VD-5D数显维氏硬度计(自动转塔)是光机电一体化的高新技术产品,该仪器造型新颖、美观,而且它具有良好的性,可操作性和直观性,是小试验力维氏硬度计的升级换代产品。 该机采用计算机软件控制,智能光学测量系统,光电传感等技术实现测量装置与压头自动切换,通过软件输入,光源的强弱自动调节,并选择维氏与克氏试验方法、保持时间,文件号与储存等,提供了各种硬度值的转换表以供参考,在LCD大屏幕显示屏上能显示试验方法,试验力,测量压痕长度、硬度值、试验力保持时间,测量次数并能键入年、月、日期,试验结果和数据处理等,通过打印机输出。 该机可测定钢、有色金属、IC薄片、薄塑料、金属薄片、涂层、表面覆层、层压金属、热处理碳化层和淬火硬化层的深度与硬度梯度。 The tester to show it is high and new technique product that light machine electricity integral whole turn that degree of hardness account, the instrument"s shape is novel, beautiful, and it have the good and dependable, maneuverability with keep the view, is a grade creep to show minute details degree of hardness account to change the on behalf product. The machine"s adoption calculator software controls, the high magnification optics measures the system, the light fax feels the etc. Technique realizes the diagraph equips with press a cuts over automatically, passing the software importation, the strong or weak of the light source regulates automatically, and choose the surname of experiments with gram surname the method and keeps time, document number and storage etc., Provide the worth conversion in every kind of degree of hardness form toes provide to consult, can show to experiment the method in LCD ising big to hold act showing holding, experimenting the dint, measuring to press the length of , degree of hardness the value and experiment the dint keeps time, measure the number of times combine it can key- in the year, month, date, experimenting the result handles with data etc., pass the printer exportation. That machine can measurese the steel, have the color metals, the thin slice of IC, thin plastics, metals thin slice and draw the layer, surface layer, layer presses the metals, heat handles the carbonization layer hardens the depth of the layer with the fire of and degree of hardness steps degree. 试验力: 2.94N(0.30Kgf),9.80N(1Kgf),29.4N(3Kgf),49.0N(5Kgf) 示值允许差: ±3.0% 试验力施加方法:自动加御试验力 测量显微镜放大倍率:200x(for measuring) 100x(for observation) 试验力保荷时间:5-60s(范围以5秒为单位) 最小检测单位:0.5μm 试件最大高度:85mm 压头中心到机壁最大距离:120mm 主机重量:约35kg 电源:AC220V/50HZ 外型尺寸(长×宽×高):(490×185×515)mm 硬度值范围: 5HV-2500HV Spectifcantions Testing Pressure: 2.94N(0.35Kgf),9.80N(1Kgf),29.4N(3Kgf),49.0N(5Kgf) Error Range in Display: ±3.0% Pressure Loading & Unloading: 8HV0.3-2500HV10 Magnification of Microscope: 200x(for measuring) 100x(for observation) Pressure Holding Time:5-60s Min. Measurable Unit:0.5μm Max. Height of Sample:85mm Distance from Indenter"s center to outerwall:120mm Main Body Weight:Appro. 35kg Power Supply:AC220V/50HZ Machine Size(L×W×H)(490×185×515)mm
联系方式 |
联系人:高锡武 麻盛杰
手机:13780003568 13586885185
电子邮件: westwood2000@163.com
显微维氏标尺 | HV0.01, HV0.025, HV0.05, HV0.1, HV0.2, HV0.3, HV0.5, HV1 |
显示 | 保持时间(秒),硬度值 |
试验力 | 10 - 25 - 50 - 100 - 200 - 300 - 500 - 1000gf |
精度 | 符合EN-ISO 6507和ASTM E384 |
加载控制 | 自动(加载/保持/卸载) |
试验力保持时间 | 5 ~ 60秒(5秒为增量) |
试验力选择 | 外置式选力旋钮,试验力显示在LCD屏上 |
物镜 | 10×,40× |
目镜放大倍数 | 10× |
总放大倍数 | 100×(观察),400×(测量) |
测量范围 | 200μm |
分辨率 | 0.5μm |
XY试台尺寸 | 100 x 100mm |
行程范围 | 25 x 25mm |
分辨率 | 0.01mm(微分头) |
试件最大高度 | 85mm(2.55") |
最大宽度 | 120mm(3.35")(从压头中心线至机壁距离) |
光通道 | 双光通道(目镜及CCD摄像通道) |
电源 | 110-220V 50Hz |
尺寸 | 513×320×470mm |
重量 | 36kg |