技术攻坚主力                                                                              鑫瑞仪器优势


2:产品多样性鑫瑞仪器公司历经近十年发展、积累,目前有三坐标测量机、光学影像仪、在线测量等四大系列, 9大类 116 多种几何测量产品、在线测量及成型设备,基本涵盖了市场上坐标测量设备,能够满足市场上绝大多数企业的几何尺寸检测及成型需求。

3:市场覆盖面广鑫瑞仪器产品覆盖中国所有省份,目前已经出口到东亚、东南亚、中东、欧洲、美洲、非洲等国家与地区。客户群体在 10000 余家,遍布航天航空、汽车制造、模具、检具 、电子、机械制造等多领域,是中国市场规模最大的三坐标测量机厂家之一。



6: 更高的测量精度和空间测量精度,能提供经济实用的高速激光扫描解决方案、CCD非接触影像测量方案,从而扩展测量机的应用领域。更长的生产历史,拥有的研发、生产、安装调试工程师多数具有15年以上的三坐标(三次元)从业经验(来自青岛前哨)。



深圳市鑫瑞仪器(昆山)分公司                  深圳市鑫瑞仪器(无锡)分公司地址:江苏省昆山市正泰隆五金城              地址:无锡市金城东路299号五洲国际工业博览城

深圳市鑫瑞仪器(台州)分公司                  深圳市鑫瑞仪器(温州)分公司地址:台州市开发大道56号                          地址:浙江省乐清市虹桥镇幸福西路255号

深圳市鑫瑞仪器(福建)分公司                深圳市鑫瑞仪器(重庆)分公司地址:漳州市角美镇龙池开发区                地址:重庆市南岸区学府大道51号


深圳市鑫瑞仪器有限公司 (总部) 地址:广东省深圳市光明高新园区科诺工业园

产品简介:                                                                                   主机概述Description of the basic machine:
CNC is new-generated CNC CMM with a mature and word-class technology under mass production at shinrein . This machine has adopted precision slant girder technology (Patented) designed by advanced F.E.M. (finite element method), which has the high precision, high performance and high steady characteristics. The machine’s perfect style, strong rigidity, lightweight and close frame movable bridge structure, which  configured with the world famous high-quality specific 3-D CMM control system and the world highest level self-owned intellectual property of DMIS6.0 software, makes it become the highly appreciated product by comparing with its competitive price and high practical quality. It will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.
产品规格主机介绍Introduction of Basic Machine:
01:机型名称:CNC654 三坐标测量机
Model Name:CNC654 Coordinate Measuring Machine
02:测量范围Measuring range:500㎜×600㎜×400㎜
03:最大载荷Load capacity:2000kg性能特点
Adoption of advanced F.E.M. (finite element method) makes it have a strong rigidity, small geometry error, high precision, high performance and high stability.
The mechanical overall structure adopts strong rigidity, light weight and close frame movable bridge structure, which is simple, compact and has strong loaded capacity and good moving performance                                                         
Granite fixed workable ensures strong heavy load, expanse and simplicity for assembly and unassembly.
Y axis guideway adopts dove tail type, which has high precision and good stability.                                  
Three axis’s adoption of quality granite guarantees small coefficient in thermal expansion and uniform temperature specialty so that it serves to excellent stability in temperature, good anti-transmogrification, strong rigidity and small geometrical error in motion.
Three axis’s adoption of quiescent air pressure air-bearing guide way, comprised of air bearings which are self-cleaning, pre-loading and high precision, guarantees the large span of bearings, strong anti-sways, small resistance, no abrasion and stable motion
Crossbeam’s adoption of precise designing technology of inclined girder (patent) guarantees the machine’s lightweight, low center of gravity, strong rigidity and small error in motion so that the stability of the machine is strengthened.                                                              
Adoption of world famous reflecting metal tape measuring scale system, which has a close thermal expansion coefficient with most work piece and assure a good repeatability.
Drive system adopts world famous high performance DC servo drive system and dentiform tape gearing, which guarantee the drive’s fastness, precision and perfect movement.
Z-axis adopts cylinder equilibrator system, which improves orientation precision and stability greatly for Z axis.
Control system adopts well-known exclusive Europe Internationally advanced up-down dual computers control system, which improves the system’s reliability and anti-jamming capacity greatly.
Software adopts self-owned intellectual property and strong function DMIS6.0 software. With its perfect measuring and online function, it will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.



CMM’s special CNC control adopts the advanced up-down dual computers control concept and using the Control layer and application layer stand-alone principle to largely satisfy the customers base it’s high efficiency、high-accuracy and high stability.控制单元、伺服单元、接口板和CPU主板整合在一个紧凑的机箱内,集成度高,减少了控制系统的外部连线,保证了系统的可靠稳定性。Control unit、servo unit、interface board and CPU main board integrated into the compact housing to ensure the reliability and stability of the system by reducing the external line of the control system..

对拐点等多种运动轨迹的优化处理可以使机器的运动性能速度更快、状态更稳、效率更高,实现可飞行轨迹运动。The optimization and management of movement trajectories, such as inflection point, can make the machine with faster speed、more steady condition、higher efficiency and flying  trajectory movement.

内部采用连续运动轨迹插补算法,可进行测量轨迹的优化整合,在多点连续运动的路径规划上,既可以沿直线路径运行,也可以沿圆弧路径运行,为程序的编写提供了多种选择方式。Internal advanced continuous trajectory interpolation algorithm can be measured trajectory optimization and integration. In the multi-point continuous movement path planning, both can running along the straight path and the circular path. To provide variety options for programming.

控制系统所具有的触发式测头模拟扫描测头测量的扫描功能采点效率高,依此可以实现对未知曲线、曲面的跟踪扫描测量,方便完成逆向工程时曲面点的采集。Touch-trigger probe, which intimates the high point-picking efficiency of scan function, can realize tracking scan measurement of unknown curve and accomplish curve point-picking of backward engineering.

                              控制系统采用多种控制模式,提供多种安全保障功能,更加安全可靠,当系统判断意外发生时,则能够在极短时间内切换到相应的安全模式,并具有故障自诊断纠错功能。The variety controlling modes and safeguard functions make control system safer and more reliable. The system can change to the safe mode within a short time when accident happens, and it has fault self-diagnosis and error correction function.

配备专业化多功能操纵盒,有无线操纵盒和有线操纵盒可供选择,人性化设计的操纵盒为用户提供了布置合理的操作杆和按钮面板,既有阶跃式速度控制,又有无级式速度控制,使机器控制更加简捷。同时具有根据操作者相对机器不同位置进行操作方向设置的功能,使设备的操作更方便、顺畅。Professional wireless controlling box and wire controlling box for option, man-kindly design controlling box provides the joy sticker and button board with reasonable layout for uses. Both step speed control and stepless speed control to make the machine operate easily. In the meanwhile, it can change the operating direction according to the different position between operator and machine to make the device operate more convenient and smooth.

                                              驱动系统采用直流伺服电机驱动,可使电机根据不同要求按照T曲线速度或S曲线速度运动,确保机器运动状态最大程度保持平稳。Driving system adopts DC servo motor driving can make the motor move according to T- curve speed or S-curve speed., ensure the machine move in a steady condition maximum.

                         具有内部温度监控系统,避免因欠压、欠流等情况下导致控制系统损坏。Internal temperature monitoring system can avoid the control system being damaged from pressure or airstream shortage.

多种备选插口,满足特殊设备及功能扩展的需求。ariety optional interface can meet the needs of special devices and functions extension.

配有位置信息高速锁存的硬件捕捉器,使测量机取点精度更高,采点速度更快。With location information high-speed latch hardware capture device ensure the CMM points catching in higher precision and faster speed.

附带TCP/IP,RS232/RS422等多种接口方式,便于与计算机联网以及其它外设的联接。TCP/IP and RS232/RS422 interface to achieve the PC networking and other device connection.              

支持触发式、线激光扫描式、光学CCD等多种测头系统,包括RENISHAW全系列测头连接系统和多家公司的不同型号的测头产品。并可方便实现诸如环形顶光源逻辑电路的控制。Support of multiple probe systems include touch-trigger probe, scanning probe, optical CCD probe, full series connected system of RENISHAW probe and other models probe of other companies, easy to achieve the logic circuit controlling such as top light source logic circuit.


The whole control system is in conformity with European EC standard.







三坐标测量机 WEALTH三次元 SHINREIN 厂家直销三坐标测量机 WEALTH三次元 SHINREIN 厂
该公司产品分类: SVM系列 三维扫描仪 三坐标测量机+影像测量 WEALTH系列 翘曲度高度平面度测量仪 一键式测量仪 龙门二次元影像测量仪 自动二次元影像测量仪 手动二次元影像测量仪 龙门三坐标测量机 手动三坐标测量机 自动三坐标测量机 在线视觉测量仪 三坐标测量仪 影像测量仪


1.朗通精密依靠国外先进的德国蔡司三坐标技术,开发生产了多种蔡司三坐标配件x29f11an产品。公司主营业务ZEISS蔡司三坐标测量机、蔡司扫描电镜显微镜,为广大客户创造了良好的用户体验。目前,朗通精密设有研发、生产、销售、服务等完整体系,拥有一支高素质的研发团队,我司研制的三坐标测量仪操作简单,性能齐全,具有极高的性价比,为众多客户青睐。 2.浙江朗通精密仪器有限公司于2017-06-19在浙江省杭州市拱墅区新文路33号4幢(3号楼)105室注册成立以来,从事工业品、机械和行业设备、电子电工机械领域。目前,分公司及办事处已遍布全国多个城市及地区。建立起了一个以杭州市、拱墅区为中心,覆盖全国的产品经销和服务网络。 延伸拓展 详情介绍:蔡司三坐标测量机-医疗 器械中的“测量专家”   随着现代医疗行业的快速发展,医疗行业逐渐融入了一些医疗可使用的设备,它们不仅可以不断提高医学科学技术水平的基本条件,还成为了现代化程度的重要标志,那么就医疗 器械而言,如何确保它的高效、安全和良好的运行状态是十分重要的,下面蔡司三坐标测量机授权商-昆山友硕为您分享一个德国医疗设备驱动系统制造商他们的“蔡司三坐标测量史”。   位于德国Obernheim的SAS公司,成立于2001年,公司主要业务范围是车削、铣削和传动装置,其传动装置是专门为医疗及康复技术共同开发的,由于扩大了产品以及安全密切相关的细分市场的开发,意味着生产及公司的处理技术需要更高的要求,手动测量装置及测量结果远远满足不了质量保障的要求,通过TurningDays交易会,了解了蔡司三坐标高精度及高重复性,很快选购了一台ZEISSO-SELECT数字测量仪,该机器的融入,使得该企业的所有测量问题在按下按钮的瞬间全部解决,ZEISSO-SELECT数字测量仪全自动光学定位系统立刻识别工件位置,缩放到合适位置,选择光照强度对焦,所有程序自动选择出测量程序,仅在几秒钟,蔡司三坐标一切自动完成,测量结果出现在右侧显示器上,高精度、高重复精度及快速的蔡司三坐标测量机让SAS员工使用新测量机器的积极性增加,蔡司三坐标在保证测量的质量同时,大大的提升了测量的效率,质量和产量得到提高,节省了成本,提高了发货能力。   可靠测量,一键启动,这一切源于德国卡尔蔡司,蔡司三坐标成就了这一切,因为蔡司三坐标是全球三坐标测量技术的发明者和奠基者,170多年的历史品牌,专注工业测量,为工业制造行业和航天、医疗等行业的测量提供专业化的测量方案,蔡司产品主要包括蔡司桥式三坐标测量机、蔡司悬臂式三坐标测量机以及蔡司3D扫描仪和蔡司工业ct电脑断层扫描技术。   朗通精密是一家专业提供精密测量仪器公司,主营蔡司三坐标,ZEISS三坐标,蔡司三坐标测量机,蔡司三坐标配件,蔡司三维扫描仪,蔡司3D扫描仪,三维扫描仪,激光扫描仪,3D扫描仪等,以其雄厚的实力和在业界良好的信誉,提供完善的测量解决方案及专业的技术服务支持,建立一站式服务平台. 3.朗通精密人秉承着“敬业、勤俭、拼搏、创新”的企业精神,立足长远的发展,以技术为核心,市场为导向,不断开拓新的领域,为广大用户提供快捷、优质的服务。想了解更过关于朗通精密蔡司扫描电镜显微镜的朋友们请访问我们的:www.lantoncn.com
该公司产品分类: 蔡司三坐标

CNC1077厂家直销高精密三坐标测量机 三次元测量仪 SHINREIN

                                                                                   主机概述Description of the basic machine:
CNC is new-generated CNC CMM with a mature and word-class technology under mass production at shinrein . This machine has adopted precision slant girder technology (Patented) designed by advanced F.E.M. (finite element method), which has the high precision, high performance and high steady characteristics. The machine’s perfect style, strong rigidity, lightweight and close frame movable bridge structure, which  configured with the world famous high-quality specific 3-D CMM control system and the world highest level self-owned intellectual property of DMIS6.0 software, makes it become the highly appreciated product by comparing with its competitive price and high practical quality. It will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.
产品规格主机介绍Introduction of Basic Machine:
01:机型名称:CNC654 三坐标测量机
Model Name:CNC654 Coordinate Measuring Machine
02:测量范围Measuring range:500㎜×600㎜×400㎜
03:最大载荷Load capacity:2000kg性能特点
Adoption of advanced F.E.M. (finite element method) makes it have a strong rigidity, small geometry error, high precision, high performance and high stability.
The mechanical overall structure adopts strong rigidity, light weight and close frame movable bridge structure, which is simple, compact and has strong loaded capacity and good moving performance                                                         
Granite fixed workable ensures strong heavy load, expanse and simplicity for assembly and unassembly.
Y axis guideway adopts dove tail type, which has high precision and good stability.                                  
Three axis’s adoption of quality granite guarantees small coefficient in thermal expansion and uniform temperature specialty so that it serves to excellent stability in temperature, good anti-transmogrification, strong rigidity and small geometrical error in motion.
Three axis’s adoption of quiescent air pressure air-bearing guide way, comprised of air bearings which are self-cleaning, pre-loading and high precision, guarantees the large span of bearings, strong anti-sways, small resistance, no abrasion and stable motion
Crossbeam’s adoption of precise designing technology of inclined girder (patent) guarantees the machine’s lightweight, low center of gravity, strong rigidity and small error in motion so that the stability of the machine is strengthened.                                                              
Adoption of world famous reflecting metal tape measuring scale system, which has a close thermal expansion coefficient with most work piece and assure a good repeatability.
Drive system adopts world famous high performance DC servo drive system and dentiform tape gearing, which guarantee the drive’s fastness, precision and perfect movement.
Z-axis adopts cylinder equilibrator system, which improves orientation precision and stability greatly for Z axis.
Control system adopts well-known exclusive Europe Internationally advanced up-down dual computers control system, which improves the system’s reliability and anti-jamming capacity greatly.
Software adopts self-owned intellectual property and strong function DMIS6.0 software. With its perfect measuring and online function, it will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.



CMM’s special CNC control adopts the advanced up-down dual computers control concept and using the Control layer and application layer stand-alone principle to largely satisfy the customers base it’s high efficiency、high-accuracy and high stability.控制单元、伺服单元、接口板和CPU主板整合在一个紧凑的机箱内,集成度高,减少了控制系统的外部连线,保证了系统的可靠稳定性。Control unit、servo unit、interface board and CPU main board integrated into the compact housing to ensure the reliability and stability of the system by reducing the external line of the control system..

对拐点等多种运动轨迹的优化处理可以使机器的运动性能速度更快、状态更稳、效率更高,实现可飞行轨迹运动。The optimization and management of movement trajectories, such as inflection point, can make the machine with faster speed、more steady condition、higher efficiency and flying  trajectory movement.

内部采用连续运动轨迹插补算法,可进行测量轨迹的优化整合,在多点连续运动的路径规划上,既可以沿直线路径运行,也可以沿圆弧路径运行,为程序的编写提供了多种选择方式。Internal advanced continuous trajectory interpolation algorithm can be measured trajectory optimization and integration. In the multi-point continuous movement path planning, both can running along the straight path and the circular path. To provide variety options for programming.

控制系统所具有的触发式测头模拟扫描测头测量的扫描功能采点效率高,依此可以实现对未知曲线、曲面的跟踪扫描测量,方便完成逆向工程时曲面点的采集。Touch-trigger probe, which intimates the high point-picking efficiency of scan function, can realize tracking scan measurement of unknown curve and accomplish curve point-picking of backward engineering.

                              控制系统采用多种控制模式,提供多种安全保障功能,更加安全可靠,当系统判断意外发生时,则能够在极短时间内切换到相应的安全模式,并具有故障自诊断纠错功能。The variety controlling modes and safeguard functions make control system safer and more reliable. The system can change to the safe mode within a short time when accident happens, and it has fault self-diagnosis and error correction function.

配备专业化多功能操纵盒,有无线操纵盒和有线操纵盒可供选择,人性化设计的操纵盒为用户提供了布置合理的操作杆和按钮面板,既有阶跃式速度控制,又有无级式速度控制,使机器控制更加简捷。同时具有根据操作者相对机器不同位置进行操作方向设置的功能,使设备的操作更方便、顺畅。Professional wireless controlling box and wire controlling box for option, man-kindly design controlling box provides the joy sticker and button board with reasonable layout for uses. Both step speed control and stepless speed control to make the machine operate easily. In the meanwhile, it can change the operating direction according to the different position between operator and machine to make the device operate more convenient and smooth.

                                              驱动系统采用直流伺服电机驱动,可使电机根据不同要求按照T曲线速度或S曲线速度运动,确保机器运动状态最大程度保持平稳。Driving system adopts DC servo motor driving can make the motor move according to T- curve speed or S-curve speed., ensure the machine move in a steady condition maximum.

                         具有内部温度监控系统,避免因欠压、欠流等情况下导致控制系统损坏。Internal temperature monitoring system can avoid the control system being damaged from pressure or airstream shortage.

多种备选插口,满足特殊设备及功能扩展的需求。ariety optional interface can meet the needs of special devices and functions extension.

配有位置信息高速锁存的硬件捕捉器,使测量机取点精度更高,采点速度更快。With location information high-speed latch hardware capture device ensure the CMM points catching in higher precision and faster speed.

附带TCP/IP,RS232/RS422等多种接口方式,便于与计算机联网以及其它外设的联接。TCP/IP and RS232/RS422 interface to achieve the PC networking and other device connection.              

支持触发式、线激光扫描式、光学CCD等多种测头系统,包括RENISHAW全系列测头连接系统和多家公司的不同型号的测头产品。并可方便实现诸如环形顶光源逻辑电路的控制。Support of multiple probe systems include touch-trigger probe, scanning probe, optical CCD probe, full series connected system of RENISHAW probe and other models probe of other companies, easy to achieve the logic circuit controlling such as top light source logic circuit.


The whole control system is in conformity with European EC standard.







该公司产品分类: SVM系列 三维扫描仪 三坐标测量机+影像测量 WEALTH系列 翘曲度高度平面度测量仪 一键式测量仪 龙门二次元影像测量仪 自动二次元影像测量仪 手动二次元影像测量仪 龙门三坐标测量机 手动三坐标测量机 自动三坐标测量机 在线视觉测量仪 三坐标测量仪 影像测量仪

CNC654高精密三坐标测量机 600*500*400 三次元测量仪 厂家直销

三坐标测量机又名三次元测量仪.   三坐标测量机 三次元 厂家直销 SHINREIN  三坐标测量机 三次元 厂家直销 SHINREIN 三坐标测量机  三次元 厂家直销 公司介绍鑫瑞成长背景深圳市鑫瑞仪器有限公司致力于研发生产先进的精密测量设备和精密智能装备。为国内制造业及院校、研究所提供先进测量技术及智能装备。公司秉着“立足于高科技,服务于企业”的宗旨,为客户提供“专业、及时、高效、优质”的服务。公司目前已经建立起了扎实、稳定的以博士、硕士为主的研发队伍,其中博士后1人,博士3人,硕士3名。公司目前与西安交通大学和哈尔滨工业大学建立了广泛的合作关系,并与哈尔滨工业大学合作建立了哈工大深圳研究生培养基地,首批在读的硕士研究生已进入公司培养。                                                                                  


鑫瑞仪器产品和服务◆三坐标测量机系列产品(龙门及桥式),三坐标产品测量,服务,升级,改造,技术服务及培训。◆三维(3D)扫描机系列产品(光学抄数机),逆向工程服务;3D打印机系列产品,3D打印服务。◆二维影像测量机,全自动影像测量仪 大行程全自动龙门影像测量仪。◆智能装备机器人,在线测量机,视觉自动化测量,产品筛选,非标功能定制服务。◆尖端数码科技产品,电脑周边数码科技产品。◆国家高端技术项目承接,生产,研发,定制,人才培训服务。


相关专业重点专家和技术攻坚主力                                                                              鑫瑞仪器优势


2:产品多样性鑫瑞仪器公司历经近十年发展、积累,目前有三坐标测量机、光学影像仪、在线测量等四大系列, 9大类 116 多种几何测量产品、在线测量及成型设备,基本涵盖了市场上坐标测量设备,能够满足市场上绝大多数企业的几何尺寸检测及成型需求。

3:市场覆盖面广鑫瑞仪器产品覆盖中国所有省份,目前已经出口到东亚、东南亚、中东、欧洲、美洲、非洲等国家与地区。客户群体在 10000 余家,遍布航天航空、汽车制造、模具、检具 、电子、机械制造等多领域,是中国市场规模最大的三坐标测量机厂家之一。



6: 更高的测量精度和空间测量精度,能提供经济实用的高速激光扫描解决方案、CCD非接触影像测量方案,从而扩展测量机的应用领域。更长的生产历史,拥有的研发、生产、安装调试工程师多数具有15年以上的三坐标(三次元)从业经验(来自青岛前哨)。



深圳市鑫瑞仪器(昆山)分公司                  深圳市鑫瑞仪器(无锡)分公司地址:江苏省昆山市正泰隆五金城              地址:无锡市金城东路299号五洲国际工业博览城

深圳市鑫瑞仪器(台州)分公司                  深圳市鑫瑞仪器(温州)分公司地址:台州市开发大道56号                          地址:浙江省乐清市虹桥镇幸福西路255号

深圳市鑫瑞仪器(福建)分公司                深圳市鑫瑞仪器(重庆)分公司地址:漳州市角美镇龙池开发区                地址:重庆市南岸区学府大道51号


深圳市鑫瑞仪器有限公司 (总部) 地址:广东省深圳市光明高新园区科诺工业园

产品简介:                                                                                   主机概述Description of the basic machine:
CNC is new-generated CNC CMM with a mature and word-class technology under mass production at shinrein . This machine has adopted precision slant girder technology (Patented) designed by advanced F.E.M. (finite element method), which has the high precision, high performance and high steady characteristics. The machine’s perfect style, strong rigidity, lightweight and close frame movable bridge structure, which  configured with the world famous high-quality specific 3-D CMM control system and the world highest level self-owned intellectual property of DMIS6.0 software, makes it become the highly appreciated product by comparing with its competitive price and high practical quality. It will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.
产品规格主机介绍Introduction of Basic Machine:
01:机型名称:CNC654 三坐标测量机
Model Name:CNC654 Coordinate Measuring Machine
02:测量范围Measuring range:500㎜×600㎜×400㎜
03:最大载荷Load capacity:2000kg性能特点
Adoption of advanced F.E.M. (finite element method) makes it have a strong rigidity, small geometry error, high precision, high performance and high stability.
The mechanical overall structure adopts strong rigidity, light weight and close frame movable bridge structure, which is simple, compact and has strong loaded capacity and good moving performance                                                         
Granite fixed workable ensures strong heavy load, expanse and simplicity for assembly and unassembly.
Y axis guideway adopts dove tail type, which has high precision and good stability.                                  
Three axis’s adoption of quality granite guarantees small coefficient in thermal expansion and uniform temperature specialty so that it serves to excellent stability in temperature, good anti-transmogrification, strong rigidity and small geometrical error in motion.
Three axis’s adoption of quiescent air pressure air-bearing guide way, comprised of air bearings which are self-cleaning, pre-loading and high precision, guarantees the large span of bearings, strong anti-sways, small resistance, no abrasion and stable motion
Crossbeam’s adoption of precise designing technology of inclined girder (patent) guarantees the machine’s lightweight, low center of gravity, strong rigidity and small error in motion so that the stability of the machine is strengthened.                                                              
Adoption of world famous reflecting metal tape measuring scale system, which has a close thermal expansion coefficient with most work piece and assure a good repeatability.
Drive system adopts world famous high performance DC servo drive system and dentiform tape gearing, which guarantee the drive’s fastness, precision and perfect movement.
Z-axis adopts cylinder equilibrator system, which improves orientation precision and stability greatly for Z axis.
Control system adopts well-known exclusive Europe Internationally advanced up-down dual computers control system, which improves the system’s reliability and anti-jamming capacity greatly.
Software adopts self-owned intellectual property and strong function DMIS6.0 software. With its perfect measuring and online function, it will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.



CMM’s special CNC control adopts the advanced up-down dual computers control concept and using the Control layer and application layer stand-alone principle to largely satisfy the customers base it’s high efficiency、high-accuracy and high stability.控制单元、伺服单元、接口板和CPU主板整合在一个紧凑的机箱内,集成度高,减少了控制系统的外部连线,保证了系统的可靠稳定性。Control unit、servo unit、interface board and CPU main board integrated into the compact housing to ensure the reliability and stability of the system by reducing the external line of the control system..

对拐点等多种运动轨迹的优化处理可以使机器的运动性能速度更快、状态更稳、效率更高,实现可飞行轨迹运动。The optimization and management of movement trajectories, such as inflection point, can make the machine with faster speed、more steady condition、higher efficiency and flying  trajectory movement.

内部采用连续运动轨迹插补算法,可进行测量轨迹的优化整合,在多点连续运动的路径规划上,既可以沿直线路径运行,也可以沿圆弧路径运行,为程序的编写提供了多种选择方式。Internal advanced continuous trajectory interpolation algorithm can be measured trajectory optimization and integration. In the multi-point continuous movement path planning, both can running along the straight path and the circular path. To provide variety options for programming.

控制系统所具有的触发式测头模拟扫描测头测量的扫描功能采点效率高,依此可以实现对未知曲线、曲面的跟踪扫描测量,方便完成逆向工程时曲面点的采集。Touch-trigger probe, which intimates the high point-picking efficiency of scan function, can realize tracking scan measurement of unknown curve and accomplish curve point-picking of backward engineering.

                              控制系统采用多种控制模式,提供多种安全保障功能,更加安全可靠,当系统判断意外发生时,则能够在极短时间内切换到相应的安全模式,并具有故障自诊断纠错功能。The variety controlling modes and safeguard functions make control system safer and more reliable. The system can change to the safe mode within a short time when accident happens, and it has fault self-diagnosis and error correction function.

配备专业化多功能操纵盒,有无线操纵盒和有线操纵盒可供选择,人性化设计的操纵盒为用户提供了布置合理的操作杆和按钮面板,既有阶跃式速度控制,又有无级式速度控制,使机器控制更加简捷。同时具有根据操作者相对机器不同位置进行操作方向设置的功能,使设备的操作更方便、顺畅。Professional wireless controlling box and wire controlling box for option, man-kindly design controlling box provides the joy sticker and button board with reasonable layout for uses. Both step speed control and stepless speed control to make the machine operate easily. In the meanwhile, it can change the operating direction according to the different position between operator and machine to make the device operate more convenient and smooth.

                                              驱动系统采用直流伺服电机驱动,可使电机根据不同要求按照T曲线速度或S曲线速度运动,确保机器运动状态最大程度保持平稳。Driving system adopts DC servo motor driving can make the motor move according to T- curve speed or S-curve speed., ensure the machine move in a steady condition maximum.

                         具有内部温度监控系统,避免因欠压、欠流等情况下导致控制系统损坏。Internal temperature monitoring system can avoid the control system being damaged from pressure or airstream shortage.

多种备选插口,满足特殊设备及功能扩展的需求。ariety optional interface can meet the needs of special devices and functions extension.

配有位置信息高速锁存的硬件捕捉器,使测量机取点精度更高,采点速度更快。With location information high-speed latch hardware capture device ensure the CMM points catching in higher precision and faster speed.

附带TCP/IP,RS232/RS422等多种接口方式,便于与计算机联网以及其它外设的联接。TCP/IP and RS232/RS422 interface to achieve the PC networking and other device connection.              

支持触发式、线激光扫描式、光学CCD等多种测头系统,包括RENISHAW全系列测头连接系统和多家公司的不同型号的测头产品。并可方便实现诸如环形顶光源逻辑电路的控制。Support of multiple probe systems include touch-trigger probe, scanning probe, optical CCD probe, full series connected system of RENISHAW probe and other models probe of other companies, easy to achieve the logic circuit controlling such as top light source logic circuit.


The whole control system is in conformity with European EC standard.







该公司产品分类: SVM系列 三维扫描仪 三坐标测量机+影像测量 WEALTH系列 翘曲度高度平面度测量仪 一键式测量仪 龙门二次元影像测量仪 自动二次元影像测量仪 手动二次元影像测量仪 龙门三坐标测量机 手动三坐标测量机 自动三坐标测量机 在线视觉测量仪 三坐标测量仪 影像测量仪

CNC866高精密三坐标测量机600*800*600 三次元测量仪 厂家直销

三坐标测量机又名三次元测量仪.   三坐标测量机 三次元 厂家直销 SHINREIN  三坐标测量机 三次元 厂家直销 SHINREIN 三坐标测量机  三次元 厂家直销 公司介绍鑫瑞成长背景深圳市鑫瑞仪器有限公司致力于研发生产先进的精密测量设备和精密智能装备。为国内制造业及院校、研究所提供先进测量技术及智能装备。公司秉着“立足于高科技,服务于企业”的宗旨,为客户提供“专业、及时、高效、优质”的服务。公司目前已经建立起了扎实、稳定的以博士、硕士为主的研发队伍,其中博士后1人,博士3人,硕士3名。公司目前与西安交通大学和哈尔滨工业大学建立了广泛的合作关系,并与哈尔滨工业大学合作建立了哈工大深圳研究生培养基地,首批在读的硕士研究生已进入公司培养。                                                                                  


鑫瑞仪器产品和服务◆三坐标测量机系列产品(龙门及桥式),三坐标产品测量,服务,升级,改造,技术服务及培训。◆三维(3D)扫描机系列产品(光学抄数机),逆向工程服务;3D打印机系列产品,3D打印服务。◆二维影像测量机,全自动影像测量仪 大行程全自动龙门影像测量仪。◆智能装备机器人,在线测量机,视觉自动化测量,产品筛选,非标功能定制服务。◆尖端数码科技产品,电脑周边数码科技产品。◆国家高端技术项目承接,生产,研发,定制,人才培训服务。


相关专业重点专家和技术攻坚主力                                                                              鑫瑞仪器优势


2:产品多样性鑫瑞仪器公司历经近十年发展、积累,目前有三坐标测量机、光学影像仪、在线测量等四大系列, 9大类 116 多种几何测量产品、在线测量及成型设备,基本涵盖了市场上坐标测量设备,能够满足市场上绝大多数企业的几何尺寸检测及成型需求。

3:市场覆盖面广鑫瑞仪器产品覆盖中国所有省份,目前已经出口到东亚、东南亚、中东、欧洲、美洲、非洲等国家与地区。客户群体在 10000 余家,遍布航天航空、汽车制造、模具、检具 、电子、机械制造等多领域,是中国市场规模最大的三坐标测量机厂家之一。



6: 更高的测量精度和空间测量精度,能提供经济实用的高速激光扫描解决方案、CCD非接触影像测量方案,从而扩展测量机的应用领域。更长的生产历史,拥有的研发、生产、安装调试工程师多数具有15年以上的三坐标(三次元)从业经验(来自青岛前哨)。



深圳市鑫瑞仪器(昆山)分公司                  深圳市鑫瑞仪器(无锡)分公司地址:江苏省昆山市正泰隆五金城              地址:无锡市金城东路299号五洲国际工业博览城

深圳市鑫瑞仪器(台州)分公司                  深圳市鑫瑞仪器(温州)分公司地址:台州市开发大道56号                          地址:浙江省乐清市虹桥镇幸福西路255号

深圳市鑫瑞仪器(福建)分公司                深圳市鑫瑞仪器(重庆)分公司地址:漳州市角美镇龙池开发区                地址:重庆市南岸区学府大道51号


深圳市鑫瑞仪器有限公司 (总部) 地址:广东省深圳市光明高新园区科诺工业园

产品简介:                                                                       主机概述Description of the basic machine:
CNC is new-generated CNC CMM with a mature and word-class technology under mass production at shinrein . This machine has adopted precision slant girder technology (Patented) designed by advanced F.E.M. (finite element method), which has the high precision, high performance and high steady characteristics. The machine’s perfect style, strong rigidity, lightweight and close frame movable bridge structure, which  configured with the world famous high-quality specific 3-D CMM control system and the world highest level self-owned intellectual property of DMIS6.0 software, makes it become the highly appreciated product by comparing with its competitive price and high practical quality. It will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.
产品规格主机介绍Introduction of Basic Machine:
01:机型名称:CNC654 三坐标测量机
Model Name:CNC654 Coordinate Measuring Machine
02:测量范围Measuring range:500㎜×600㎜×400㎜
03:最大载荷Load capacity:2000kg性能特点
Adoption of advanced F.E.M. (finite element method) makes it have a strong rigidity, small geometry error, high precision, high performance and high stability.
The mechanical overall structure adopts strong rigidity, light weight and close frame movable bridge structure, which is simple, compact and has strong loaded capacity and good moving performance                                                         
Granite fixed workable ensures strong heavy load, expanse and simplicity for assembly and unassembly.
Y axis guideway adopts dove tail type, which has high precision and good stability.                                  
Three axis’s adoption of quality granite guarantees small coefficient in thermal expansion and uniform temperature specialty so that it serves to excellent stability in temperature, good anti-transmogrification, strong rigidity and small geometrical error in motion.
Three axis’s adoption of quiescent air pressure air-bearing guide way, comprised of air bearings which are self-cleaning, pre-loading and high precision, guarantees the large span of bearings, strong anti-sways, small resistance, no abrasion and stable motion
Crossbeam’s adoption of precise designing technology of inclined girder (patent) guarantees the machine’s lightweight, low center of gravity, strong rigidity and small error in motion so that the stability of the machine is strengthened.                                                              
Adoption of world famous reflecting metal tape measuring scale system, which has a close thermal expansion coefficient with most work piece and assure a good repeatability.
Drive system adopts world famous high performance DC servo drive system and dentiform tape gearing, which guarantee the drive’s fastness, precision and perfect movement.
Z-axis adopts cylinder equilibrator system, which improves orientation precision and stability greatly for Z axis.
Control system adopts well-known exclusive Europe Internationally advanced up-down dual computers control system, which improves the system’s reliability and anti-jamming capacity greatly.
Software adopts self-owned intellectual property and strong function DMIS6.0 software. With its perfect measuring and online function, it will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.



CMM’s special CNC control adopts the advanced up-down dual computers control concept and using the Control layer and application layer stand-alone principle to largely satisfy the customers base it’s high efficiency、high-accuracy and high stability.控制单元、伺服单元、接口板和CPU主板整合在一个紧凑的机箱内,集成度高,减少了控制系统的外部连线,保证了系统的可靠稳定性。Control unit、servo unit、interface board and CPU main board integrated into the compact housing to ensure the reliability and stability of the system by reducing the external line of the control system..

对拐点等多种运动轨迹的优化处理可以使机器的运动性能速度更快、状态更稳、效率更高,实现可飞行轨迹运动。The optimization and management of movement trajectories, such as inflection point, can make the machine with faster speed、more steady condition、higher efficiency and flying  trajectory movement.

内部采用连续运动轨迹插补算法,可进行测量轨迹的优化整合,在多点连续运动的路径规划上,既可以沿直线路径运行,也可以沿圆弧路径运行,为程序的编写提供了多种选择方式。Internal advanced continuous trajectory interpolation algorithm can be measured trajectory optimization and integration. In the multi-point continuous movement path planning, both can running along the straight path and the circular path. To provide variety options for programming.

控制系统所具有的触发式测头模拟扫描测头测量的扫描功能采点效率高,依此可以实现对未知曲线、曲面的跟踪扫描测量,方便完成逆向工程时曲面点的采集。Touch-trigger probe, which intimates the high point-picking efficiency of scan function, can realize tracking scan measurement of unknown curve and accomplish curve point-picking of backward engineering.

                              控制系统采用多种控制模式,提供多种安全保障功能,更加安全可靠,当系统判断意外发生时,则能够在极短时间内切换到相应的安全模式,并具有故障自诊断纠错功能。The variety controlling modes and safeguard functions make control system safer and more reliable. The system can change to the safe mode within a short time when accident happens, and it has fault self-diagnosis and error correction function.

配备专业化多功能操纵盒,有无线操纵盒和有线操纵盒可供选择,人性化设计的操纵盒为用户提供了布置合理的操作杆和按钮面板,既有阶跃式速度控制,又有无级式速度控制,使机器控制更加简捷。同时具有根据操作者相对机器不同位置进行操作方向设置的功能,使设备的操作更方便、顺畅。Professional wireless controlling box and wire controlling box for option, man-kindly design controlling box provides the joy sticker and button board with reasonable layout for uses. Both step speed control and stepless speed control to make the machine operate easily. In the meanwhile, it can change the operating direction according to the different position between operator and machine to make the device operate more convenient and smooth.

                                              驱动系统采用直流伺服电机驱动,可使电机根据不同要求按照T曲线速度或S曲线速度运动,确保机器运动状态最大程度保持平稳。Driving system adopts DC servo motor driving can make the motor move according to T- curve speed or S-curve speed., ensure the machine move in a steady condition maximum.

                         具有内部温度监控系统,避免因欠压、欠流等情况下导致控制系统损坏。Internal temperature monitoring system can avoid the control system being damaged from pressure or airstream shortage.

多种备选插口,满足特殊设备及功能扩展的需求。ariety optional interface can meet the needs of special devices and functions extension.

配有位置信息高速锁存的硬件捕捉器,使测量机取点精度更高,采点速度更快。With location information high-speed latch hardware capture device ensure the CMM points catching in higher precision and faster speed.

附带TCP/IP,RS232/RS422等多种接口方式,便于与计算机联网以及其它外设的联接。TCP/IP and RS232/RS422 interface to achieve the PC networking and other device connection.              

支持触发式、线激光扫描式、光学CCD等多种测头系统,包括RENISHAW全系列测头连接系统和多家公司的不同型号的测头产品。并可方便实现诸如环形顶光源逻辑电路的控制。Support of multiple probe systems include touch-trigger probe, scanning probe, optical CCD probe, full series connected system of RENISHAW probe and other models probe of other companies, easy to achieve the logic circuit controlling such as top light source logic circuit.


The whole control system is in conformity with European EC standard.







该公司产品分类: SVM系列 三维扫描仪 三坐标测量机+影像测量 WEALTH系列 翘曲度高度平面度测量仪 一键式测量仪 龙门二次元影像测量仪 自动二次元影像测量仪 手动二次元影像测量仪 龙门三坐标测量机 手动三坐标测量机 自动三坐标测量机 在线视觉测量仪 三坐标测量仪 影像测量仪

CNC1086高精密三坐标测量机 800*1000*600 三次元测量仪 厂家直销

高精密三坐标测量机 800*1000*600 三次元测量仪 厂家直销 高精密三坐标测量机 800*1000*600 三次元测量仪 厂家直销
产品简介          CNC系列三坐标测量机是鑫瑞仪器最新一代三坐标测量机,采用国际先进的有限元分析方法设计的精密斜梁技术(已获专利),设计上采用刚性好、质量轻的全封闭框架移动桥式结构。配以国际知名品牌高性能三坐标测量机专用控制系统及具有国际先进水平的具有自主知识产权的DMIS6.0测量软件包,使其成为同类机型中性价比相当高的产品,其将满足您的需求,为您提供一个完善的测量解决方案。
02:测量范围Measuring range:800㎜×1000㎜×600㎜
03:最大载荷Load capacity:2300kg
Adoption of advanced F.E.M. (finite element method) makes it have a strong rigidity, small geometry error, high precision, high performance and high stability.
The mechanical overall structure adopts strong rigidity, light weight and close frame movable bridge structure, which is simple, compact and has strong loaded capacity and good moving performance
Granite fixed workable ensures strong heavy load, expanse and simplicity for assembly and unassembly.
Y axis guideway adopts dove tail type, which has high precision and good stability.
Three axis’s adoption of quality granite guarantees small coefficient in thermal expansion and uniform temperature specialty so that it serves to excellent stability in temperature, good anti-transmogrification, strong rigidity and small geometrical error in motion.
Three axis’s adoption of quiescent air pressure air-bearing guide way, comprised of air bearings which are self-cleaning, pre-loading and high precision, guarantees the large span of bearings, strong anti-sways, small resistance, no abrasion and stable motion
Crossbeam’s adoption of precise designing technology of inclined girder (patent) guarantees the machine’s lightweight, low center of gravity, strong rigidity and small error in motion so that the stability of the machine is strengthened.
Adoption of world famous reflecting metal tape measuring scale system, which has a close thermal expansion coefficient with most work piece and assure a good repeatability.
Drive system adopts world famous high performance DC servo drive system and dentiform tape gearing, which guarantee the drive’s fastness, precision and perfect movement.
Z-axis adopts cylinder equilibrator system, which improves orientation precision and stability greatly for Z axis.
Control system adopts well-known exclusive Europe Internationally advanced up-down dual computers control system, which improves the system’s reliability and anti-jamming capacity greatly.
Software adopts self-owned intellectual property and strong function DMIS6.0 software. With its perfect measuring and online function, it will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.
技术指标Technical Index
01:三坐标测量机测头系统/ Probe System
RENISHAW 双旋转可分度测头系统manual double-rotary probe system
技术参数Technique parameter:感应方向Sense direction ±X ±Y ﹢Z
测头座分度机构Total angular movement:
AA axis(水平轴范围90°最小步距15° 0° to 90° in 15° steps
BB axis(铅垂轴 范围±180°最小步距15° 0° to ±180° in 15° steps
空间位置Total number of positions 168个
重量Weight 210g                                  
02:三坐标测量机测针组RENISHAW Stylus Kit(mm):
测针(mm)Stylus (mm):
Ball Dia.
红宝石测球/不锈钢杆Ruby ball styli/Stainless steel stem
红宝石测球/不锈钢杆Ruby ball styli/Stainless steel stem
红宝石测球/不锈钢杆Ruby ball styli/Stainless steel stem
测针加长杆(mm)Stylus Extension(mm):
不锈钢杆Stainless steel stem
不锈钢杆Stainless steel stem
03:校准器Datum Tool
标准球Datum BallΦ25及万向球座 1套/set
04:性能指标Performance Data:
Length Measuring Systemreflection metal-tape grating scale.
分辨率Resolution: 1mm
测量范围Measuring Range X×Y×Z: 800mm×1000mm×600mm
示值误差Measuring ErroMPEE≤2.5+L/300mm
探测误差Probing ErrorMPEP≤2.9mm
环境要求Environment Requirement
01:温 度Temperature:20+2℃ 1℃/h 1℃/m 2℃/24h
02:湿 度Humidity: 40%-70%
03:电 源Power Supply:220V+10%, 50HZ-60HZ
04:气 源Air Supply:≥0.55MPa
Excellent functionality and super powerful anti-interference 。CMM’s special CNC control adopts the advanced up-down dual computers control concept and using the Control layer and application layer stand-alone principle to largely satisfy the customers base it’s high efficiency、high-accuracy and high stability.
Control unit、servo unit、interface board and CPU main board integrated into the compact housing to ensure the reliability and stability of the system by reducing the external line of the control system..
The optimization and management of movement trajectories, such as inflection point, can make the machine with faster speed、more steady condition、higher efficiency and flying trajectory movement.
Internal advanced continuous trajectory interpolation algorithm can be measured trajectory optimization and integration. In the multi-point continuous movement path planning, both can running along the straight path and the circular path. To provide variety options for programming.
Touch-trigger probe, which intimates the high point-picking efficiency of scan function, can realize tracking scan measurement of unknown curve and accomplish curve point-picking of backward engineering.
The variety controlling modes and safeguard functions make control system safer and more reliable. The system can change to the safe mode within a short time when accident happens, and it has fault self-diagnosis and error correction function.
Professional wireless controlling box and wire controlling box for option, man-kindly design controlling box provides the joy sticker and button board with reasonable layout for uses. Both step speed control and stepless speed control to make the machine operate easily. In the meanwhile, it can change the operating direction according to the different position between operator and machine to make the device operate more convenient and smooth.
Driving system adopts DC servo motor driving can make the motor move according to T- curve speed or S-curve speed., ensure the machine move in a steady condition maximum.
Internal temperature monitoring system can avoid the control system being damaged from pressure or airstream shortage.
Variety optional interface can meet the needs of special devices and functions extension.
With location information high-speed latch hardware capture device ensure the CMM points catching in higher precision and faster speed.
TCP/IP and RS232/RS422 interface to achieve the PC networking and other device connection.
Support of multiple probe systems include touch-trigger probe, scanning probe, optical CCD probe, full series connected system of RENISHAW probe and other models probe of other companies, easy to achieve the logic circuit controlling such as top light source logic circuit.
The whole control system is in conformity with European EC standard.
5、三坐标测量机计算机系统Computer System
01:工控机计算机Computer : CPU:双核Dual core 2G
操作系统Operating System:Windows XP +SP2 内存Memory:1G
硬盘Hard disc:320G 显 卡Video Card:TNT/GERFORCE
显卡驱动推荐使用以下版本The drive of Video card recommended: WINXP VERSION
图形库Graphic Base:OPENGL(操作系统提供Provided by Operating System)
显示器Display: 27″液晶显示器LCD display
02:三坐标测量机气路连接件Pneumatic connecting parts
管接头Cable connector SPCF-10-02+SBT-10-02 1套/set
紧固胶管用卡箍Clipperφ16~φ25 1套/set
气管Air cableφ10 1.5m



       公司2009年9月成立,着力于高科技智能装备及精密测量仪器设备,2015年公司重组,注资金额5000万元,加大科技研发,提高产品性能,加大新产品,新项目投入,打造国内该领域的王牌及最佳品牌!相关专业重点专家和技术攻坚主力:                                     鑫瑞产品和服务◆三坐标测量机系列产品(龙门及桥式),三坐标产品测量,服务,升级,改造,技术服务及培训。



◆一键式测量仪,二维影像测量机,全自动影像测量仪 大行程全自动龙门影像测量仪。





立体式的服务体系        以客户为中心,努力使客户感动是鑫瑞的服务宗旨,为此鑫瑞在全国建立了多个分公司。分公司依托鑫瑞拥有的核心技术优势,面向区域用户提供测量解决方案、测量技术应用与优化、项目咨询与方案设计、坐标测量设备管理与维护、售后服务策划与实施、用户满意度跟踪与分析等服务的驻外机构,是鑫瑞建立的一套完整的技术支持系统中重要的组成部分。鑫瑞以测量技术支持中心为核心、技术研发、软件等进行支持与配合,建立了一整套立体式的技术支持与服务体系,目的是依据用户需求特点,策划并提供具有针对性、适用性的测量解决方案,并通过现场应用予以验证、优化与革新,同时对用户现有测量(设备)系统进行维护与升级,从而协助用户提高测量效率和准确度、降低生产成本,提高市场竞争力。公司在华南、华北、西南及华东均设有公司,下设开发部、市场部、生产部、办公室、售后服务部、培训部等机构。公司坚持科学化规范化的生产管理,勇于参与市场竞争,推陈出新,向广大客户竭诚贡献先进的技术产品和优质、全方位的服务支持。                                                                              
该公司产品分类: SVM系列 三维扫描仪 三坐标测量机+影像测量 WEALTH系列 翘曲度高度平面度测量仪 一键式测量仪 龙门二次元影像测量仪 自动二次元影像测量仪 手动二次元影像测量仪 龙门三坐标测量机 手动三坐标测量机 自动三坐标测量机 在线视觉测量仪 三坐标测量仪 影像测量仪

CNC12106高精密三坐标测量机 1000*1200*600 三次元测量仪 厂家直销

三坐标测量机又名三次元测量仪.   三坐标测量机 三次元 厂家直销 SHINREIN  三坐标测量机 三次元 厂家直销 SHINREIN 三坐标测量机  三次元 厂家直销 公司介绍鑫瑞成长背景深圳市鑫瑞仪器有限公司致力于研发生产先进的精密测量设备和精密智能装备。为国内制造业及院校、研究所提供先进测量技术及智能装备。公司秉着“立足于高科技,服务于企业”的宗旨,为客户提供“专业、及时、高效、优质”的服务。公司目前已经建立起了扎实、稳定的以博士、硕士为主的研发队伍,其中博士后1人,博士3人,硕士3名。公司目前与西安交通大学和哈尔滨工业大学建立了广泛的合作关系,并与哈尔滨工业大学合作建立了哈工大深圳研究生培养基地,首批在读的硕士研究生已进入公司培养。                                                                                  


鑫瑞仪器产品和服务◆三坐标测量机系列产品(龙门及桥式),三坐标产品测量,服务,升级,改造,技术服务及培训。◆三维(3D)扫描机系列产品(光学抄数机),逆向工程服务;3D打印机系列产品,3D打印服务。◆二维影像测量机,全自动影像测量仪 大行程全自动龙门影像测量仪。◆智能装备机器人,在线测量机,视觉自动化测量,产品筛选,非标功能定制服务。◆尖端数码科技产品,电脑周边数码科技产品。◆国家高端技术项目承接,生产,研发,定制,人才培训服务。


相关专业重点专家和技术攻坚主力                                                                              鑫瑞仪器优势


2:产品多样性鑫瑞仪器公司历经近十年发展、积累,目前有三坐标测量机、光学影像仪、在线测量等四大系列, 9大类 116 多种几何测量产品、在线测量及成型设备,基本涵盖了市场上坐标测量设备,能够满足市场上绝大多数企业的几何尺寸检测及成型需求。

3:市场覆盖面广鑫瑞仪器产品覆盖中国所有省份,目前已经出口到东亚、东南亚、中东、欧洲、美洲、非洲等国家与地区。客户群体在 10000 余家,遍布航天航空、汽车制造、模具、检具 、电子、机械制造等多领域,是中国市场规模最大的三坐标测量机厂家之一。



6: 更高的测量精度和空间测量精度,能提供经济实用的高速激光扫描解决方案、CCD非接触影像测量方案,从而扩展测量机的应用领域。更长的生产历史,拥有的研发、生产、安装调试工程师多数具有15年以上的三坐标(三次元)从业经验(来自青岛前哨)。



深圳市鑫瑞仪器(昆山)分公司                  深圳市鑫瑞仪器(无锡)分公司地址:江苏省昆山市正泰隆五金城              地址:无锡市金城东路299号五洲国际工业博览城

深圳市鑫瑞仪器(台州)分公司                  深圳市鑫瑞仪器(温州)分公司地址:台州市开发大道56号                          地址:浙江省乐清市虹桥镇幸福西路255号

深圳市鑫瑞仪器(福建)分公司                深圳市鑫瑞仪器(重庆)分公司地址:漳州市角美镇龙池开发区                地址:重庆市南岸区学府大道51号


深圳市鑫瑞仪器有限公司 (总部) 地址:广东省深圳市光明高新园区科诺工业园

产品简介:                                                                                   主机概述Description of the basic machine:
CNC is new-generated CNC CMM with a mature and word-class technology under mass production at shinrein . This machine has adopted precision slant girder technology (Patented) designed by advanced F.E.M. (finite element method), which has the high precision, high performance and high steady characteristics. The machine’s perfect style, strong rigidity, lightweight and close frame movable bridge structure, which  configured with the world famous high-quality specific 3-D CMM control system and the world highest level self-owned intellectual property of DMIS6.0 software, makes it become the highly appreciated product by comparing with its competitive price and high practical quality. It will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.
产品规格主机介绍Introduction of Basic Machine:
01:机型名称:CNC654 三坐标测量机
Model Name:CNC654 Coordinate Measuring Machine
02:测量范围Measuring range:500㎜×600㎜×400㎜
03:最大载荷Load capacity:2000kg性能特点
Adoption of advanced F.E.M. (finite element method) makes it have a strong rigidity, small geometry error, high precision, high performance and high stability.
The mechanical overall structure adopts strong rigidity, light weight and close frame movable bridge structure, which is simple, compact and has strong loaded capacity and good moving performance                                                         
Granite fixed workable ensures strong heavy load, expanse and simplicity for assembly and unassembly.
Y axis guideway adopts dove tail type, which has high precision and good stability.                                  
Three axis’s adoption of quality granite guarantees small coefficient in thermal expansion and uniform temperature specialty so that it serves to excellent stability in temperature, good anti-transmogrification, strong rigidity and small geometrical error in motion.
Three axis’s adoption of quiescent air pressure air-bearing guide way, comprised of air bearings which are self-cleaning, pre-loading and high precision, guarantees the large span of bearings, strong anti-sways, small resistance, no abrasion and stable motion
Crossbeam’s adoption of precise designing technology of inclined girder (patent) guarantees the machine’s lightweight, low center of gravity, strong rigidity and small error in motion so that the stability of the machine is strengthened.                                                              
Adoption of world famous reflecting metal tape measuring scale system, which has a close thermal expansion coefficient with most work piece and assure a good repeatability.
Drive system adopts world famous high performance DC servo drive system and dentiform tape gearing, which guarantee the drive’s fastness, precision and perfect movement.
Z-axis adopts cylinder equilibrator system, which improves orientation precision and stability greatly for Z axis.
Control system adopts well-known exclusive Europe Internationally advanced up-down dual computers control system, which improves the system’s reliability and anti-jamming capacity greatly.
Software adopts self-owned intellectual property and strong function DMIS6.0 software. With its perfect measuring and online function, it will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.



CMM’s special CNC control adopts the advanced up-down dual computers control concept and using the Control layer and application layer stand-alone principle to largely satisfy the customers base it’s high efficiency、high-accuracy and high stability.控制单元、伺服单元、接口板和CPU主板整合在一个紧凑的机箱内,集成度高,减少了控制系统的外部连线,保证了系统的可靠稳定性。Control unit、servo unit、interface board and CPU main board integrated into the compact housing to ensure the reliability and stability of the system by reducing the external line of the control system..

对拐点等多种运动轨迹的优化处理可以使机器的运动性能速度更快、状态更稳、效率更高,实现可飞行轨迹运动。The optimization and management of movement trajectories, such as inflection point, can make the machine with faster speed、more steady condition、higher efficiency and flying  trajectory movement.

内部采用连续运动轨迹插补算法,可进行测量轨迹的优化整合,在多点连续运动的路径规划上,既可以沿直线路径运行,也可以沿圆弧路径运行,为程序的编写提供了多种选择方式。Internal advanced continuous trajectory interpolation algorithm can be measured trajectory optimization and integration. In the multi-point continuous movement path planning, both can running along the straight path and the circular path. To provide variety options for programming.

控制系统所具有的触发式测头模拟扫描测头测量的扫描功能采点效率高,依此可以实现对未知曲线、曲面的跟踪扫描测量,方便完成逆向工程时曲面点的采集。Touch-trigger probe, which intimates the high point-picking efficiency of scan function, can realize tracking scan measurement of unknown curve and accomplish curve point-picking of backward engineering.

                              控制系统采用多种控制模式,提供多种安全保障功能,更加安全可靠,当系统判断意外发生时,则能够在极短时间内切换到相应的安全模式,并具有故障自诊断纠错功能。The variety controlling modes and safeguard functions make control system safer and more reliable. The system can change to the safe mode within a short time when accident happens, and it has fault self-diagnosis and error correction function.

配备专业化多功能操纵盒,有无线操纵盒和有线操纵盒可供选择,人性化设计的操纵盒为用户提供了布置合理的操作杆和按钮面板,既有阶跃式速度控制,又有无级式速度控制,使机器控制更加简捷。同时具有根据操作者相对机器不同位置进行操作方向设置的功能,使设备的操作更方便、顺畅。Professional wireless controlling box and wire controlling box for option, man-kindly design controlling box provides the joy sticker and button board with reasonable layout for uses. Both step speed control and stepless speed control to make the machine operate easily. In the meanwhile, it can change the operating direction according to the different position between operator and machine to make the device operate more convenient and smooth.

                                              驱动系统采用直流伺服电机驱动,可使电机根据不同要求按照T曲线速度或S曲线速度运动,确保机器运动状态最大程度保持平稳。Driving system adopts DC servo motor driving can make the motor move according to T- curve speed or S-curve speed., ensure the machine move in a steady condition maximum.

                         具有内部温度监控系统,避免因欠压、欠流等情况下导致控制系统损坏。Internal temperature monitoring system can avoid the control system being damaged from pressure or airstream shortage.

多种备选插口,满足特殊设备及功能扩展的需求。ariety optional interface can meet the needs of special devices and functions extension.

配有位置信息高速锁存的硬件捕捉器,使测量机取点精度更高,采点速度更快。With location information high-speed latch hardware capture device ensure the CMM points catching in higher precision and faster speed.

附带TCP/IP,RS232/RS422等多种接口方式,便于与计算机联网以及其它外设的联接。TCP/IP and RS232/RS422 interface to achieve the PC networking and other device connection.              

支持触发式、线激光扫描式、光学CCD等多种测头系统,包括RENISHAW全系列测头连接系统和多家公司的不同型号的测头产品。并可方便实现诸如环形顶光源逻辑电路的控制。Support of multiple probe systems include touch-trigger probe, scanning probe, optical CCD probe, full series connected system of RENISHAW probe and other models probe of other companies, easy to achieve the logic circuit controlling such as top light source logic circuit.


The whole control system is in conformity with European EC standard.







该公司产品分类: SVM系列 三维扫描仪 三坐标测量机+影像测量 WEALTH系列 翘曲度高度平面度测量仪 一键式测量仪 龙门二次元影像测量仪 自动二次元影像测量仪 手动二次元影像测量仪 龙门三坐标测量机 手动三坐标测量机 自动三坐标测量机 在线视觉测量仪 三坐标测量仪 影像测量仪

CNC876高精密三坐标测量机 700*800*600 三次元测量仪 厂家直销

三坐标测量机又名三次元测量仪.   三坐标测量机 三次元 厂家直销 SHINREIN  三坐标测量机 三次元 厂家直销 SHINREIN 三坐标测量机  三次元 厂家直销 公司介绍鑫瑞成长背景深圳市鑫瑞仪器有限公司致力于研发生产先进的精密测量设备和精密智能装备。为国内制造业及院校、研究所提供先进测量技术及智能装备。公司秉着“立足于高科技,服务于企业”的宗旨,为客户提供“专业、及时、高效、优质”的服务。公司目前已经建立起了扎实、稳定的以博士、硕士为主的研发队伍,其中博士后1人,博士3人,硕士3名。公司目前与西安交通大学和哈尔滨工业大学建立了广泛的合作关系,并与哈尔滨工业大学合作建立了哈工大深圳研究生培养基地,首批在读的硕士研究生已进入公司培养。                                                                                  


鑫瑞仪器产品和服务◆三坐标测量机系列产品(龙门及桥式),三坐标产品测量,服务,升级,改造,技术服务及培训。◆三维(3D)扫描机系列产品(光学抄数机),逆向工程服务;3D打印机系列产品,3D打印服务。◆二维影像测量机,全自动影像测量仪 大行程全自动龙门影像测量仪。◆智能装备机器人,在线测量机,视觉自动化测量,产品筛选,非标功能定制服务。◆尖端数码科技产品,电脑周边数码科技产品。◆国家高端技术项目承接,生产,研发,定制,人才培训服务。


相关专业重点专家和技术攻坚主力                                                                              鑫瑞仪器优势


2:产品多样性鑫瑞仪器公司历经近十年发展、积累,目前有三坐标测量机、光学影像仪、在线测量等四大系列, 9大类 116 多种几何测量产品、在线测量及成型设备,基本涵盖了市场上坐标测量设备,能够满足市场上绝大多数企业的几何尺寸检测及成型需求。

3:市场覆盖面广鑫瑞仪器产品覆盖中国所有省份,目前已经出口到东亚、东南亚、中东、欧洲、美洲、非洲等国家与地区。客户群体在 10000 余家,遍布航天航空、汽车制造、模具、检具 、电子、机械制造等多领域,是中国市场规模最大的三坐标测量机厂家之一。



6: 更高的测量精度和空间测量精度,能提供经济实用的高速激光扫描解决方案、CCD非接触影像测量方案,从而扩展测量机的应用领域。更长的生产历史,拥有的研发、生产、安装调试工程师多数具有15年以上的三坐标(三次元)从业经验(来自青岛前哨)。



深圳市鑫瑞仪器(昆山)分公司                  深圳市鑫瑞仪器(无锡)分公司地址:江苏省昆山市正泰隆五金城              地址:无锡市金城东路299号五洲国际工业博览城

深圳市鑫瑞仪器(台州)分公司                  深圳市鑫瑞仪器(温州)分公司地址:台州市开发大道56号                          地址:浙江省乐清市虹桥镇幸福西路255号

深圳市鑫瑞仪器(福建)分公司                深圳市鑫瑞仪器(重庆)分公司地址:漳州市角美镇龙池开发区                地址:重庆市南岸区学府大道51号


深圳市鑫瑞仪器有限公司 (总部) 地址:广东省深圳市光明高新园区科诺工业园

产品简介:                                                                                   主机概述Description of the basic machine:
CNC is new-generated CNC CMM with a mature and word-class technology under mass production at shinrein . This machine has adopted precision slant girder technology (Patented) designed by advanced F.E.M. (finite element method), which has the high precision, high performance and high steady characteristics. The machine’s perfect style, strong rigidity, lightweight and close frame movable bridge structure, which  configured with the world famous high-quality specific 3-D CMM control system and the world highest level self-owned intellectual property of DMIS6.0 software, makes it become the highly appreciated product by comparing with its competitive price and high practical quality. It will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.
产品规格主机介绍Introduction of Basic Machine:
01:机型名称:CNC654 三坐标测量机
Model Name:CNC654 Coordinate Measuring Machine
02:测量范围Measuring range:500㎜×600㎜×400㎜
03:最大载荷Load capacity:2000kg性能特点
Adoption of advanced F.E.M. (finite element method) makes it have a strong rigidity, small geometry error, high precision, high performance and high stability.
The mechanical overall structure adopts strong rigidity, light weight and close frame movable bridge structure, which is simple, compact and has strong loaded capacity and good moving performance                                                         
Granite fixed workable ensures strong heavy load, expanse and simplicity for assembly and unassembly.
Y axis guideway adopts dove tail type, which has high precision and good stability.                                  
Three axis’s adoption of quality granite guarantees small coefficient in thermal expansion and uniform temperature specialty so that it serves to excellent stability in temperature, good anti-transmogrification, strong rigidity and small geometrical error in motion.
Three axis’s adoption of quiescent air pressure air-bearing guide way, comprised of air bearings which are self-cleaning, pre-loading and high precision, guarantees the large span of bearings, strong anti-sways, small resistance, no abrasion and stable motion
Crossbeam’s adoption of precise designing technology of inclined girder (patent) guarantees the machine’s lightweight, low center of gravity, strong rigidity and small error in motion so that the stability of the machine is strengthened.                                                              
Adoption of world famous reflecting metal tape measuring scale system, which has a close thermal expansion coefficient with most work piece and assure a good repeatability.
Drive system adopts world famous high performance DC servo drive system and dentiform tape gearing, which guarantee the drive’s fastness, precision and perfect movement.
Z-axis adopts cylinder equilibrator system, which improves orientation precision and stability greatly for Z axis.
Control system adopts well-known exclusive Europe Internationally advanced up-down dual computers control system, which improves the system’s reliability and anti-jamming capacity greatly.
Software adopts self-owned intellectual property and strong function DMIS6.0 software. With its perfect measuring and online function, it will meet customer’s challenging demand with a comprehensive measurement solution.



CMM’s special CNC control adopts the advanced up-down dual computers control concept and using the Control layer and application layer stand-alone principle to largely satisfy the customers base it’s high efficiency、high-accuracy and high stability.控制单元、伺服单元、接口板和CPU主板整合在一个紧凑的机箱内,集成度高,减少了控制系统的外部连线,保证了系统的可靠稳定性。Control unit、servo unit、interface board and CPU main board integrated into the compact housing to ensure the reliability and stability of the system by reducing the external line of the control system..

对拐点等多种运动轨迹的优化处理可以使机器的运动性能速度更快、状态更稳、效率更高,实现可飞行轨迹运动。The optimization and management of movement trajectories, such as inflection point, can make the machine with faster speed、more steady condition、higher efficiency and flying  trajectory movement.

内部采用连续运动轨迹插补算法,可进行测量轨迹的优化整合,在多点连续运动的路径规划上,既可以沿直线路径运行,也可以沿圆弧路径运行,为程序的编写提供了多种选择方式。Internal advanced continuous trajectory interpolation algorithm can be measured trajectory optimization and integration. In the multi-point continuous movement path planning, both can running along the straight path and the circular path. To provide variety options for programming.

控制系统所具有的触发式测头模拟扫描测头测量的扫描功能采点效率高,依此可以实现对未知曲线、曲面的跟踪扫描测量,方便完成逆向工程时曲面点的采集。Touch-trigger probe, which intimates the high point-picking efficiency of scan function, can realize tracking scan measurement of unknown curve and accomplish curve point-picking of backward engineering.

                              控制系统采用多种控制模式,提供多种安全保障功能,更加安全可靠,当系统判断意外发生时,则能够在极短时间内切换到相应的安全模式,并具有故障自诊断纠错功能。The variety controlling modes and safeguard functions make control system safer and more reliable. The system can change to the safe mode within a short time when accident happens, and it has fault self-diagnosis and error correction function.

配备专业化多功能操纵盒,有无线操纵盒和有线操纵盒可供选择,人性化设计的操纵盒为用户提供了布置合理的操作杆和按钮面板,既有阶跃式速度控制,又有无级式速度控制,使机器控制更加简捷。同时具有根据操作者相对机器不同位置进行操作方向设置的功能,使设备的操作更方便、顺畅。Professional wireless controlling box and wire controlling box for option, man-kindly design controlling box provides the joy sticker and button board with reasonable layout for uses. Both step speed control and stepless speed control to make the machine operate easily. In the meanwhile, it can change the operating direction according to the different position between operator and machine to make the device operate more convenient and smooth.

                                              驱动系统采用直流伺服电机驱动,可使电机根据不同要求按照T曲线速度或S曲线速度运动,确保机器运动状态最大程度保持平稳。Driving system adopts DC servo motor driving can make the motor move according to T- curve speed or S-curve speed., ensure the machine move in a steady condition maximum.

                         具有内部温度监控系统,避免因欠压、欠流等情况下导致控制系统损坏。Internal temperature monitoring system can avoid the control system being damaged from pressure or airstream shortage.

多种备选插口,满足特殊设备及功能扩展的需求。ariety optional interface can meet the needs of special devices and functions extension.

配有位置信息高速锁存的硬件捕捉器,使测量机取点精度更高,采点速度更快。With location information high-speed latch hardware capture device ensure the CMM points catching in higher precision and faster speed.

附带TCP/IP,RS232/RS422等多种接口方式,便于与计算机联网以及其它外设的联接。TCP/IP and RS232/RS422 interface to achieve the PC networking and other device connection.              

支持触发式、线激光扫描式、光学CCD等多种测头系统,包括RENISHAW全系列测头连接系统和多家公司的不同型号的测头产品。并可方便实现诸如环形顶光源逻辑电路的控制。Support of multiple probe systems include touch-trigger probe, scanning probe, optical CCD probe, full series connected system of RENISHAW probe and other models probe of other companies, easy to achieve the logic circuit controlling such as top light source logic circuit.


The whole control system is in conformity with European EC standard.







该公司产品分类: SVM系列 三维扫描仪 三坐标测量机+影像测量 WEALTH系列 翘曲度高度平面度测量仪 一键式测量仪 龙门二次元影像测量仪 自动二次元影像测量仪 手动二次元影像测量仪 龙门三坐标测量机 手动三坐标测量机 自动三坐标测量机 在线视觉测量仪 三坐标测量仪 影像测量仪


热门仪器: 液相色谱仪 气相色谱仪 原子荧光光谱仪 可见分光光度计 液质联用仪 压力试验机 酸度计(PH计) 离心机 高速离心机 冷冻离心机 生物显微镜 金相显微镜 标准物质 生物试剂