EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪针对EDX 1800B在各个领域的广泛应用,根据优化产品性能和提安全防护等级的需求,别设计该款EDX 1800E。应用新代的压电源和X光管,提产品的可靠性;利用新X光管的大功率提仪器的测试效率。

EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪的工作条件:
● 工作温度:15-30℃
● 相对湿度:≤70%
● 电 源:AC: 220±5V
● 工作温度:15-30℃
● 相对湿度:≤70%
● 电 源:AC: 220±5V
EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪的技术参数:
The elements can be analyzed from the sulphur (S) to uranium (U)
2、元素含量分析范围为1ppm 到99.99%
The element content range from 1 ppm to 99.99% can be analyzed.
3、测量时间:60-200秒 Measurement time: 60-200s
Detecting for hazardous elements (only Cd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br) restricted in RoHS directive, the limit can reach 2ppm and Cl, the limit can reach 50ppm.
The measurement repeatability on many occasions can reach 0.1% of total intensity of fluorescence when the content of samples is greater than 96%.
Long-term working stability being 0.1% (total intensity of fluorescence)
8、能量分辨率为135±5电子伏 Energy resolution: 135±5eV
9、温度适应范围为15℃至30℃ Suitable temperature range is from 15℃ to 30℃
Power supply: AC 2205V. The purified AC regulated power supply is recommended.)
11、相互独立的基体效应校正模型 Independent matrix effect correction model
12、多变量非线性回归程序 Multi-variable non-linear regression procedure
13、任意多个可选择的分析和识别模型 Arbitrary optional analysis and identification models
14、次可同时分析24个元素 Ability to analyze 24 elements simultaneously
The elements can be analyzed from the sulphur (S) to uranium (U)
2、元素含量分析范围为1ppm 到99.99%
The element content range from 1 ppm to 99.99% can be analyzed.
3、测量时间:60-200秒 Measurement time: 60-200s
Detecting for hazardous elements (only Cd/Pb/Cr/Hg/Br) restricted in RoHS directive, the limit can reach 2ppm and Cl, the limit can reach 50ppm.
The measurement repeatability on many occasions can reach 0.1% of total intensity of fluorescence when the content of samples is greater than 96%.
Long-term working stability being 0.1% (total intensity of fluorescence)
8、能量分辨率为135±5电子伏 Energy resolution: 135±5eV
9、温度适应范围为15℃至30℃ Suitable temperature range is from 15℃ to 30℃
Power supply: AC 2205V. The purified AC regulated power supply is recommended.)
11、相互独立的基体效应校正模型 Independent matrix effect correction model
12、多变量非线性回归程序 Multi-variable non-linear regression procedure
13、任意多个可选择的分析和识别模型 Arbitrary optional analysis and identification models
14、次可同时分析24个元素 Ability to analyze 24 elements simultaneously
EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪的主要配置:
Silicon Pin Semiconductor Detector + Amplifier Circuit (streamlined detector)
技术指标及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
(1)电制冷半导体探测器;分辨率:135±5电子伏 Electro-refrigeration semiconductor detector; Resolution: 135±5eV
(2)对样品征X射线进行探测;把探测采集的信息进步放大。对样品的检出限、测试精度大大提。Detecting characteristic X rays of the samples, and amplifying the information from the detection. The detection limit is reduced and detection accuracy is increased greatly.
2、X 光管 X-Ray Tube
技术指标及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
(1)使用寿命大于2万小时 Service life is longer than 20,000 hours.
(2)产生X射线激发样品 Emitting X rays to excite the samples
3、、低压电源 High/Low Voltage Power Supply
技术指标及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
(1)从 5~50kV,1毫安 5~50kV, 1mA
(2)为X光提供用电源 Providing power supply exclusively to X-ray
4、MCA多道分析器: Multi-Channel Analyzer
技术指标及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
Data processing with the collected signals, and transferring the results to the computer
5、精密摄像头130万(CCD) High Resolution CCD Camera
试样观察 Observing samples
6、移动平台 Movable Platform
The movable platform finely adjusts the samples, ensuring the accurate location of sample testing.
7、大样品腔 Super Large Sample Chamber
样品腔尺寸(450mm×280mm×180mm) Size of the sample chamber: 450mm×280mm×180mm
8、准直器自动切换 Automatic Switch Between Collimators
The collimators with facular diameters of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8mm switch automatically.
9、滤光片自动切换 Automatic Switch Between Filters
Customers can choose freely from the five filters, and they switch automatically.
10、准直器和滤光片的自由组合 Free Combinations Between Collimators and Filters
There are tens of combinations between the collimators and the filters.
Silicon Pin Semiconductor Detector + Amplifier Circuit (streamlined detector)
技术指标及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
(1)电制冷半导体探测器;分辨率:135±5电子伏 Electro-refrigeration semiconductor detector; Resolution: 135±5eV
(2)对样品征X射线进行探测;把探测采集的信息进步放大。对样品的检出限、测试精度大大提。Detecting characteristic X rays of the samples, and amplifying the information from the detection. The detection limit is reduced and detection accuracy is increased greatly.
2、X 光管 X-Ray Tube
技术指标及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
(1)使用寿命大于2万小时 Service life is longer than 20,000 hours.
(2)产生X射线激发样品 Emitting X rays to excite the samples
3、、低压电源 High/Low Voltage Power Supply
技术指标及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
(1)从 5~50kV,1毫安 5~50kV, 1mA
(2)为X光提供用电源 Providing power supply exclusively to X-ray
4、MCA多道分析器: Multi-Channel Analyzer
技术指标及功能: Technical Specifications and Features:
Data processing with the collected signals, and transferring the results to the computer
5、精密摄像头130万(CCD) High Resolution CCD Camera
试样观察 Observing samples
6、移动平台 Movable Platform
The movable platform finely adjusts the samples, ensuring the accurate location of sample testing.
7、大样品腔 Super Large Sample Chamber
样品腔尺寸(450mm×280mm×180mm) Size of the sample chamber: 450mm×280mm×180mm
8、准直器自动切换 Automatic Switch Between Collimators
The collimators with facular diameters of 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8mm switch automatically.
9、滤光片自动切换 Automatic Switch Between Filters
Customers can choose freely from the five filters, and they switch automatically.
10、准直器和滤光片的自由组合 Free Combinations Between Collimators and Filters
There are tens of combinations between the collimators and the filters.
EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪的外围设备配置:
1、计算机 Computer
Function: Helps the X-ray analyzer with data processing
(2)配置: 操作系统 Configuration: OS – Windows 2000/XP
(3)内存 Memory: 4G
(4)显示器 Monitor: 19” SVGA LCD
(5)硬盘 HD: 500G or more
(6)光驱 DVD-ROM: 24X or more
(7) CPU: P4 2.8
2、彩色喷墨打印机 Color Ink-Jet Printer
(1)作用:用于将所分析结果从电脑输出。Function: To print out the analysis results from the computer.
1、计算机 Computer
Function: Helps the X-ray analyzer with data processing
(2)配置: 操作系统 Configuration: OS – Windows 2000/XP
(3)内存 Memory: 4G
(4)显示器 Monitor: 19” SVGA LCD
(5)硬盘 HD: 500G or more
(6)光驱 DVD-ROM: 24X or more
(7) CPU: P4 2.8
2、彩色喷墨打印机 Color Ink-Jet Printer
(1)作用:用于将所分析结果从电脑输出。Function: To print out the analysis results from the computer.
EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪的软件配置:
软件功能:Functions of the software:
◆软件可视频观察样品的放置 We can observe the samples with the camera.
Simultaneous analysis for tens of elements within 1 to 3 minutes
◆可自动进行定性分析,报告准确。 Automatic qualitative analysis and accurate report
◆可自动对仪器初始化校准 Automatic initialization and calibration
◆具有多种光谱拟合分析方法 A variety of fitting analysis methods for spectra
1、RoSH分析软件 RoHS Analysis Software
(1)功能介绍: 检测欧盟RoHS指令中六种物质涉及的五种元素 Cd, Pb, Hg, Br, Cr,Cl
Introduction to functions: It’s used for inspecting five hazardous elements Cd, Pb, Hg, Br ,Cland Cr contained in the six substances in the EU RoHS directive.
This professional software is designed for the RoHS testing with a higher degree of pertinence.
With a concise and easy-operating interface, it can be mastered even by laypeople.
◆中英文界面自动切换,并具有第三方语言编辑功能It can automatically switch from Chinese to English interface, and has the ability to edit in the third-party language.
It can automatically switch between collimators when testing different samples.
◆方便的报告输出方式,可导入到EXCEL表格中;并有不可编辑独立报告输出格式Convenient output modes for the reports, which can be imported to EXCEL spreadsheet, together with the non-editable, independent output format.
◆仪器的校对方便、简单 Easy and convenient to calibrate the instrument.
Real-time display of the testing results allows the customers to reduce the whole testing time.
It’s able to make a primary judgment of the sample’s material.
(2)检测分析谱图式样:Sample of the Detection Analysis Spectrum:
Note: The above picture is for reference only, and does not represent the real testing results.
Detection Analysis Spectrum for RoHS

Note: The above picture is for reference only.
Plating Thickness Analysis Software (Optional and charged additionally)
(1)功能介绍: 检测、分析镀层的厚度和成分
Introduction of Functions: To detect and analyze the thickness and components of plating
Analyze single-layer, multilayer and alloy plating.
Many methods are available in analyzing plating.
Show units in both British system and metric system simultaneously.
(2)检测分析谱图式样:A Sample of the Detection Analysis Spectrum:
注: (本图片样式只供参考,不代表真实测试结果)
Note: The above picture is for reference only, and does not represent the real testing results.
Detection Analysis Spectrum for Thickness:

Note: The above picture is for reference only.
Full Element Analysis Software (Optional and charged additionally)
Introduction of Functions: To analyze the components and contents of the samples rapidly and accurately
◆有多种分析计算数学模型,方便对不同材料,不同样品的分析测量It has various of mathematic models, making it easier to analyze all kinds of materials and samples.
It can plot a number of working curves, each having its own working condition, making it more convenient to test the samples.
It sets freely the tube voltage and tube current of the instruments, and performs more specialized testing on the samples’ elements.
It can perform qualitative analysis automatically, making it easier to analyze the materials.
It can make comparison between reference spectra, making it easier to analyze the materials comparatively.
Sample of the Detection Analysis Spectrum:
注: (本图片样式只供参考,不代表真实测试结果)
Note: The above picture is for reference only, and does not represent the real testing results.
Detection Analysis Spectrum for Full Elements:

Note: The above picture is for reference only.
软件功能:Functions of the software:
◆软件可视频观察样品的放置 We can observe the samples with the camera.
Simultaneous analysis for tens of elements within 1 to 3 minutes
◆可自动进行定性分析,报告准确。 Automatic qualitative analysis and accurate report
◆可自动对仪器初始化校准 Automatic initialization and calibration
◆具有多种光谱拟合分析方法 A variety of fitting analysis methods for spectra
1、RoSH分析软件 RoHS Analysis Software
(1)功能介绍: 检测欧盟RoHS指令中六种物质涉及的五种元素 Cd, Pb, Hg, Br, Cr,Cl
Introduction to functions: It’s used for inspecting five hazardous elements Cd, Pb, Hg, Br ,Cland Cr contained in the six substances in the EU RoHS directive.
This professional software is designed for the RoHS testing with a higher degree of pertinence.
With a concise and easy-operating interface, it can be mastered even by laypeople.
◆中英文界面自动切换,并具有第三方语言编辑功能It can automatically switch from Chinese to English interface, and has the ability to edit in the third-party language.
It can automatically switch between collimators when testing different samples.
◆方便的报告输出方式,可导入到EXCEL表格中;并有不可编辑独立报告输出格式Convenient output modes for the reports, which can be imported to EXCEL spreadsheet, together with the non-editable, independent output format.
◆仪器的校对方便、简单 Easy and convenient to calibrate the instrument.
Real-time display of the testing results allows the customers to reduce the whole testing time.
It’s able to make a primary judgment of the sample’s material.
(2)检测分析谱图式样:Sample of the Detection Analysis Spectrum:

Note: The above picture is for reference only, and does not represent the real testing results.
Detection Analysis Spectrum for RoHS

Note: The above picture is for reference only.
Plating Thickness Analysis Software (Optional and charged additionally)
(1)功能介绍: 检测、分析镀层的厚度和成分
Introduction of Functions: To detect and analyze the thickness and components of plating
Analyze single-layer, multilayer and alloy plating.
Many methods are available in analyzing plating.
Show units in both British system and metric system simultaneously.
(2)检测分析谱图式样:A Sample of the Detection Analysis Spectrum:

注: (本图片样式只供参考,不代表真实测试结果)
Note: The above picture is for reference only, and does not represent the real testing results.
Detection Analysis Spectrum for Thickness:

Note: The above picture is for reference only.
Full Element Analysis Software (Optional and charged additionally)
Introduction of Functions: To analyze the components and contents of the samples rapidly and accurately
◆有多种分析计算数学模型,方便对不同材料,不同样品的分析测量It has various of mathematic models, making it easier to analyze all kinds of materials and samples.
It can plot a number of working curves, each having its own working condition, making it more convenient to test the samples.
It sets freely the tube voltage and tube current of the instruments, and performs more specialized testing on the samples’ elements.
It can perform qualitative analysis automatically, making it easier to analyze the materials.
It can make comparison between reference spectra, making it easier to analyze the materials comparatively.
Sample of the Detection Analysis Spectrum:

注: (本图片样式只供参考,不代表真实测试结果)
Note: The above picture is for reference only, and does not represent the real testing results.
Detection Analysis Spectrum for Full Elements:

Note: The above picture is for reference only.
EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪的样品配置:
标准样品用于制作工作曲线 Standard samples are used for plotting working curves.
1、样品腔 Sample Chamber
大样品腔 large sample chamber 450mm x 280mm x180mm
2、标样 Standard Samples
欧盟标样EC681K EU Official Standard Sample: EC681K
纯银样品 Pure silver sample
0# 0# sample
标准样品用于制作工作曲线 Standard samples are used for plotting working curves.
1、样品腔 Sample Chamber
大样品腔 large sample chamber 450mm x 280mm x180mm
2、标样 Standard Samples
欧盟标样EC681K EU Official Standard Sample: EC681K
纯银样品 Pure silver sample
0# 0# sample
EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪的准直器滤光:
1、准直器 Collimators
8种口径准直器(8 sizes altogether)
2、滤光片 filters
5种滤光片 (5 kinds of filters)
(collimators and filters, combined freely are equipped in instrument, driven by engine automatically, according to your requirements)
1、准直器 Collimators
8种口径准直器(8 sizes altogether)
2、滤光片 filters
5种滤光片 (5 kinds of filters)
(collimators and filters, combined freely are equipped in instrument, driven by engine automatically, according to your requirements)
EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪的其他主要配件:
1、压连接线High voltage cable
2、压与光管灯丝线 High voltage and X-ray tube filament cable
3、USB线(接摄像头)USB line for camera
4、X射线指示灯X-ray indicator lamp
5、散热风扇Radiator fan
6、风扇防护板Protective shield
7、接口板Interface board
8、电源板Power supply board
10、总电源开关Main switch
11、接近开关稳压Proximity switch
12、电源Power supply
13、信号处理板Signal processing board
14、接线排Line bank
15、仪器外壳 Cover of the instrument
1、压连接线High voltage cable
2、压与光管灯丝线 High voltage and X-ray tube filament cable
3、USB线(接摄像头)USB line for camera
4、X射线指示灯X-ray indicator lamp
5、散热风扇Radiator fan
6、风扇防护板Protective shield
7、接口板Interface board
8、电源板Power supply board
10、总电源开关Main switch
11、接近开关稳压Proximity switch
12、电源Power supply
13、信号处理板Signal processing board
14、接线排Line bank
15、仪器外壳 Cover of the instrument
EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪的仪器随机提供必要的技术资料包括:
Necessary Technical Documents Enclosed:
1、使用说明书(含操作规程和简易的仪器故障处理)Operation Instruction Brochure, containing operation rules and methods to deal with simple faults of the instrument
2、零部件清单A List of the Parts
3、仪器出厂检验报告Inspection Report for Finished Good
Necessary Technical Documents Enclosed:
1、使用说明书(含操作规程和简易的仪器故障处理)Operation Instruction Brochure, containing operation rules and methods to deal with simple faults of the instrument
2、零部件清单A List of the Parts
3、仪器出厂检验报告Inspection Report for Finished Good
EDX 1800B能量色散X荧光光谱仪的售后服务:
1、对客户方操作人员进行培训。We provide training to the operators of the customers.
2、安装、调试、验收、培训及技术服务均为免费在用户方现场对操作人员进行培训。Installation, debugging, checking, training and technology service are free, and we provide field training to the operation staff of our customers. .
资费标准: 硬件运输费——实报实销
住 宿 费用——250元/天(免费)
With proper use, when the faults of the instrument are caused by the imperfection of the craft or material, confirmed so by the technical staff in the After-Sales Division, and the instrument remains intact, the guarantee period of this instrument will be one year, especially for X-ray tube will be two years, starting from the day it was certified.
During the first guarantee year, all the expense afforded by Skyray; for the following guarantee time, fee for parts are afforded by Skyray, Customer should support the charge for transportation\service\traffic\accommodation.
Charge standard: transportation for parts——according to real circs
Traffic——according to real circs
4、产品终身维修。(客户必须有填写详细、真实的有效购买凭证,发票和保修卡等)We provide maintenance for life. Please keep the valid purchase warrant, invoice, and warranty card with your full address and contact information.
5、免费提供软件升级;The upgrade service of the software is free.
6、提供有效的技术服务,在接到用户故障信息后,4小时内响应,如有需要,24小时内派人上门维修和排除故障。We provide the most effective technical service. We make response within 4 hours after receiving fault notification from the customers, and will send our staff to their site for repairing and troubleshooting within 48 hours if necessary.
1、对客户方操作人员进行培训。We provide training to the operators of the customers.
2、安装、调试、验收、培训及技术服务均为免费在用户方现场对操作人员进行培训。Installation, debugging, checking, training and technology service are free, and we provide field training to the operation staff of our customers. .
资费标准: 硬件运输费——实报实销
住 宿 费用——250元/天(免费)
With proper use, when the faults of the instrument are caused by the imperfection of the craft or material, confirmed so by the technical staff in the After-Sales Division, and the instrument remains intact, the guarantee period of this instrument will be one year, especially for X-ray tube will be two years, starting from the day it was certified.
During the first guarantee year, all the expense afforded by Skyray; for the following guarantee time, fee for parts are afforded by Skyray, Customer should support the charge for transportation\service\traffic\accommodation.
Charge standard: transportation for parts——according to real circs
Traffic——according to real circs
4、产品终身维修。(客户必须有填写详细、真实的有效购买凭证,发票和保修卡等)We provide maintenance for life. Please keep the valid purchase warrant, invoice, and warranty card with your full address and contact information.
5、免费提供软件升级;The upgrade service of the software is free.
6、提供有效的技术服务,在接到用户故障信息后,4小时内响应,如有需要,24小时内派人上门维修和排除故障。We provide the most effective technical service. We make response within 4 hours after receiving fault notification from the customers, and will send our staff to their site for repairing and troubleshooting within 48 hours if necessary.
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